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Status Updates posted by RickR

  1. I'm in a BA Baracus mood today.

    1. Rowsdower70


      Mohawk and excessive neck jewelry?

    2. RickR
    3. MaximumRD


      I will be sure to slip you some knock out drops to get you on that plane !

  2. I'm so clever...I backup my yearly tax forms on 3.5" floppy. Who could steal that? Nobody!

  3. Time to finish up the taxes. Blech.

    1. Sabertooth


      I had to rush to do ours for my daughter's FASFA. When I was a kid using the EZ form, I didn't get why people complained so much. Now that I itemize everything its a royal pain.

    2. RickR


      I'm with you. And that FAFSA form is no fun either.



  4. Ebay sales have really perked up in the last few weeks. Anyone else notice the same?

    1. Rowsdower70


      I haven't been selling heavy, but the items I have put up have been moving well.

  5. Won a Coleco Gemini on ebay! Very excited.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sabertooth


      Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it went to you, Rick! Small world indeed, Rows! :)

    3. Atari 5200 Guy
    4. RickR


      Whew, thanks.


  6. Happy birthday Nolan Bushnell, father of Atari. Feb 4.

  7. If my name was "Doug", I'd totally go by "Dig Doug". No question.

    1. Rowsdower70
    2. Justin


      How much Doug could a Dig Doug Dig if a Dig Doug could Doug Dig?

    3. RickR
  8. Jan 28 - Happy Birthday to Atari spokesperson Alan Alda

    1. Rowsdower70


      Happy Birthday Hawkeye!

  9. January is the "Monday" of months.

  10. Upgrading my main PC to Windows 10 today...wish me good luck! I've been delaying...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rowsdower70


      Good luck, Starfox.

    3. leolinden


      It's great! I love Win10

    4. RickR


      It worked, and I'm up and running with only a few learning-curve issues (like how to import pictures from my camera)

  11. My goal is to never once listen to Adele "Hello". So far, so good.

    1. greenween
    2. Rowsdower70


      I lost that quest, I saw her do it on Fallon with the Roots all using child instruments.

    3. StormSurge
  12. We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.

    1. Justin
    2. RetroX


      Well put. That's actually true.

    3. LeeJ07


      Very true indeed!

  13. I'm not THAT RickR. I'm the one from Oregon.

  14. Do your part to help the economy...buy more retro games!

    1. Arenafoot


      2nd and Charles needs more locations! then I would be able to!

  15. Happy Holidays everyone. Have a great and safe time!

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