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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Night Driver Atari 2600 Difficulty: Game 1, b/b High Score: 52 June 10, 2021
  2. It was also a good opportunity to practice the games without someone more advanced laughing or making fun. I remember joining a chess club at school, maybe 7th grade or so, and not being very good at first. Practicing at home helped!
  3. I've always been fascinated with how this was programmed. I can't imagine how hard it would be to program a chess game in 2k or 4k.
  4. Well, I trust your opinion so I'll give this game another try. It's possible I was confusing the other game with this one. I think it's a chance to play the games against the computer when you don't have anyone else that's interested in playing the real thing. IMO, the Gameboy ended up being the perfect platform for these types of games.
  5. Good topic! I really like "Backgammon". I think the reason is that the controls are easy and the games are reasonably quick. There are two card games aren't there? Casino and Blackjack I think. One uses paddles? I'm not a fan of either. Too primitive. The Intellivision "Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack" I like very much. Hey, maybe this is a good idea for a homebrew for me....a remake of Casino that's more lively and good looking. I'm with you on Video Chess. I like how it's got the different skill levels, so sometimes I like kicking butt on the easiest level. Oooh! "Othello". I like that one a lot. Make sure to get the corners!
  6. Good to have you back, @HDN!
  7. You're right that the games were fun as-is, but it was the era of wanting new and better. That's why the 5200 pack-in of "Super Breakout" was so lame. As for the Activision games, even for new customers, they would have balked at a game that was available on the old system. Why did I just spend $300? In some cases, the games were worse due to the different controller. The 5200 should have come with Pac-Man right from the start. Because it was a mind blower game....so much better than on any prior system. That's the only way the could have competed with the ColecoVision with Donkey Kong. I still need to get back to this thread, but the 5200 still languishes in the attic. Sorry. We are finally coming clear of the pandemic and maybe I'll get my bonus room gaming area back.
  8. The answer to this in 1983 was YES. Why would I buy 5200 Pitfall if I already owned 2600 Pitfall? If they'd have enhanced it, there would be repeat customers.
  9. Next up for sale from me will be a Mattel Aquarius, including a multi-cart.  Please contact me if you are interested.  I'll be taking pictures and listing it soon. 

    1. HDN


      I didn’t even know that thing existed before. I did a little bit of research, and wow. That thing is certainly... underwhelming. But interesting nonetheless. How did you even FIND that thing, @RickR? It seems pretty rare.

    2. RickR


      How did I find it?  I don't remember.  Most likely it was an ebay purchase many years ago. 

      It's fascinating to me.  What was Mattel thinking?  There is no way it could compete with the VIC-20.  It's games were worse than the Intellivision.  It's just a complete miss.

      As a collectible, it's interesting.  The shape of the computer is cool.  The version of BASIC included is excellent.  It's kind of rare I guess.

      Hopefully I can find an appreciative buyer.


  10. For sure. It's frustrating because other computers got much better versions. For example, C64 Demon Attack is more like the Intv version. TI-99 Demon Attack is a masterpiece and unique. Probably what they should have done is include "classic" and "enhanced" versions on the same cart. Now that would have been outstanding.
  11. This reminds me of some of the early 8-bit versions of 2600 games. Imagic was probably the worst at this. They'd convert the 2600 version with no enhancements (sounds/graphics/gameplay) at all! WHY? Demon Attack is a good example. 8-bit Demon Attack looks and sounds exactly like 2600 Demon Attack. You telling me they couldn't even add the boss level from the Intellivsion version? What were they thinking?
  12. Your comment reminded me that I like to listen to modern Italian music just to keep my language skills from going dormant. I think listening to foreign music and watching foreign TV is a great way to pick up on languages.
  13. I had gotten a good head start using Batari basic. I need to come up with an original idea and try again. Next up is Sega.
  14. Death Race. I started making a 2600 homebrew of this game, but it's already been done 😞
  15. Good! I'm glad you didn't need to HUNT for the answer 🙂 Your turn.
  16. I also enjoy that one and most of the really old simple games. Next one is Taito
  17. I don't know that I've ever played that one. I want to now! Next one is obscure. Nintendo
  18. AHA! It's a turkey...that means three strikes in BOWLING. So I'll guess Capcom Bowling. If there is such a thing.
  19. I rolled my eyes when I saw the word "purists". Enjoy the music or don't. It's a personal thing and what does it matter if you do or don't like it? My copy is the 40th anniversary CD. One of my kids has an orig vinyl and I don't think it's stereo. Whatever. It sounds good in both formats to me.
  20. I figure we just don't know or understand the context of this horrible thing.
  21. Sounds like you had a busy time. And sorry to hear you got sick. That sucks! Interesting you should mention "Pet Sounds". I just went on a plane trip to Omaha for a wedding, and what album did I take with me to listen to on the way? "Pet Sounds"! Serendipity. It's always been good to me. But over the years, I've come to know so much about how it was made with "The Wrecking Crew" studio musicians being directed by Brian Wilson. So my opinion has changed a bit. I don't really consider it Beach Boys as much as a Brian Wilson record.
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