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Status Updates posted by HDN

  1. What books have you all been reading recently? I'm reading this one called "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels". I haven't played any of the games it covers (not really my thing), but it really is interesting and I may have to check a few of them out someday.

    And yes, I edited this post and completely redid it. I don't want to wallow in negativity. Best to keep some things to myself.

    1. socrates63


      I met a few people who used to be developers or testers for video games. I'd look at them with giddy kid's eyes and gush all over them. They'd all tell me it's not what I think, and it's a good thing that I didn't get into the industry.

      I haven't read that book (or any books about behind the scenes of game making yet) but I am glad to be on the consumer side of things and be in position to enjoy the work of talented folks.

      Going back to the original question, I started reading the comic series Druids yesterday night but fell asleep. I'll have to start over again 🙂 

  2. There’s going to be a slight delay on the Metroid 2 review, but it’s going to be out soon!

    1. RickR


      I am familiar with such delays. 


  3. Happy Month of Metroid, everyone! Today was my first day at school and tonight I finished the first blog for the month! You'll see it at Noon on Friday the third. Have a great day and ONLY 37 DAYS UNTIL METROID DREAD!!!!

    1. socrates63


      Happy return to school, Harry. Best wishes on your new academic year.


  4. So I was watching the F-R-I-E-N-D-S reunion and apparently a dude named David Crane worked on it? So THAT'S what he did after the Atari days were over!



    And yes, I know Friends's Crane was a different person. But he's not as cool as our Dave Crane!

    1. HDN


      "Fred Fuchs! Oh, Fred Fuchs!"

  5. Does anyone here have a Nintendo DSi that is not in working order? If so, please DM me and we may be able to work something out. My system has a faulty battery and the one I ordered off Amazon doesn’t work. I’d rather source one from an original system than risk Amazon again. Thanks.

    1. RickR


      I hope you're getting a refund for the non-working item from Amazon. 

      Try ebay.  I've had good luck there (look for sellers with high ratings). 


  6. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU @nosweargamer FOR THE MAGICAL MYSTERY ODYSSEY 2 GAME PACKAGE! My dad sends his thanks as well. It was an awesome surprise and my dad was really happy to get Alpine Skiing after 40 years! I was really excited that we got Alien Invaders Plus, one of my favorite games on the system. We also played some War of Nerves and Armored Encounter, which was a lot of fun.

    1. RickR


      That is AWESOME.  Even I want to thank you, @nosweargamer.  

      Have fun and enjoy that time with your dad. 



  7. I wonder what the arcade ports of Pac-Man, DK, etc would look like had early (80-84) Activision done them for the 2600.

    1. socrates63


      Well, the 2600 version of Donkey Kong was done by an Activision co-founder Garry Kitchen in 1982. It seems the business constraints trickled down to constrain project resources (reduced memory size, development schedule). I'm not sure Activision developers would have done any better given the same requirements. Here's a Donkey Kong making-of written by Garry Kitchen himself.

      Similarly with Pac-Man, if the non-game designers would not dictate game design requirements (only space games can have black background), we'd have a better game.

  8. Good evening! Today was one of the strangest days I have ever had, schedule-wise. I think I was only awake for eight hours but I’m so tired!

  9. Well, guess who’s an idiot? I recorded the entire Atari Night video... but forgot to turn on my microphone!

    1. HDN


      I’ve already started recording a redux. But that would have been a good idea!

  10. Anybody up for Wednesday chat tonight?


    1. RickR


      I will try to drop by for a few while making dinner. 


  11. When @Justin features your topic.

    Image result for dancing guy gif

    1. Justin


      Atari Force is an important topic! 🦸‍♂️

  12. I'm so excited. My thirteen games from Scott (which I mentioned earlier) are finally on their way here. The USPS has been super slow recently, but I don't mind waiting. I'm excited to share them with you when they arrive tomorrow (according to the USPS tracker, though it may be delayed).

    1. RickR


      USPS has been hammered by, well, politics.  Hopefully they'll get back on their feet soon.


  13. So Mothman Prophecy. That was... awesome. I watched it today. Holy hell is that a good movie. I mean wow.

    1. socrates63


      Scary movie? I'm out 🐔


    1. RickR


      Same to you, buddy. 


  15. I played the arcade version of Venture on MAME recently. And honestly, I think I like the 2600 version more. It just plays better, though the graphics are worse and there is less content.

    1. RickR


      I like the Colecovision version.  Honestly, it's a fun game on any platform. 


  16. Some sad news, everyone. Ron, the father of my 2600’s previous owner, is very sick. I hope and pray that he gets better. 

    1. RickR


      I'm sorry to hear it.  I hope Ron feels better soon. 


  17. Edmund Fitzgerald sunk 45 years ago today. We watched the little memorial thing virtually. And yes, I played the song. What a tragic tale.

    1. chas10e


      Think I watched a Documentary of this on the History Channel. and heard the song on the radio quite a few times.


  18. I am thoroughly enjoying my new, holiday-ified (Game)Room. A nice, peaceful, and relaxing place to binge NSG’s and CGR’s Odyssey 2 reviews.

    1. RickR


      O2 Frogger looks pretty good!

  19. My 100% legitimate, completely real, actual non-fake birthday is tomorrow. It'll be my 148th.

    1. LeeJ07


      And today is my real birthday, too, but I'm only 29.

  20. Happy Birthday, @CrossBow! How nice to have a birthday on Atari Day!

  21. We should set up a charity that donates CRTs to people who play retro consoles on flat screens.

  22. After sending Red Rose Speedway to @RickR, I've been relistening to Paul McCartney's solo career and Wings. Not very Beatle-y, but still very good music. Those three (Paul, John, George) were so talented. Ringo just lucked into it all, but I respect him nonetheless.

  23. I'm so happy to be a proud owner of an Atari 7800! :pole_position::atari_7800:


  24. I'm getting the 7800 tomorrow instead, on Atari Day!

  25. It's official-- I'm getting an Atari 7800 ProSystem next week!

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