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    greenween reacted to Papa Pete in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    What a great game!  I had to get involved with Atari Bowling!  No record scores here, but a lot of fun!  (And DAMMIT, I missed Megamania!) 👍
  4. Like
    greenween got a reaction from socrates63 in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Got a package from Scott Stilphen today. He's helped build my collection so much over the last couple years. People trying to charge $6 on ebay for common carts that he charges a dollar for! Thank you man!!

  5. Like
    greenween got a reaction from TrekMD in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Got a package from Scott Stilphen today. He's helped build my collection so much over the last couple years. People trying to charge $6 on ebay for common carts that he charges a dollar for! Thank you man!!

  6. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Sabertooth in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Got a package from Scott Stilphen today. He's helped build my collection so much over the last couple years. People trying to charge $6 on ebay for common carts that he charges a dollar for! Thank you man!!

  7. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Gianna in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Got a package from Scott Stilphen today. He's helped build my collection so much over the last couple years. People trying to charge $6 on ebay for common carts that he charges a dollar for! Thank you man!!

  8. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    Oh yeah! High five! Amazing scores you guys. I'm trying to reach the 200 club.
  9. Like
    greenween reacted to AtariSphinx in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    Bowling (1 A): 204
    Finally broke 200!  Definitely know how to get strikes more often after many practice runs; just need a good run to improve on this.

  10. Like
    greenween reacted to Gianna in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    202! woo! made it over 200!

  11. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    179!  Watch out! I'm going into the pro league.

  12. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    The last time I played this game was on my cousin's 2600 back in the 1980's. 153.

  13. Like
    greenween reacted to TrekMD in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    Agree with RickR.  Curving the ball at the right moment is key to getting strikes. 
  14. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    Tip for strikes:  The ball must be curving, and try to hit the front pin with the middle of the ball. 
  15. Haha
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    You guys are bringing your "A" games.  Ha ha ha....get it?  "A"?  Is this mic even on? 
  16. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    213 0n the 7800. 

  17. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Marco1019 in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    213 0n the 7800. 

  18. Like
    greenween got a reaction from chas10e in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    213 0n the 7800. 

  19. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Gianna in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    213 0n the 7800. 

  20. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Sabertooth in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    213 0n the 7800. 

  21. Like
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Bowling (Atari 2600)   
    213 0n the 7800. 

  22. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Megamania (Atari 2600)   
    Congratulations Marco1019!
    Congratulations to the incredible @Marco1019 on becoming our new Megamania Squad Champion! Marco hit a home run with his stellar score of 200,180 points! Absolutely killer score and a decisive win! And a big congratulations to everybody on all those incredible scores across the board! We're starting the new year with a HUGE turnout in High Score Squad! I hope Megamania was fun and you'll continue to join us for Squad Challenges throughout the year ahead. Great way to start the year! @Csolo was on fire in Megamania, securing the 2nd Place in our Final Standings with his burning hot score of 109,640 points. @chas10e takes 3rd with an impressive 104,560 points, and @RickR was hot on his tail, taking 4th with 104,100. @Atari 5200 Guy fought hard to break that ceiling and join the 100,000 point club, but takes 5th Place just shy of that with 99.740 points. @Dinobot711 @Sabertooth @greenween @Justin @RadioPoultry @nosweargamer @TrekMD @Gianna and @Atari Creep all joined us in our Megamania Activision Squad Challenge and shared terrific high scores. I hope everybody who joined us for this one had a blast!
    Also, this week we welcomed @Csolo to High Score Squad who joined us for this Challenge! Csolo knocked it out of the park, taking 2nd Place in our Final Standings in his first Squad Challenge! It's great to have you at Atari I/O participating in High Score Squad @Csolo !! Everybody's glad you're here! WELCOME!!
    Our new Achievement Badges have been a real hit in the forums. This week we introduced our first Activision Badge! For this Squad Challenge, we're awarding the Activision Megamaniacs Badge as an achievement for all players who achieved a "patch-worthy" score of 45,000+ Points in our Megamania Squad Challenge. Each of you who scored 45,000 points or more have now been awarded the Activision Megamaniacs Badge! For all Activision games played in High Score Squad moving forward, we will be recreating the classic Activision Patches as Badges and awarding them to all players who achieve a "patch-worthy" score as originally set forth by Activision. We think that will be a fun way to play Activision games in High Score Squad, and revive the spirit of the original Activision Patches.
    As always I'd like to encourage @Marco1019 to post his high score on the Scoreboard, and let's make sure this Challenge continues on! Congratulations to Marco, thanks again to @Sabertooth for nominating this game, and a big congratulations and Happy New Year to our wonderful little community for being such a great group to spend time with, I hope everybody had fun playing Megamania!
    NOTE: Our next High Score Squad Challenge is Bowling for the Atari 2600! Be there!


  23. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Megamania (Atari 2600)   
    Anyone else notice the sounds of getting hit and recharging are the same as the ones used in Cosmic Ark? I'm sure there are plenty of other instances of this. LOL. I do love Cosmic Ark though.
  24. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Megamania (Atari 2600)   
    Starting to get better. 48,320.

  25. Thanks
    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Megamania (Atari 2600)   
    I wasn't able to get my score any higher. This was a great choice though.
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