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Everything posted by RickR

  1. 105 (+33). That's just about the same as my real golf game.
  2. YES! Boy that game was a stinker. Or was it just me? Still, it's memorable.
  3. Platform: NES A blue hockey mask Is that outfit purple or pink? I'd rather trick/treat.
  4. Instead of Double Dragon, play Double Dragon and then brainstorm ways to earn the $100 needed for an NES so you never have to play this crap again.
  5. Instead of Ice Hockey, play Ice Hockey!
  6. Oh man! The swear words are a must. Type and Tell! There was a similar program for Atari/C64 called "S.A.M." and when the Soundblaster came out for PC, they included a "Dr. Sbaitso" program. Swear words in different generations.
  7. Dang it, why do I keep answering? This is getting more difficult. Platform: O2 Gobble some tail But do not call me Pac Man Hear me talk about it.
  8. Say it with conviction, man! Because FREEDOM FIGHTERS! (don't ever forget that exclamation point) do not ask questions! They FIGHT FOR FREEDOM! That is correct.
  9. I'm pretty sure that 280 Zzzap! (the arcade version) is the very first arcade game I ever played. Platform: O2 A Defender clone Looks good, but there's no scrolling And no planet!
  10. They packed a lot of stuff in that small space. Very well done, whoever this is.
  11. Yes! Track and Field came with a custom controller and had six events.
  12. Oops! I had no idea this game had tag team partners. That's kind of neat. Platform: 2600 Custom Controller I hope it's built to be tough For six mini games
  13. Boxes brought down from the attic....


  14. Speedway!/Spin-Out!/Crypto-Logic! (very important to include exclamation points in O2 games). "Kazoos" is hilarious. Why did they have such trouble drawing cars on those games? Night Driver is another one with odd graphics. I always thought that cross was the front end of a dragster-type-car. But someone else said it was a hood ornament!
  15. Correct! I like the variations with the numbers...but those graphics are atrocious. Hey, don't make fun of my lacking creativity 😁. I am trying as best I can. Haiku is a new skill.
  16. Platform: Atari 2600 AI doesn't move! Skis, planes, and automobiles ambitious box art
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