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Wumperdinkle Sniy

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Blog Entries posted by Wumperdinkle Sniy

  1. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I redesigned all the levels in the Hamburgers game for the Game Gear. I think I'm done with that game.
    I went back to work to see if I could get rid of the scanline issue I had with Fruit Fly Fun for the Atari 2600. I think I did.

    I played it on an Atari 7800 and I was surprised that a 6 button Genesis controller works, only fire is B. So now I'll continue work on some of my other projects.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  2. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted here. Time really flies by. I finished two games: Stupidman (NES) and Flying Hamburgers (GG). Decided to go back to work on a game that I don't need very good artistic skills to work on. That would be the Odyssey 2. I worked some on a new minigame where the object is to get the Ps and avoid the Os. It needs more work for me to be happy with it, but I'm at a good stopping point so I'll stop and rest for a bit now.

    This is the last minigame I think I can fit in the game. Then it will be 8k. I'd like to make a 16k game one day but I don't know how. So I'll leave it at 8k. Since I don't have any ideas for more minigames as well.
    All my creations seem like just little doodles of mine that can move around. If I ever get this finished and released, I'd like to make a 12-page manual, two pages for each minigame and then two extra pages for something else.
  3. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I have been working on a video game for the Sega Game Gear called Flying Hamburgers. It's like "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland" but with some differences. I am wanting to make this the best video game I've ever made so I'm working and working and working on it. It is 128 KB (so far). Right now I'm working on level 5.

    So I'm trying my best to compose good sounding background songs for each of the levels. I'm trying my best to make good graphics. And I'm trying my best to make the game engaging and fun. It's a lot like R-Type, where the flying hamburgers shoots French fries at the various junk food enemies that also can shoot foodstuff.
    Making Game Gear music is hard because there's basically one instrument you can use over 3 channels (and fourthly, one "noise" channel which can emit white noise which if you're really good at you can make it sound like cymbals. I am not that talented yet.) So I can't, say, make a flute and a piano playing at the same time. So I have to take that into consideration when I'm composing. Actually, I have 2 channels available for in-game music: Channels 0 and 1. Channels 2 and 3 are reserved for sound effects. You don't have to do it that way, I just chose to.
    I hope to finish this sometime next year.
  4. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    Today I composed the final two songs I needed and put them in the game. And now it's finished. Stupidman has been completed. I like it when I can finish projects. Unlike that stupid fruit fly game for the Atari 2600 I couldn't finish because the scanline kept quivering. I took another stab at it today and couldn't fix it. So will there be a sequel? I don't know. Perhaps if I can think of another thing for Stupidman to do. I'll have to look back at all those old drawings I did as a kid and see if there's any stories that would make good video game fodder. I would like to see this released as well, even though the Hamburgers NES game wasn't very good. I thought it was good, but others didn't agree.
    So what else have I been up to? Watching YouTube poop. It's really funny. I made one myself.
    I've decided to start making this a monthly thing. On the turd of each month, I will post a YTP (that's YouTube Poop) video for you all to enjoy. The ants have invaded my bathroom. I have sharp anus pains that come and go, they lied about all the rain we were supposed to get.
    I am really bored now that Stupidman's completed. I hooked up my NES and tested Stupidman on it. It works great. Perhaps it's time for me to stop making games and start playing the ones I have...
  5. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    personal musings
    New comic.
    Kevin is a zamboni driver. Bertha is his wife. They live in Cincinnati with their dog named Rex. I drew and colored this comic strip because I was bored. I'll probably make more. In case you don't find it funny, it isn't meant to be. It's just, well, odd. And if you do find it funny, good for you.

    I got this idea because I was looking at a pair of scissors and wondering why they're always in pairs and what is a scissor? I tried really hard to make my handwriting legible.
    Happy Halloween!
  6. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    It was about a year ago when I last worked on this. I forgot a lot of stuff about NES programming. I had to relearn most of it. But I got the intro to level 6 partly done.

