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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I'm throwing in a softball for @socrates63, who is recovering from an ailment. Platform: Multiple Boom chaka laka! He's on fire, baby! Sonics still exist!
  2. "Retro-brite" is what they call it, and it's a process of using hydrogen peroxide and UV light to whiten plastic. One method is just to create a mix with water in a clear tub and leave it outside. Another is to create a paste, "paint" it onto the surface and apply saran wrap to stop evaporation. The 8-Bit Guy on youtube has done several vidoes on the different techniques. I've never tried it.
  3. Platform: Atari 2600 Bacon, sausage, ham The title requires echo Minigames for kids
  4. Who can guess what's in the box?  Hint: not floppy disks. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Justin


      Beautiful 🤤

    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I miss the one I had.  Nice!

    4. DegasElite


      I used to have a TG-16, and I don't know what happened to it. Nice Everdrive. :O)

  5. Platform: Atari 2600 Was Championship But then endorsed by a star Wow, footwork fireworks
  6. Correct-a-mundo, Cunningham! The 7800 version is good, the VIC-20 version is great, the Master System version is MEGA GOOD.
  7. You did good. And I don't know why Activision was so reluctant to really expand their games when porting to the 8-bit computers and 5200. Here's the next one: Platform: Many. I cut my teeth on the VIC-20 version Hostages! Oh no! I'll just whirl in and get them I like how they wave.
  8. Here's mine. I have a decent TI 99 4/A with a speech unit, a 32K RAM upgrade/sidecar, the FLASHROM cart, and also the Atari joystick converter board. Pictures taken a while ago. This baby is currently in storage in my attic.
  9. You CAN do a haiku! I didn't think I could either, but it's actually fun to try.
  10. BOOM! You are correct, sir. The "coupled controller" part -- this was a game that came with a plastic coupler so you could use one stick to move and the other to fire.
  11. Hey @SecondChance Retro, if you plug those paddles in and your on-screen avatar is "jittery" (it doesn't move smoothly side to side, seems kind of jumpy), then you need to clean them up internally. If that ends up being the case, and you need help, please hit us up here. It is not hard as long as you are comfortable taking stuff apart.
  12. Welcome aboard @cbmeeks! More TI users are always welcome. Please join in the various threads.
  13. Man, you always need to include those big speakers in your picture! That's the rule. 🙂
  14. Sorry for the delay. Platform: Atari 5200 Crap! Incarcerated! But wait, I'm not on the Earth? Coupled controllers.
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