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Everything posted by RickR

  1. E2 - I agree with you, also great! Moopsy! This one pays homage to "Seinfeld" of all things!
  2. And the art is fantastic! (I'm legally required to say this for the next 90 days)
  3. SEASON 4 is out now! We watched E1, and it's a hilarious tribute to Voyager. I was forced to pause many times to explain to my wife things like "There was an episode in which Paris and Janeway evolved into those space slugs" and "Michael McKeon played a psycho clown". Anyway, A+ episode.
  4. Howdy! I suppose we should expect more visitors here. All are welcome.
  5. Looking forward to these topics. Subscribed!
  6. 4 - Use the profit to buy Motorola and screw everyone who used the 68000 series CPU in their computer.
  7. I'm guessing those copyright dates are not correct?
  8. 17599 Played this time on a real 7800 with a Tac-2 joystick. I think I prefer the PS1 pad, as holding down these old joystick buttons really hurts my hand!!
  9. Good points! I think it is an acknowledgement that Atari recognizes AA has been carrying the torch properly for the last 25 years.
  10. I found this very compelling and thought I'd share it here. The reason for the different Worf attitude in Picard season 3 is shown in a deleted scene available on the DVD compilation. I'm kind of shocked they didn't show this in the show. It adds so much! https://tvline.com/news/star-trek-picard-season-3-deleted-scene-worf-pacifism-watch-video-1235039249/
  11. In the meantime, I really mean to try the game on real hardware when time permits. But that PS1 Classic in my family room is too dang convenient. Mostly, I think I can do better with a joystick over the PS1 pad.
  12. People in this hobby always tend to go negative on new products and changes. I don't know why that is, but it is a real downer to me. Atari has shown a lot of positive signs and support of the community. For example, making homebrews available on the VCS. Atari employees like @Davpa and others have been outstanding members of the community and are super nice to work with for support and stuff.
  13. I was looking at the hack, but I'm not sure we can count it here. Changes were made (like removing borders and graphical changes). It is hard to say if gameplay is identical. I haven't tried it. It smacks of effort 🙂 But I do have the hack (actually several versions of it) on the Concerto cart.
  14. There is a Q&A posted in the AtariAge forums with more information: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/354589-atariage-atari-qa/
  15. I think this was assumed to be coming after AA removed a bunch of homebrews from their store. I trust and respect Albert @ AtariAge, so I'm going to to with this being a good thing.
  16. I think the other missing piece of his flawed plan was providing real support to those third party companies. Documentation and dev stations and everything else that will make them successful. From everything I've read, he nickel and dimed everybody.
  17. Yeah, I can admit when I make a mistake. I like to blame it on old age. 🙂 I had to think long and hard about what that other game name was (Sprint Master). I love the Pole Position box art. Recycling box art was lazy. Did they think we wouldn't notice? I guess they didn't care what we thought as long as they could save a buck. Those two games in particular (Solaris and Sprint Master) are both really good and deserved much better.
  18. A secret that shouldn't be so secret:  If you  have a Genesis Everdrive, create an SMS folder and put SMS ROM files in there.  The Genesis is fully backwards compatible with the Sega Master System ROMs and can run them no problem. 

    1. Justin


      WOW I had no idea! THANK YOU @RickR! The Master System and Game Gear are very similar - can the Genesis Everdrive run Game Gear games also? Can you run Game Gear games on a Master System Everdrive?

    2. socrates63


      Wow, thanks, Rick! I had been thinking of picking up a SMS console, but I will put away that idea. And it sounds like I don’t even need a Powerbase—nice!

    3. RickR


      I do not know about the Game Gear games, but it is worth trying. 

  19. My goof. I meant that second game that uses the same box art as Pole Position. Sprint Master. It deserves it's own box art!
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