    I thought it would be a shame if I didn't finish this game up since I only had a couple levels left to do, so I decided to pick this back up again. And I don't want to care about how people say if the game is crappy. At least it will be a FINISHED crappy game. So here's a breakdown of the Acts (I wanted to make this sort of like an interactive play of sorts, so I renamed the levels "acts".)
    going to the museum looking around the museum headed to the grocery store in the grocery store headed to Mr. Germ's hideout in Mr. Germ's hideout the epic battle. I need sleep. So I'm going to sleep now.
  7. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I put in the collision detection. It works just fine. I added some support for 2 more banks. If you press 1 on the title screen it goes to bank 1 and pressing 0 will send it to bank 0. But the game goes crazy if you do because those banks aren't in the game yet. When I make banks 0 and 1 and insert them into the game it should work then. I will change it from pressing 1 to pressing the multiply sign (because it looks like an x) and 0 can stay because it looks like an O.
    Since I put in the collision detection, I had to make it disregard an O getting hit by his own missile. This would happen if he was on the extreme left or right of the screen and if he was up high when he shot it on the extreme side and then came in lower again on the same side, he'd get hit by his own missile and the game would end. So I decided to disregard a hit from O's missile if the O was on the extreme left or right of the screen. And, of course, make it so the X can't go there.
    I also made it so if an X hits an O, an explosion sound happens, a point would be added, and a new O comes on screen. I also had a bit of trouble making the score disappear when the game ends and you then go into the tic-tac-toe game. The score would still be there. So I had to make some adjustments to that code, and then more to fit in making it go to banks 0 and 1. Fortunately, it all fits in there in (very tightly).
    What's next to do is work some more on the "main" game to make it better. But I will take a break for Halloween/my birthday and resume work on the third. Really don't want to get angry on my birthday.
    I had been wondering why my room had been so hot. I discovered the floor vent was open. So I closed it, but it didn't seem to help much. I guess it doesn't take very much to get me hot.
  8. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I did. I got rid of the trees in the main game to X Vs. O. The trees should have started small and get bigger. Since they were made of characters, I couldn't. So I took them out.
    This should make collision detection a lot easier. I'll begin work on that tomorrow. Since the missiles don't touch the character when one begins firing one, all I have to do is detect which missile actually does touch a character. I'd need extra code to figure out which character it hit, but I don't need to since a hit to any character registers as a hit to all characters. So if X's missile (sprite 0) hit the O it'd register a hit. Likewise if the O missile (sprite 1) hit the X it'd register a hit. If X's missile was the one doing the hitting, I'd make it add points and stuff, and if O's missile was the one doing the hitting, I'd make it end the game. So while it SHOULD be fairly easy to do, you just never know with finicky Odyssey 2 consoles.
    It's a lot like a jigsaw puzzle. If you don't put the pieces together like they should, the picture doesn't come into view. The problem is with programming this way, you don't know where the pieces should go, so it's sort of like a blind person trying to do a jigsaw puzzle. And the Odyssey 2 console is the guy telling you whether you did the puzzle right or not.

  9. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    With the minigame completed, I thought I'd move on to the main game. After fiddling around with the grid lines with little success, I remembered I had attempted something similar before and it was better. So I put that code in the game.
    After realizing I couldn't have random numbers be generated with this, I thought up of that code I saw for a random number generator. So someone was kind enough to "translate" it into 8048 assembly and I put it in the game and now I can have random numbers!

    So I moved the scores to the top and had to put some more code in so the characters didn't flicker (they do that when I have too much going on on the screen. I didn't know I had that much going on) and I think I'm done for today. It's soo hot today. At least in my room it is. I call my room "the oven" because it's hotter than the rest of the house. And I think I'm ready to be done roasting (for now.)
  10. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I'm calling this minigame finished. This took a while to do. It's for the Odyssey² and it's part of a larger project that I need to think up of.
    I like this a lot better. Stuff I changed yesterday:
    got rid of the Cedar Games grid and replaced it with just text. changed it so instead of changing the grid color, it now displays who won or if it was a tie. Stuff I changed today.
    made it so the main game will start with a fire press instead of pressing o on the keyboard. fixed the title screen bug. So now I will think of a project to go along with this. This doesn't mean that my Virtual Boy and Pokemon Mini projects are dead, I just like to hop from project to project so I don't get really bored with working on just one thing.
  11. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    So I've finally figured out why I was having so much trouble trying to get four characters in the Pokemon Mini display. As it turns out, I've been told I can't with the method I'm using. So I'll have to stick with three colors, which is okay with me. I got the bird gray instead of black, which was something I wanted to do.

