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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Oh whoops, it looks like @Justingave you the same info as me. So there you go.
  2. There is excellent info and pictures here: https://vintagegamingandmore.com/atari-switch-repair/ You can buy replacement switches from Best Electronics. But it's easier to remove one from a broken donor board. I know they don't show the channel switch directly, but the switch parts are the same. There should be a little metal piece that goes between the plastic switch and the contacts. If you cannot find a replacement switch, I would consider simply soldering in a jumper cable. The console would always use channel 3 (or 4), but honestly, how often does anyone actually use that switch?
  3. Yes. Getting a mod done is definitely a pickup.
  4. This is so helpful. Thanks! The one I have has two ports, so it probably does not have PS2 compatibility. It's probably still worth fixing because RickR cannot leave a fixable game console unfixed!
  5. I'm not sure there is any such paint. The 5200 plastic has a bit of translucence to it (you can see this easiest by holding the controller cubby cover up to a light. It's a smokey charcoal color.
  6. The fat PS3 has been diagnosed -- it has a failed laser. I'm going to replace the whole blu-ray drive. I think it's a worthwhile fix because these original PS3's are fully backwards compatible with PS2 and PS1. Something like this will offer a lot of gaming in one console for my limited space!
  7. I also agree, @TrekMD. Well said. R.I.P. Mr. Nukey Shay.
  8. This is awesome! There's a lot of gaming goodness in that tiny space. Well done!!!! I really like the idea of the extra speaker to give the audio some punch. How did you wire that? Does your TV have audio out jacks?
  9. An XBOX backpack and a PS3 (when it rains it pours). I was told this PS3 is broken (it turns on but doesn't do anything). I theorize this means it needs a new hard drive. But I haven't had time to clean it up and test it yet.
  10. SNES Star Fox -- I think that one also makes Super Mario 64 feel tired. It's the same 3d-style world, but much more action oriented. (very good points @Atari 5200 Guy)
  11. I also like both Disco and Picard. Although Disco has a few "lets pretend that didn't happen" moments <*cough* turbolift shaft *cough*>. It isn't too unprecedented...<*cough* Spock's Brain *cough*> and <*cough* TNG stereotyped space Irish *cough*> 🙂 I also agree that the Director's cut of TMP is a huge improvement. I don't have HBO+, but my local library has B5 DVD's. I'll go that route. Thanks!
  12. I've also been playing Super Metroid off and on for a while, but haven't made it too far. Does the game have save points? If it does, mine doesn't work right.
  13. This got me to thinking about Star Trek movies and how a lot of them were a different type of Star Trek that didn't capture the original concept. It felt like any time they had a writer and/or director that had "never watched Star Trek", they didn't get it quite right. Star Trek IV came closest. Star Trek VI is one of my favorites. Star Trek II gets a lot of credit for saving the series. For the Next Gen, "First Contact" is outstanding. I had been going through each Star Trek movie with my 22 year old son (who had never seen them) and we stopped after IV. He thought it was too campy, and I had no argument for his perspective. I didn't have the heart to subject him to V. At some point, we'll take it back up with VI, but I think he's lost interest. We are watching TNG together as time permits (we're on season 4), and he digs that show a lot.
  14. I will admit that I gave up on B5 after just a few episodes of season 1 back when it was new. I didn't get it and I had babies at home that took up all my time. But maybe it's time to revisit the show. Your recommendation is appreciated. Do you happen to know if it's on any streaming service?
  15. I agree with this. It's the greatest Star Trek show IMO. I'll be interested to see what you think. I'm a huge Star Trek fan and that movie just makes me sad. It's completely the wrong tone and they forgot about what made Star Trek so great (adventure, fun, thought-provoking stories, and color).
  16. Going up on ebay now....

    sears video arcade 2 006.JPG

    1. RickR


      Also a Coleco Gemini going on ebay now

      coleco gemini 009.JPG

    2. MaximumRD


      Very nice! Much nicer condition then my own. 😎

  17. It works very well! I was playing around with it tonight.
  18. Awesome finds. Boxed too. Really nice. I also collect DS and PSP. Those two systems are a ton of fun, and I've found they are really nice to take with you on vacation.
  19. Marketing samples sounds right. Perhaps pre-release copies provided to magazines for review. It's a shame we can't read more of those labels. Really cool thing to see, and I'll bet they are super rare.
  20. A sound card! My son said "What is it, 1999?" when I showed him this. Ha ha. I bought it because I listen to music on my garage Frankenstein desktop PC. The onboard sound works fine, but the speaker jacks have always been wonky. If the computer gets nudged, they stop working. So I decided to go high end and get a Sound Blaster Titanium.
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