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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Nice! One on One is one of my personal favorites. There is a difference between Bird and Erving: Bird is better at outside shots. He'll make 3 pointers pretty consistently. Erving is a better inside player. He's harder to block once he's shooting inside the key.
  2. Sorry to be a downer, but out here in Oregon, things are very bleak.  Fires throughout the state are devastating lives and homes and entire communities.  As I type this, the sky outside our home is an eerie orange.  Fires loom only miles away.  It's windy and dry and hot.  I'm terrified.  We are packing bags tonight in case the call comes to evacuate.  I've lived here my whole life, and never experienced anything like this.  Take care of yourselves, everybody.   

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. socrates63


      Oh my... didn't realize how bad it was. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm only 3 hours away.

    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I will be praying for your safety, man.  Crazy.  Hurricanes on one side, blazes on the other, and snow up north.  2020 has not been a good year.

    4. StormSurge


      I hope you're doing okay Rick. Please update us when you're able to.

  3. I'm trying Robot Tank today. The best I've done so far is 37. I will keep trying or switch back to Galaxian. This one is a very impressive game for the 2600. The changing time and weather is pretty cool.
  4. You are doing the right thing, although I know how hard it is. And GREAT JOB on the Kaboom score. That is a super hard one.
  5. I have a picture of recent pickups to share. The Paul McCartney album download is from a trade with @HDN The NES Pac-Man (and bonus carbonite ice tray) is from a trade with @nosweargamer "Tempest" is what I chose to buy with my ebay 25th anniversary gift card. Thank you guys for the trades.
  6. I was just thinking more about it. More favorite games: Re-Volt, Virtua Tennis, Crazy Taxi. Dreamcast was awesome.
  7. Dreamcast is the first console I purchased after the 2600 (a gap of 18 years or so -- college, marriage, kids, etc). I loved it. I bought it for the beautiful sports games, and totally dug Typing of the Dead and Jet Grind Radio. Hydro Thunder was another favorite. What a great system!
  8. I will next try. Thanks for the reminder.
  9. That is cool. I think we are starting to learn that our knowledge of early N. American peoples and how they got there is incomplete. The Russia/Alaska land bridge theory is starting to look less significant.
  10. I've been to both, and the Florida parks aren't necessarily better...they are just BIGGER. It's totally worth going to FL if you get the chance. But take good shoes! You'll walk a lot. And that humidity if FL can be stifling for those of us used to west coast weather. I remember one trip, it started raining while we were at Animal Kingdom. Florida rain is different than Portland or Seattle rain. Even our "waterproof" coats failed. We got totally drenched head to toe! It was still fun, but it took a lot of quarters at our hotel dryer to get everything (especially shoes) back to functioning order! It was memorable, that's for sure.
  11. Jet boat tour in Portland.  A nice way to end the holiday.  Visibility was terrible due to forest fires nearby,  Thank you global warming. 





    1. socrates63


      Is that along the Columbia?

      Forest fire smoke — keep safe

    2. RickR


      It's the Willamette River (which feeds into the Columbia) and the falls are at Oregon City. 

      We are having a freak wind storm here, and it's getting scary. 

  12. 31,520. I made the 30k club! I'm on an emulator, since I gladly sent my loose cart to HDN and am too lazy to open that fancy box.
  13. A Polaroid would have been ideal! I wish. My family had a Kodak Instamatic. We have it so much better these days!
  14. Laser Blast - 101,520. I had this patch as a kid, but I can't find it now. Lost to the sands of time I guess. I was just thinking of how difficult it was to get these patches back then as a kid. You had to swipe the family camera, take a few shots, wait weeks for the film roll to be consumed, wait more for the film to be developed, get yelled at when Dad saw how you "wasted" film, get pissed because the flash ruined the shot or it was blurry, then do it all again. It could take MONTHS! And then the wait to mail it in and wait to hear back from Activision.
  15. Congrats @Justin on posting your world record score to the various high score sites! I voted "yea" on highscore.com. The video was a lot of fun to watch. Well done!
  16. Got another one. Freeway, game 3, 20 points.
  17. Oh and Harry...the manual doesn't say it, but you MUST listen to this when playing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsntlJZ9h1U&ab_channel=hallandoatesVEVO
  18. Here you go. Good luck! Private Eye (1983) (Activision) [!].pdf
  19. That was me and you're welcome. I'm with you on this. There's something magic about a real console. I will do emulation only when pressed for time, or if my kids are using the gaming room. Or if I don't own the system in question. Emulation to me is a way to preserve those precious old games in case something goes wrong with my console. I really got into emulation with the Atari 8-bit, as a lot of my original software was on floppy disk, and I knew those wouldn't last forever. Just as an example of when I will use emulation for the 2600, a few of these Galaxian runs have been done while I'm working and have 10 minutes until a meeting starts or something like that. The other piece of magic that I currently don't partake in is to use a real CRT TV for the old systems. I use an old analog LCD, which looks great. But it's not quite the same.
  20. There's an Atari 8-bit port of Bosconian as well, and it's astonishing. Especially if you have a 128k computer. But yeah, that 2600 version is just jaw dropping. That, "Star Castle", and "Galaga" raised the bar so high, it's unbelievable.
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