    So despite being stuck with three colors, I'm happy with the game's direction so far. What I'm trying to do is a Fast Food clone for the Pokemon Mini. So now that I learned I can just use three colors, I can now design the food with knowing some limits on what I can and can't do. One time, the bird mysteriously showed up at the extreme top off the screen when pressing up, which happened on some other thing I did, but I attempted to make it so it won't do that. So time (and testing) will tell if what I did works. I don't know why that would happen since it only moves up in the code when the up button is pressed.
  12. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I've been attempting to put in a 4-color Pokemon Mini display. A few days ago, I made another minigame to my Virtual Boy minigame collection. I tried unsucessfully to try to change the Super Game Boy palette for the Game Boy. I found my letters I use to make my "26 Squares" puzzles and made another one of those. I went to the post office today to mail my Odyssey games I sold. So I guess I've been busy with all my various projects.
    I've been really sleepy lately and I don't know why. I got up at about 8:30 a.m. Right now it's 4:30 p.m. and I could go to sleep and sleep for about 15 hours.
    Here is the title screen for Pac-It in a Pokemon Mini emulator. As you can see, it has a bunch of stripes in it and I don't know what I can do to not be that way, yet still have 4 colors. I guess it's "dithering."

    it looks a little better on a real Pokemon Mini, but not much. It's copyright banana. Why? It's a take off of Apple Computers. And Oric's Tangerine Computers to a lesser extent. But I think I may have to change the name of it since apparently someone already did Pac-It. How sad.
  13. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I worked on the first two minigames I had and attempted to make them better. I made both games speed up until it reaches a fatest speed, and then it's about surviving as long as possible.
    Next time I work on this, I will put in a new minigame. People are talking about the old Game and Watch game Fire and hearing how people like it, but I don't know if I could be able to program something like that. Also, the people were asking why is the soup marked at 99 cents. I don't know how much a can of soup is. I haven't eaten a can of soup in years. They didn't ask why the cereal was marked at $1.19 though.
    I am happy with this because it works. I will add some more games, though. I made a minigame collection for the Channel F, so I may draw some inspiration from that. What I am not happy about is me preparing to go mail my games tomorrow and then realizing it's a holiday and everything will be closed. Aargh!
  14. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    Made the seventh game for Minigame Mayhem.

    It is a Doodle-Jump-type game called "Upmonster."
    I've decided that there will be six minigames starting out. If a player gets a high enough score on one of them, it will unlock another game. Each game will have an additional minigame to unlock, so there will be a total of twelve minigames.
  15. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I thought one bee was too easy. So I added two more bees. The bees and the fly all move randomly around the screen. I also changed the game's name. People were thinking that I was going to make 54 minigames. So I changed it to "Minigame Mayhem."

