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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Read this set of books to learn more: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28220993-the-fifty-year-mission They absolutely struggled with a story that would give both crews equal time, and I think everyone involved agrees they failed.
  2. COOL! Thanks so much. I would have missed this if you hadn't posted.
  3. This problem was solved by using labels and then GOTO <label>. I know Atari basic doesn't support this. Does 7800 basic?
  4. The arcade version of Crossbow used a light gun, and maybe they should have considered packing the 7800 game with a themed gun. Remember the excitement of Indy 500 and Star Raiders -- they came with controllers in those beautiful big boxes! Personally, I had no idea the game supported light gun. I used the joystick on it, and it works pretty well.
  5. Bingo! And also on par with the SMS, which also had better controllers, games, and marketing than the 7800. I don't think Atari understood at all that some of these bad games could seriously HURT their chances of success. You mentioned Fight Night vs. Punch Out!, which is completely fair. If your game stinks and theirs is fun, DON'T release yours like that. I've said it before about 2600 Pac Man. Sure it's ok and a decent game. But it planted that seed of "is this the best this system can do?" that caused an Atari kid like me to move on. Almost every other system (especially the 400/800) had a better version of Pac Man (or clone), so why am I still wasting my time with the 2600? That was the thought process of 13 year old RickR at the time.
  6. "Fight Night" is another with horrible controls. That one was bad even on the original computer version, so I'm not sure what they were thinking in porting it over.
  7. Nuts, Feb 28th came way too fast. I'm going to keep playing this one because it's a lot of fun. Nice job @nosweargamerfor the winning score, and everyone else too!
  8. I haven't tried the other game. But Karateka is a game of inches. You have to move a step forward and attack and keep pushing your opponent backwards, then run forward when you knock them out. The controls don't allow that precision. Or how about the bird attack...stop running, kick up, then keep running. You cannot do this with those controls.
  9. I think they completely hosed the controls. It's unplayable to me after coming from the Atari 8-bit version. It needed simplified controls and possibly slight changes to the game to make it work on the 7800. Close, but no cigar.
  10. BOOM! This is the insight that I hadn't put together yet to help me understand why this mess gets so much attention. The same for the old Chameleon too.
  11. I FINALLY finished Phoenix Wright: Justice For All.  Phew!  That was a long game. 



  12. I was going to say "Sim Raft Builder" because I assume this is due to being stuck on a desert island or something.
  13. My new gaming room. Pay no attention to the printer. I still have cleanup to do.
  14. oh shoot. Thanks. I didn't see that one. I'll try to hit 20k next. I've moved my setup! I finally got the bonus room back after the last of my children moved out!
  15. It will take some thought, but I'm definitely taking my all-time favorite #1 game....Portal 2 for PC.
  16. I use a 2600jr, even though I have a 7800 out and available. I like the switches on the 2600 better (especially the difficulty switches). Plus it's a lot easier to insert/remove carts from a 2600.
  17. I posted this on Facebook earlier with the caption "They still got it".
  18. I've stated my opinion. But I'll also add that my favorite version is the Saturn 10-player version. PRGE has a whole setup including 10 controllers mounted to a big-@ss piece of plywood and a big screen TV. That one is a blast!
  19. I'm going to try later today and this weekend. Today (and every last friday of the month) is the busy/critical day at my work. If all goes well, I will have time later.
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