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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Well, I didn't want to copy Ep 8 (The Last Jedi), since I don't want this to be The Last Junk Box! I finally settled on a LOTR inspired name
  2. Sign up for RJB 8 is now up! http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/2937-atari-io-retro-junk-box-8-insert-subtitle-here/?view=getnewpost And if one of the mods can move this to Atari I/O events sections, it would be appreciated.
  3. https://www.thestreet.com/story/14001947/1/sears-is-closing-the-first-kmart-opened-and-these-photos-reveal-how-far-chain-has-fallen.html This is a bit sad for me. Not only was it the first, but it was the one in my hometown, and we shopped there often. I have memories from there of buying my first G.I. Joes & Go Bots, eating at the Snack Bar (and getting souvenir cups for Brave Starr), seeing the first TMNT on VHS playing on displays as well as Thriller and of course the traveling Blue Light Special cart. It's a shame they couldn't keep pace with Wal Mart and Target, but in all honesty, in recent years their prices tended to be higher, stores were dirtier and customer service not as good. Oh well...
  4. Retro Junk Box 8 will be starting soon! Sign up today if you are interested and meet the requirements below. Let me know if you have any questions! Here's how the Retro Junk Box works What It Is: Someone fills a large USPS Priority Mail Flate Rate Box full of retro-related items and sends it to another member. They take out what they want, fill it back up and send it to the next person. It keeps going until it returns to the original sender. History: The first Retro Junk Box started as a collaboration between The Retro League and Cartoon Retrocast podcasts. It has also been done by The Retroist and The Retro Junkies Network. Who Can Participate: This is open to members in good standing who have reached Orange Status* (or successful traders with at least 50 posts here), have been a registered Atari I/O member for at least 90 days, live in the US and have been active in the forums or chats during the last month. (See your Avatar to see the fruits you have earned). * Orange Status is mysteriously rewarded between 100 & 150 posts. What is Required: Participants must send the box out within 3 days of getting it, pay for the postage to send it out ($18.85) and must post a photo or video of what they took out. (leave the rest as a mystery!) Items Taken Out MUST Be Replaced With Items Of Equal Or Greater Value: The Retro Junk Box celebrates the generous and friendly spirit of the forums! Those who participate will be expected to contribute to the spirit of the Retro Junk Box, and must replenish the box with items of an equal or greater value than what they chose to take out. Those who abuse the generosity of other participants will be denied the opportunity of participating again. Egregious violations will result in the offending member losing prize and event participation privileges, or worse, being removed from the site. Other Notes: Since it is free to do so with Priority Mail, I would insure the box for $50 to help pay to fill another one in the unlikely event that the USPS ever lost it. Please keep the box mostly (at least 51%) gaming related. Newer items are ok if they are retro related in some way. Please try to be fair in what you replace value wise and please no duplicate games on the same system. Please avoid putting in broken items/games if possible. Please use packing material to fill in nooks and crannies to prevent items from getting broken. (Plastic bags work good for this) Feel free to reuse and decorate the box! If you meet the requirements and agree to the terms, please let me know by responding to the thread along with what state you are located in so we can begin to order the list. DO NOT POST YOUR FULL ADDRESS HERE Also, if you need to be on a certain spot on the list, because you won't be available later, let us know (for instance, if you are going on a trip or work assignment).
  5. Does anybody else enjoy seeing original price tags on old game stuff? I didn't used to. I'd be one of those guys who carefully tried to remove them. But something has changed. Now I rather like them! (except the large ones that cover the art) Take for instance the Ice Hockey tag only $1.99. It looks like a drug store item...and guess what? it was! This must have been a crash discount. Also, look at this Sky Jinks: Same price. Maybe same store. But it looks like it came from the clearance section of a grocery store. Makes me wish I had a time machine! So how about you? Do you like them? Do you have any pictures to share?
  6. Would you guys be ok if I hosted the next box? I have one almost completely built and should be able to send it out shortly after this one wraps up.
  7. Yeah. From the PF Podcast! My interest will depend on price and how well it plays the original CV games. Since I don't have a CV, it might be an option for me.
  8. Thanks! It was great to have an excuse to resurrect the Montreal Expos

    1. RickR


      All is right again.

    2. DCG
    3. Atari Adventure Square

      Atari Adventure Square

      Sheriff Harry S. Truman might have a need for it once Twin Peaks comes back.

  10. I've heard the first generation controllers actually had a different d pad from later revisions with the original having the best quality.
  11. I'll give the 2600 version my vote simply because it is the only one I've played....so far!
  12. That's what I was talking about, just the color scheme. However, the Pico and Genesis both share the same CPU chip.
  13. After a long weekend, it's good to be home.

    1. DCG


      Glad you're back!

  14. I think I had a Surperboy comic that featured the actor from the TV show on the cover. And they crossover-ed with GI Joe! (more on that later) G.I. Joe was sooo popular as a comic book, it had a spin off series: Special Missions.
  15. Electronic PInball LCD Handheld by Tiger
  16. Ep 315: Mattel Classic Sports Plug n Play
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