    If you swat the fly, another one comes on the screen from one of the edges. The game ends if you touch a bee. Now after looking at this, I'm wondering if I should make the bees bigger.
    This is kind of what I was imagining with my Atari 2600 game. I couldn't make the scanline steady, so I had to drop it. And soon after, Atari bought AtariAge and it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
    I didn't get to sleep until 3 a.m. I thought it was earlier when I was working on something. Last time I checked on the time it was about 8 p.m. Next thing I knew it was after 2 a.m.
  16. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    personal musings
    So I got a haircut. After I got my hair cut, I stopped by my local game store and walked out with three Plyaystation games, knowing full well I would need to find it when I came home. I also stopped at Subway and got a salad. One of the first things I was asked was "Do you want lettuce in your salad?" I'm wondering what would happen if I said "no." Isn't a salad just a bunch of lettuce with some other stuff thrown in? Well, on the car ride home I ate the salad. I usually didn't like salads, but I like Subway's.
    I got home, miraculously found the AC adapter for the PSOne, tried out the four games I needed to (I bought one a few months ago but I didn't feel like searching for it. I guess it was hot that day.) They all work. I got a Lynx game in the mail today (Switchblade II), and that worked okay. I think I might as well give up on X vs. O, though, I got the win detection, I got the selecting spaces working ok, but one time it restarted a game without me pressing the o key on the keyboard. I keep playing the game for fifteen minutes without any bug happening and then one does. It's stupid.
    But back to the Playstation. I have all these games but I don't know what to play. I guess I'll play solo Scrabble. I just wish it would save my high scores with the memory card. And perhaps some pinball as well. I have to be careful about which PS games to buy since I don't have a Game Genie device for it. I just wish games continued to be on cartridges. You'd think it would be easier to pirate games if they were on a CD, which was why the Gamecube discs were small.
  17. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I have for testing my Game Boy creations a Game Boy Color, a Game Boy Pocket, a brick Game Boy (in case I need one), and Super Game Boy. I decided to mess around with Game Boy Color programming. I found a way to change the light gray color to yellow on GBC while still making it work on the GB pocket, with the lemon displaying as light gray.

    Now that I have this, I don't know what to do with it. Perhaps I could make a Fast Food type game with food coming in all directions. I'd like to make something that doesn't use a battery. I also put in a Super Game Boy border. I think tomorrow I'll add some music to this screen.
  18. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    It took a couple of days but I think I have the game working with win detection. It was really stubborn for some reason. During the madness, my computer crapped out on me, so I had to force a shutdown and turn it back on again. After I turned it back on again, I decided I should really get some sleep.
    I awoke at about 9 a.m. I was really hot. Whenever the furnace is on, it gets really hot in my room and not elsewhere in the entire house. It's stupid, but oh well. So I went back to programming in the hotness. A few hours later, I think I have it now.

    One thing I must note is apparently I didn't have enough space in the bank I thought I had, so in order for this to work, I had to remove the words "CEDAR GAMES" from the intro. I thought "Which would be better, a working game without CEDAR GAMES showing or not?"
  19. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    So it took 6 hours, but I finally got x and o input working. Use the left controller for x and the right one for o. Next up is win checking. I have about 300 bytes left to do that in. I'll do that later sometime.
    It works just like I intended it to: pressing up makes a letter in the upper middle, etc. Diagonals work well too. Press ACTION to put a letter in the center part. Now I will test it on a real Odyssey 2.

    I just took my pills this morning. One tried to escape. I could feel the capsule going around my mouth, so I drank some more water.
  20. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I'm making a new game for the Odyssey 2. This because I got real bored.

    The title screens switch between a screen with x's and a screen with o's. First I plan to make a simple tic-tac-toe game as an Easter egg. You'll move the joystick to the desired space, and press ACTION to use the center square. I'm imagining something like the Tic-Tac-Toe game on the Channel F.
    If you click on the link above and download the zip file, I've also included the code for the game. Which shows a lot of code crammed into less than 500 lines. I have about 1,300 bytes left in the starting bank for the tic-tac-toe game. I think I can pull it off (keep it all in the bank) if I make it a 2 player game.
    So if a tic-tac-toe game is an Easter egg, what is the actual game? I don't know yet. But that's okay. I often start Odyssey 2 games without knowing what I want to do. One thing I learned by attempting a Legend of Zelda-type game using the letter Q (and another adventure game starring a lowercase i) is that it's not going to be terribly long. I need to think of something to engage the player for a while.
  21. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I find it easier to work on Game Boy projects since I can use C on them. Well, I guess I could use C for Game Gear as well, but since I learned how to program the Game Gear in assembly before I learned the Game Boy in C, I just decided to keep using assembly for Game Gear. So here is a Game Gear program I have been working on. It's called Yum! It's a very simple game, yet I was having quite the trouble programming it.
    I thought I had made it random, but someone pointed out it wasn't. So I went to work this morning trying to make it random. I think I succeeded.

