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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I'm fiddling with Dolphin emulator (for Gamecube) on PC.  It works pretty well!

    1. socrates63


      Whatcha playing on the GC emu? I bought a GC several years ago and have a small library but haven't played it much. 

  2. The GBC was indeed from Toys R Us, which was our go-to for GB games at that time. I'm sure the Nyko case came from there. Oh how I'd love to have one of those Turbo Booster Plus! I'm using RF output with my TG-16. It looks pretty good that way, but composite would be better.
  3. I've got the Lynx pouch! It is very nice quality.
  4. Toilet bowl truck (note the #2) and Land Speeder Hot Wheels. Found at Dollar Tree.
  5. You have it covered with a great plan. Best wishes! I hope they get it under control soon.
  6. Along the same lines as @Justin's original post...Luke NEVER pointed the lightsaber at his own face in Star Wars. https://screenrant.com/star-wars-luke-point-lightsaber-face-meme/
  7. The other day, I was cleaning out drawers upstairs, which were full of our kids' school stuff. Old papers and art and various supplies and books.. Out came this purple box, which I assumed was a pencil box. But when I opened it, nope! It's a Nyko Gamoboy game case. And that writing on it? That's my wife's handwriting. It all came flooding back to me like a sharp zoom! My oldest child's first game system was a Gameboy Color. We learned pretty quickly that if he took it to a friends home or on vacation, he could potentially lose or leave behind a game. So this was the solution. Just make sure each game is in the case before you leave. Anyway, the memories here, probably only valid to myself, my wife, and probably our now-grown-up son, are priceless. My next step is to find those old original games (I hope we still have them) and put them in the right slots. Then this becomes a most prominent piece of my Gameboy collection.
  8. Don't hurt your back! 🙂 I need to get back to trying this one, as I only got one game in. Pathetic on my part.
  9. Oh wow, another really nice collection. Thank you for sharing! You guys need to let us know if there are any "must-have" favorite carts in your collection.
  10. The Trek World videos are really good! I'm glad you enjoyed that one. There are series about the ship models used on TOS that are really fun and educational. Check them out! And yeah, I agree with you on Xon. And Tuvok!
  11. Here you go. This one even starts with the Wildcats footage and notes it is NOT from Phase 2. And supposedly, this one contains "all" of the known phase 2 footage.
  12. There are a few real clips from "Phase II" that I've seen on the YouTube channel called "Trek World". They are short, and you can recognize David Gautreaux as Xon. Mostly, they were testing out sets and costumes (as you mentioned), so nothing beyond that. But they are fascinating to see! I'll see if I can find those and link them here. I've seen this wrongly-associated clip from Wildcats a few times. I can see how people might get confused by it.
  13. Same here, this blog post is awesome. I remember riding my bike to a computer store as a kid. I was a VIC-20 owner at the time, not yet Atari. And I was astounded at all the games available on tape in a ziploc baggie! I think I bought a few that looked like fun, but was pretty disappointed with them when I got home and tried them. Well, the good news was that my disappointment turned into "I could do this better". And the best thing about tape games was you could actually see the source code. So I ended up learning a ton.
  14. While waiting for wife in surgery...


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    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Wow!  I need to go where you went.  I can't see with or without my glasses lol

    3. RickR


      I know, right?  It is pretty amazing.  I'm told they remove the cateract and replace your lens with a "permanent contact". 

      I still wear glasses too.  But I don't have cateracts.  Yet.  My eyesight isn't terrible.  I can see without glasses.  But I have one eye near, one far-sighted.  They always joke "you'd make an excellent fighter pilot".  One eye on gauges, one out the canopy. 


    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I try to look at things close up and I have to remove my glasses. To look at things far away I have to put them back on. 

  15. Very nice to know there is an adapter, thanks! I assume it doesn't work with a front-loader NES though, right? Top loader or fake NES (like Retron)?
  16. I'll try to grab the demo soon! Thanks for the heads up.
  17. Do you have a Famicom? I'm just wondering if there's some other way to enjoy these games.
  18. No, thank goodness! But I'm an old goat that insists on retaining decorum. I'm guessing you're the same, but several of the jobs in my distant past involved wearing a tie to work every day. Well, it's much more casual now, but I still try to stick with business casual at least.
  19. Oh yeah! G-Loc! Who could resist? Even those silly "hunting" games with the arcade shotguns were pretty dang sweet.
  20. Wow, I've never ever heard of most of these. That took a lot of effort to put together. 5 stars.
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