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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Please DO post what CIB games you are looking for, as I would be happy to help with that. And I'm interested in any games you have that I don't already have. Probably Genesis, NES, and manuals. The junk box concept would be really cool! Maybe have a big ziploc bag within that contains items we can put in that YOU want back, so that nobody takes those. In any case, THANKS. It's nice of you no matter who gets them. And congrats on getting your game room set up how you like it. That's huge.
  2. RickR

    eBay Finds

    I've been on a Game Boy kick since the Super Mario Land high score challenge. I thought I'd share the games I've acquired lately:
  3. The trees here tell their own story. Some grew, some are gone. So much to see in these two pictures.
  4. I love this. I agree with @Justin, this blog is one of the best I've seen in a long time.
  5. My best guess would be used PC parts. A video card perhaps. I remember selling some of my Atari stuff I didn't need anymore. A 1030 modem, a 1025 printer. It was amazing at the time that people would want that old crap LOL.
  6. Furthermore, how cool that you kept the original console AND the box, and all the various pieces of your collection. I have my original boxed Atari 2600 from my youth, but I stupidly threw out all the boxes for the games.
  7. I'm new to the TG-16, having just got one a few months ago. You'll have to let me know which games are worth trying. I ended up buying an everdrive, because as you mention, the prices can be pretty nuts for games -- IF you can even find them.
  8. Thanks! If you have any tips or anything, please let me know. I really need to read the manual, as there are switches and gauges that I'm not sure what they mean. Right now, I've just plugged it in and will leave it in overnight. I'm using the 120V plug. Is there anything else to it? It really makes me nervous buying a used car, but I feel like this one is in really good shape and the Carfax looks really good. We really wanted another Prius, but it's impossible to find one that has low miles at a decent price. Leaf's seem like a really good bargain. Low mile cars are easy to find and very well priced. This car has both types of plug (AC and DC) and also has some cool bells/whistles (like a rear-view camera). It's showing 11 (of 12) bars on the battery retention. I'm really impressed at how much oomph the Leaf seems to have. It's really fun to drive!
  9. Hey look, I just got a new (to me) car too! I'm very excited. It's a 2013 Nissan Leaf. Should be a fine car to get to and from work on a daily basis.
  10. Well, I think you need to decide if you want to shave those nubs off or not. It may lower the value of the controller for some collectors. Honestly, I'm not sure it would really be compatible beyond just the joystick portion. Hopefully, you can find someone else that has gone though this here or over at AtariAge. @Scott Stilphen, do you know more about all this? Good luck!
  11. It's because there's only one paddle per connector instead of two (like a real set of paddles). I think it's the button that is wonky and not recognized by a real 2600. The Coleco Gemini controllers are the same way.
  12. It sure is.! Nice job to Marco and everyone else.
  13. You should probably wait for someone else here to chime in, but I honestly don't recall mine having those bumps. You probably don't want to shave those off. If it was me, I'd just get a standard Atari joystick and use that with your adapter. My guess as to why the nubs exist is to prevent the usage of the controller on anything but a System 2. Because the paddle portion would not work on any other machine.
  14. Just like paying taxes...this game is an awful experience. $148,140
  15. I don't see any nubs on my Sears controllers. Can you post pictures?
  16. This version truly is incredible. Honestly, I completely forgot I was playing a 2600 game, it feels so much like the real arcade version. Really great controls too. This actually beats the 5200 version due to the speed and controls.
  17. NICE collection, and great idea on the backup folder. I'm going to do the same.
  18. This week, I'm buying a new roof for our home.  Can we all admit that being an adult sucks sometimes?  There's very little time or $$ for gaming. 

    1. Justin


      I was just discussing the cost of a new roof with somebody yesterday. It's not cheap.

    2. RickR


      That's right -- not cheap.  It's also very difficult to choose a trustworthy company and try to choose a color you can live with for the next 30 years. 


  19. I love your story. It takes a pretty forward-thinking kid to go with your plan of buying a few small accessories first, then setting the goal of the console for later.
  20. That should count for TWO entries.
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