    The goal of the game is to close the mouth for the icky green vegetables and open it for the cookie and pizza. If you're interested in trying it out, you can download it on the website I posted a link to.
    I woke up at about 11:30p.m. I tried to sleep all day AND all night to get back on track and live like a normal person, but my leg hurt (from being in bed too long I presume), so I had to get up. I guess I could try to go back to sleep now, but I don't think I would be able to.
  22. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    personal musings
    Hello. I decided to make a blog for all my stuff I get busy working on. I have made lots of projects. I completed a lot, but I continue to make more. I live here in Oregon, which, while having a reputation for being rainy all the time, I don't find it so. It's supposed to be in the 90s this weekend.
    I maintain the Atari 2600 Land, which used to be a project of mine, but I don't care about it much any more. Even so, I will NOT entertain offers from Atari about buying it. I also periodically make a periodical, an e-zine about my computer-related musings, called the Big Belch Computer News.
    I have quite the menagerie of consoles, ranging from a Maganvox Odyssey to a Nintendo Switch. Sometimes I am awake all night and sleep all day, and other times I'm asleep all night and awake all day. Right now I'm awake a little after midnight here.
    I used to play my Atari 2600 a lot, but not as much since i got the other retro consoles. Now I have about 350 Atari 2600 games in the pantry just sitting there collecting dust. Perhaps I should sell them.
  23. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    So I worked a little bit on Stupidman this morning. I went to sleep at about 1 p.m. and woke up at around 1 a.m. today. I made some spooky music for walking around the hideout. And I made a map of what I want the hideout layout to look like.

    One square represents a screen. I made it so no screen repeats itself. It's like a maze Stupidman has to go through. Even though there's already two smaller mazes Stupidman went through (the museum and the grocery store). The F represents where the final battle between Stupidman and Mr. Germ will take place. So hopefully this will be easier to program since I  programmed two similar levels.
    Stupidman is armed with a soap-filled squirt gun, while Mr. Germ throws dirt at Stupidman. Stupidman has to shoot Mr. Germ a lot with the soap. Mr. Germ will grow smaller and smaller (so harder to hit) until Mr. Germ dies. I have the ending all planned out. And no, I won't tell what it is.
    I want the final battle to be reminiscent of the one in Super Mario Land. And I will make a separate final battle song to play while you battle Mr. Germ.
  24. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    my projects
    I worked on my game a little. I noticed the walls were a little wonky, the collision detection wasn't quite correct if you bumped into them from the left or right. I tried and tried and finally gave up. But I was bored, so an hour later, I tried again. And after an hour or so of work, I think I got it right. Without Stupidman getting caught in them.

    As you can see, I also made them look different. I think this looks better than what I had:

    What do you think?
    I also made a few more comics and I put together a chair yesterday. It was really hard. I had put the arms on wrong a few different times. Then I actually finished the chair. If this was supposed to be "easy," I think "hard" would be impossible! I went to sleep at noon yesterday and woke up at around 2 a.m.
  25. Wumperdinkle Sniy

    personal musings
    So I have been doing a lot of work recently. I picked back up the X Vs. O game I was making for the Odyssey 2 and added a few more things.

    I added a win counter to the tic-tac-toe game, I added in the Cedar Games logo splash screen, and now I'm working on a Whack-an-O game. That is what the last picture is. No game play has been added yet. But I will add O's to whack and X's to not whack hopefully soon.
    I was really sleepy after getting up at 10p.m. so I went to sleep at around 4:30a.m. When I woke up, it was after 5. I went into the living room and it was dark in there. To my surprise, I discovered that it wasn't 5 a.m., but 5 p.m.! I had just slept for about 12 hours, which, while easy for me to do, I wasn't expecting to do that after only being awake for 6 1/2 hours. I guess I'm really sleepy and as a result, I sleep much more than a normal person would. At any given time, you could say, "Hey, Wumperdinkle, go to sleep!" and I would be able to. I know it's probably not good for my health, but I lose weight more if I'm not eating anything, lol.
    I made some more webcomics. To last until the end of the year. I'll continue into the next year. I've been doing them since 2006! Various comic series. I find it easier to make ones where there's no recurring characters, and it's just a gag. I call that one "Jukebox Quiz." Right now though I'm focusing on one about a zamboni driver and his wife called "The Life of a Zamboni Driver."
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