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  1. Like
    RickR reacted to nosweargamer in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    I saw when you posted your Intellivison collection that you didn't have Burgertime and I thought to myself "Every Intellivision collection needs Burgertime!" 
  2. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Thanks to Rows for the game gear case. Ive been looking for one and this one is nice and big. Also thanks for the poker game and the baseball card

  3. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Thanks to the No Swear Gamer for the cib donkey kong jr. He even trew in a butger time for the intellivision

  4. Like
    RickR reacted to Willie! in The Toy Tomb Podcast Videos   
    Going to be doing a Stomper 4x4 episode in the near future, would be cool to get some stories from anyone on these audio or text!  toytompodcast@gmail.com

  5. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Easter Egg In This Apple II Game Found After 33 Years   
    The archiving is amazing.   I feel the same way about ROMs.   This is a part of history that deserves to be preserved like any other.  I'm thankful we live in an age of technology to where we can prevent something from happening like it did with many early films. 
  6. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Easter Egg In This Apple II Game Found After 33 Years   
    Agree.  Really cool in may respects -- the easter egg itself, and the archiving of all this software. 
  7. Like
    RickR reacted to Willie! in The Toy Tomb Podcast Videos   
  8. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    With the Atari flashbacks, there was a huge issue with fakes. Is it possible you got a fake unit? I've been using and loving the FB2 controllers for years now. I think they are nice quality.
  9. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    You better not use that Championship Tennis for *anything* other than TV Color viewing!
    Some of what I got in return:

  10. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Oh heck yes!  Nice additions to my collection thanks to Mr. Blazer of Balls.   Thanks so much, man.  I owe you one!

    Al thinks he wants a piece of me on Tennis.    Also pictured is a factory sealed Desert Falcon for Atari 2600 I snagged on eBay. 
  11. Like
    RickR reacted to Willie! in Arcade USA   
  12. Like
    RickR reacted to nosweargamer in The No Swear Gamer Atari 2600 Reviews   
    Ep 265: Basketball

  13. Like
    RickR reacted to Arenafoot in Easter Egg In This Apple II Game Found After 33 Years   
    Hacker Finds Easter Egg In Apple II Game That Was Hidden For 33 Years
    Do you know that Gumball, a game that was released in 1983 for the Apple II and other early PCs, was never all that popular? However, this week a secret that was kept hidden for 33 years was discovered by anonymous hacker who not only hacked his way through extremely advanced copyright protection, but also became the first people to notice an Easter Egg concealed by the game’s creator, Robert A. Cook. What was more incredible that Cook congratulated them for their work on Friday.
    The hacker known as 4a.m. for the last few years has been methodically cracking the DRM on old Apple II games and uploading them to the Internet Archive. 4a.m. is looked at as more of a game preservation hero than a bandit, since most of the games are entirely out of print, all-but-impossible to find, and run only on old computers.
    He told Motherboard that he has cracked 683 games until now and several games that came out in the early 1980s can be insignificantly cracked with automated utilities. However, Gumball was different.
    “Copyright protection developer Roland Gustafsson was legendary at Apple II copy protection. Roland was in a class by himself,” 4a.m. told Motherboard. “To give you a sense of how extraordinary it was, consider that this is my 683rd crack, and this write-up was almost twice as long as my previous longest.” However, the DRM was not the only astonishing thing about the game. He noticed a cipher while he was cracking the game with his sometimes partner (who goes by “qkumba”).
    “I stumbled on a site that had a vague reference to the initial step in revealing the egg. I told qkumba to try it, and he said it came back with these messages on screen after each level,” 4a.m. said. “I recognized it as a simple substitution cipher and put it into an online cipher solver I found through a quick Google search.”
    The game makes you in charge of a gumball factory worker who evolves to become foreman, supervisor, manager, and vice president of the factory—if you hit “ctrl+z” during the cutscenes between levels of the game, you get different codes of the cipher. Solved, the cipher discloses this code:
    During “retirement,” which is the end of the game, if you hit ctrl+z again there’s one final code: “DOUBLE HELIX.” 4a.m. and qkumba entered “DNA” at the end of the game and got this screen:
    This is the first time anyone has ever solved the cipher or found this Easter egg, according to 4a.m. Cook also thought the same thing, when he 4a.m about it:
    4a.m. has become a bit of a folk hero in the Apple II community, which is still going strong. He says he got the copy of Gumball on loan from a friend who was a former developer that worked with Broderbund. Apparently, this copy of Gumball came from a shoebox in famous game designer Jordan Mechner’s garage.
    “I’ve never seen a copy of Gumball for sale on eBay or anywhere,” 4a.m. told Motherboard. “It really is quite rare.”
    You can find the game here.
  14. Like
    RickR reacted to Clint Thompson in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    I'm curious as to how the quality will differ, or if at all, from the Flashback and other retro consoles released. I understand that you have to cut corners to meet a price point but have never understood why the quality has to be dwindled down so bad. I thought the Flashback was downright awful with the cheapest possible plastics and sticker decals made available. I realize at the end of the day that people probably only care about is playing games but what happened to them actually being of quality instead of toys you get from the $1 store.
    Of course, I come from a time where stereos were made from chunks of aluminum and Atari used very alluring, thick plastics, metal nameplates and shiny black reflective surfaces.
  15. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Thrift Store Finds   
    Todays finds im gonna bust out the PS1 soon

  16. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Thank you chas10e for selling me this beauty. I am gonna read this thing front to back!

  17. Like
    RickR reacted to LeeJ07 in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    My collection. Not too extensive, to be honest.

  18. Like
    RickR got a reaction from LeeJ07 in Magnavox Odyssey 2   
    Timelord is just an ok game really.  It's the voice that takes it over the top.  You must complete the next level just to hear the next taunt from the timelord. 
  19. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    Here is the list of games that the NES Classic Edition is reported to include:
    Balloon Fight Bubble Bobble Castlevania Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Double Dragon II: The Revenge Dr. Mario Excitebike Final Fantasy Galaga Ghosts N' Goblins  Gradius Ice Climber Kid Icarus Kirby's Adventure Mario Bros. Mega Man 2 Metroid Ninja Gaiden Pac-Man Punch-Out! Featuring Mr. Dream Star Tropics Super C Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Tecmo Bowl The Legend of Zelda Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
  20. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Thanks jmjustin for another great trade!

  21. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    Here is my collection so far

  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from jmjustin6 in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    I like it, but I'm a little turned off by all the hype. My Facebook feed is just covered with this thing.
  23. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    I like it, but I'm a little turned off by all the hype. My Facebook feed is just covered with this thing.
  24. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Clint Thompson in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    I like it, but I'm a little turned off by all the hype. My Facebook feed is just covered with this thing.
  25. Like
    RickR reacted to Sabertooth in Nintendo Announces the Mini-NES, w/ 30 Classic Games   
    This is interesting. On the positive side, the game selection is pretty fantastic, the styling is great - arguably better than the ATGames flashbacks, I also love the HDMI out. I wonder how they are handling the emulation of the software?
    On the negative, I think that not having the ability to use real software and accessories is a huge misstep when considering most of the clones allow you to do so. Why have a stylized door if you can't put a cart in there? For me, this is a deal breaker. I'm planning to get an AVS at a much higher price but would have jumped on this had it included those features. That said, they'll sell a million of these to casual fans.
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