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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Of course it is a hobby. For me, especially the "Fixing/Repairing" aspect of it. Tinkering in the garage is what I do to relax. Fixing stuff, using my mind and hands and tools. Harry, we are all here for you. You shouldn't downplay your family issues as lessor than the other issues people are having. It's life impacting and that makes it significant. You let us know what we can do to help. Hopefully, you and your mom can cool off for a bit and you'll get your stuff back. I know a lot of people my age don't really consider video games a "real" hobby because they think we just sit in a room alone. To some, hobbies are things we do with others. Like sports, or clubs at school, or whatever. Maybe it's a matter of offering to join a club or church group or whatever once this pandemic is over. I don't know. I wish you the best.
  2. So sorry to hear it. The pandemic can magnify issues like that, sadly.
  3. RickR

    eBay Finds

    Tunnel Runner is on that list!
  4. RickR

    eBay Finds

    I'll put on my list of games to play. Thanks for the recommendation. It takes me forever to get through a game, but I do have fun with them. I'll get to them all eventually!
  5. Just to share a tip that works for me: Once I get around level 7 or so, I'll hold the fire button down during the initial part of the round and mostly focus on avoiding falling bombs. Once you've cleared out most of the green/purple guys, go back to precision firing.
  6. The most blessed news I've heard in some time:

    Level 1 reduced to Level Zero

    Effective immediately (Sunday, Sept. 13), the Clackamas Co Sheriff’s Office is dropping the evacuation level for some of the populated urban areas from Level 1 (Green) back to Normal. This includes Wilsonville, Lake Oswego, West Linn, Happy Valley, Gladstone, Milwaukie, Clackamas, and Tualatin. See map https://bit.ly/35kgtbE for changes.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nosweargamer


      I want to like this 100x.

    3. RickR


      I just made a nice donation to our local Red Cross.  I'm very happy to report that my work MATCHED it!  How cool is that?

    4. socrates63


      For a second there, I thought things had gotten worse from Priority 1 to Priority 0 😅 Great news! Now go relax and play Galaxian.

  7. I'm not a youtuber, but my advice is to put together some test footage with the equipment you have. You don't have to make your channel public yet. Put what you have on youtube and I'm sure we all on these forums would be happy to give you feedback. Once you have those test videos out, you'll know pretty quickly if your equipment is going to cut the mustard or not. There's a lot of "how-to" videos. I know "Weird Paul" has done a few, and he uses very old equipment. Do a search and find someone that speaks to you.
  8. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to get them to you in Canada, @Duckie25. Fingers crossed that it's not too long and with no issues.
  9. There are usually long stories about where the dupes come from. 🙂 In general: You buy a big ebay lot for one special game you don't have. The rest go in the duplicates box. You find a bargain at a local shop. It doesn't matter if you have them already. Those babies must come home with you. You give stuff away. People don't like taking stuff for free, so they nicely send you stuff they think you need. I've learned to accept anything in trade to avoid making people feel obligated. Etc, etc, etc. I'm just glad to give them good homes. Prices are low, most trades accepted.
  10. OMG, same here at my college student center! Those lousy Thuggie Guards took a lot of my quarters. The nearby 7-11 had Double Dragon, and that one (with a Slurpie) was another favorite.
  11. RickR

    eBay Finds

    That's cool! I'm glad I'm not the only person still enjoying a DS! I haven't done any of the Pokemon games though. I'm currently playing through "999", and just finished two Phoenix Wright games.
  12. I've tried two games today and topped out at 27k. I'll keep trying later.
  13. I've updated the pictures / items in the first post - removed some of the items that are gone and added some new ones. The joysticks are a Gemstik and a Wico Boss. The Composite Mod 2600 is still available and comes with a Pointmaster joystick.
  14. Nice job, @MaliciousCarp and @socrates63! I need to try to catch up to you guys this weekend. @HDN, my old cart is good luck, so I'm hoping you can win this thing!
  15. Welcome. My favorite arcade game is Tron. Black-light goodness.
  16. My place of choice during the crash was the Kay-Bee Toys at Mall-205. ET, Infiltrate, all the Realsports games were from their clearance bin.
  17. @Paul Westphal, you may be the only one here that appreciates this: My first 2600 came from GI-Joes, and I bought an 800XL/1050 combo at the Sears at Washington Square.
  18. It might be cool to set up a forum post with a DC burning guide. I also haven't done one in years, and I don't remember much about it.
  19. I hope you can do it eventually. I had this game on the Atari 8-bit, and I got good enough to beat it regularly. But that 7800 version is just brutal due to the sluggishness and poor controls. I usually just stop after making it past level 1 and go play the computer version.
  20. We're still in a very bleak place in Oregon, as wildfires continue to spread.  The sun is pink, and everything is grey outside.  It's difficult to breathe with all the smoke in the air.  At the moment, my area remains at "Level 1" of alertness with fires just a few miles to the south and east.  My family is fine, and we have a few options of places to go if we are forced to evacuate. 

    The advice I gave my children is what I really believe.  I told them that our bodies and our memories and knowledge are all we need.  "Stuff" is unimportant.  We will be fine. 

    I'm ending this status with a picture from a small town south of here.  It's a complete loss for many, and our entire community is in shock.  We will support each other as best we can.  I plan on making a giant donation to our local Red Cross. 

    Thanks to all for your kind thoughts.  I do appreciate it very much.  I appreciate the few moments of normalcy and distraction from you all here in the forums. 

    phoenix or burn.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RickR


      You are too kind, thank you.  My collection is nice, but it is just stuff.  I was just thinking that when this ordeal is over, I should probably get rid of a lot of this stuff so I don't feel so anchored or attached.  I have two backup drives with all our pictures and taxes and files.  They are packed and ready by the door. 

      Thanks very much.  I'm a "spiritual lot" too, so I believe it helps.  THANKS!

    3. RickR


      Guys, a good update.  Things are turning positive today.   The wind has died down, and the temperature is lower.  They are now saying the fires won't spread any further.  We'll have plenty of smoke still, but that's OK by me. 

      THANKS for the well wishes.  It does help!

    4. HDN


      Great news, Rick! I believe it helps, too. I'm glad that it's starting to die down. Any updates so far or is it still going OK?

  21. RickR


    I just completed a successful trade with @HDN. He's a good person to deal with! We traded a 2600 cart for an MP3 album code, and I got a nice letter to boot. Thanks again.
  22. To kill the bird in Karateka, you have to give him a high kick. The timing has to be just right. Not very easy with those terrible controls. In the computer version, you'll run as often as you can, and as soon as you hear the audio cue that a bird (or another warrior) is coming, you get back into fighting stance. And prepare to kick. On the 7800, this all becomes so clumsy. It's hard to run when you should.
  23. I think so too. It's a master-lesson on great controls. You can do so much with just a joystick and one button. Try doing a 360 degree slam dunk. The original version on Apple 2, C64 and Atari 8-bit are all about the same and truly classic. But oh-boy, you should see the Colecovision version. It's hilariously bad. It's on my want list, but it's hard to find. Oh, and the sequel (Jordan vs. Bird) is TERRIBLE! It's on NES and other systems. Complete stinkeroo.
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