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Everything posted by RickR

  1. A fun game and good competition! Who could ask for anything more?
  2. Or maybe it's just the gigantic fall of Atari from industry leader to nothingness in such a short time. Instead of taking the bigger picture view of how that happened, it turns into potshots at the last gasps from Atari. I guess it is an easy target and although it is lazy, it probably brings in the viewers. Mattel, Coleco, Commodore, and many others suffered the same fate, but didn't go out punching like Atari did. Therefore, it isn't so easy to kick them so hard.
  3. I haven't played in decades, but I remember the computer E.T. was much more fun. No pits! The main theme of the gameplay was the same, but the execution was a bit different. And there was a huge carrot in winning....speech! I think E.T. actually says "E.T. Phone Home" when you put the device together. It is quaint now, but back then, a really big deal to get that kind of speech with no additional hardware. I now want to go back and play it and my do that this weekend.
  4. So true now that you say it out loud. Even the systems that really did stink don't get this kind of hate. It's more about softly making fun of those, but Atari gets both barrels.
  5. Keep posting. It isn't excessive. I've put this one on my watch list. Thanks!
  6. YES! I couldn't put my finger on the issue with Dark Chambers. That's it! Kind of reminds me of "Silent Doom" on Jaguar. It's a really great port of Doom, but no music at all really detracts from the game.
  7. The cast and crew must have worked extra hard on this episode. Bravo to them all. Really well done. They took a big risk and knocked it over the fence.
  8. Oh! I didn't know they were selling a soundtrack. Fascinating!
  9. The more the merrier! These are both winning systems and I'm glad to own them both. And a Jaguar too 🙂
  10. S2:E9 - Subspace Rhapsody. It could have been cringey and awful, but it wasn't at all. Bold. Really well done. Very entertaining. But I'll admit, we like Broadway musicals in this house, and we have a booming audio system which really helped this one. Crank it up!
  11. That was me making that same decision! The computer part came in handy, as I used it in high school and college to do word processing and sign in to computer mainframes during off-hours when you didn't have to time share with anyone else. Then when the homework was done, it was nice to have a gaming machine to play with.
  12. Duke Nukem collection is another big one coming later this year.
  13. It looks nice! But this one is also pretty sleek IMO:
  14. Pre-orders open today ($499.99) https://atari.com/products/arcade1up-atari-50th-anniversary-deluxe-arcade-machine?_kx=DvPCjsHzpB01zDUwRNWoImIscxgT64-PWwMYdNIgn_E%3D.Vvtdy7 It has 50 classic games, including many arcade classics. Is that a track-ball I see? I have wanted a mini-cab version of Missile Command for ages, but haven't ever been able to find one. I may just splurge on this instead.
  15. Could not agree more. I bought this game back when it was new and loved it. I still have the cart and manual but not the box 😞 GREAT pickups @Justin. It is always a pleasure to see boxed games.
  16. In all my years of Atari, this is one of those things I never knew. Dandy! I'm hoping to learn a lot more about it.
  17. Sorry for the delay. We missed a night due to having to work late. The goal is for me and Mrs. R to finish the last two before this weekend, time permitting.
  18. S2,E8 - Under the Cloak of War. VERY intense. You guys were right about the shift in tone.
  19. VS is a great choice! I see one on ebay for $110 used (free shipping). You might also save a search on Ebay and you'll see any deals in a daily email. Reach out if you need help with ebay searching
  20. Iron Soldier is probably my favorite Jag game so far. It's a lot of fun and the controls are easy to get the hang of. Plus, it's one of those games that is easy to find inexpensively on ebay, although I have no idea why this is the case.
  21. Maybe we should start a "favorite antacids" topic 🙂
  22. YES! This is exactly the type of thing I was hoping for. I'll try this next time we have leftover pizza. I usually put it on a pizza pan, stick it in the oven at 200 for 20 minutes, and it comes out pretty good!
  23. I can't do that any more. My mind says yes but my digestive tract says HEYYYYL NAW!
  24. Lunches at home. It can get really boring. And also, who has time for anything fancy? So I thought I'd share some really simple recipes as I find them that are a cut above the old standard PB&J or a hot dog. Share any you have too! First up is a recipe for quesadilla. I don't know about you, but I've been doing it wrong. The addition of butter (I use margarine) and a cast iron skillet gives it that smoky crunch that takes it up a notch.
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