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    RickR got a reaction from DegasElite in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    The RickR Intellivision Collection.  78 games so far.

  2. Like
    RickR got a reaction from jmjustin6 in Thrift Store Finds   
    Keep cleaning them.  Use a new q-tip each time.  Sometimes, it takes several cleanings to get them going. 
  3. Like
    RickR reacted to LeeJ07 in Thrift Store Finds   
    A nice close up of my newest NES game.
    Yes, my collection is now graced by the presence of Fabio himself. He's right here, Ladies!

  4. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    The RickR Intellivision Collection.  78 games so far.

  5. Like
    RickR got a reaction from DegasElite in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    Love me some Night Stalker.  Play it with both controllers (using two hands).  One to move, the other to fire. 
  6. Like
    RickR reacted to Retro Play in 1983 LOTR - Journey to Rivendell   
    Really enjoying this game. Lots of fun to play! Here is another video game review!
  7. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Retro Play in 1983 LOTR - Journey to Rivendell   
    The ROM can be found here:
  8. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Retro Play in 1983 LOTR - Journey to Rivendell   
    Wow!  I've never seen that.  It looks great!  Going to see if I can find the ROM file.
  9. Like
    RickR reacted to LeeJ07 in Thrift Store Finds   
    I have some finds of my own to share, including my first Dreamcast game, and I'll post more soon.
  10. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    Loosey Goosey games....
    And the INTV III nestled in its loving cover.

    I have my INTV II with Intellivoice and System Changer packed away at the moment. 
  11. Like
    RickR got a reaction from DegasElite in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    Sadly, I have nothing rare like that in my collection, as you'll see.  If you send me an extra, I'll place it in that finger hole
  12. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Thrift Store Finds   
    Todays find are why i go out all the time to look for stuff. I finally found Pitfall 2!!
    Plus i stopped by the local comic book store and found these in the 50 cent box (there might have been more atari force comics but they have about 20 boxes of 50 cent comics and it would have taken me all day to look)

  13. Like
    RickR got a reaction from DegasElite in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    For the upcoming Wednesday Night Chat -- one of our topics will be Intellivsion.  Post your pictures of your collection!
    Here's mine.  In those three boxes, which I will crack open at some point before tomorrow......

  14. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in 1983 LOTR - Journey to Rivendell   
    The ROM can be found here:
  15. Like
    RickR got a reaction from TrekMD in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    The RickR Intellivision Collection.  78 games so far.

  16. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    The RickR Intellivision Collection.  78 games so far.

  17. Like
    RickR got a reaction from DegasElite in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    I've got a Donkey Kong Jr box (in crushed shape), but no cartridge.  Anybody need the box?
  18. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    My boxed games for now.   

    I really need to get some form of organizing done.
  19. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    For the upcoming Wednesday Night Chat -- one of our topics will be Intellivsion.  Post your pictures of your collection!
    Here's mine.  In those three boxes, which I will crack open at some point before tomorrow......

  20. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in 34 Years Ago Today, the Greatest Movie of All Time Was Released   
    At least for me it was very similar.  
    I saw Legacy 5 times in the theaters.   That's VERY excessive for me, but I freely admit my obsession with the franchise.
    The World of Tron was an ultimate escape for me as a kid growing up.  I had countless scenarios in my head for this vast world I imagined. 
  21. Like
    RickR reacted to Chris++ in 34 Years Ago Today, the Greatest Movie of All Time Was Released   
    Pasted below is the Tron chapter of the Classic-Gaming Bookcast (without the images). I'm only including it because I thought you guys might enjoy reading it. I didn't realize that there were other huge fans of the film, at least beyond the association-with-old-games interest level. I hope you enjoy it...it was unexpectedly difficult to articulate why the movie means so much to me!
    In late 1982 or early '83, we rented the movie Tron for our Betamax VCR. Preposterously, I hadn't gotten around to seeing it on the big screen. I figured out how to copy it, using a borrowed second machine, and watched it over and over again. I bought the VHS tape five or six years later, and the double DVD on the film's twentieth anniversary in '02.
    Some of the dialogue might have been hokey, even when the movie was new, but I was mesmerized by the visualizations and plot details. I tended to live in my own world half the time anyway; upon seeing Tron, I transformed the real one from inside my head. I didn't quite mean to. It just made the repetitious things in a kid's life cooler. I left solid walls of light along the sidewalk, and the glinting tiles and painted-over bricks of my elementary school became circuited tunnels through which I ominously soared.
    I wasn't noticeably physical about any of this. I didn't have to be. I'd already filled my skull with video-game images over the prior year. Now the three-dimensional ramifications of living in that universe were absorbed into my mental metabolism. The screens that connected the everyday world to these new ones weren't monitors or television tubes, but windows. Locations from various games flew enticingly past me as I walked by things as formerly ordinary as jungle gyms and chain-link fences.
    It's not that I didn't enjoy being a kid. There were simply aspects that I found objectionable. Being expected to attend school every day felt like a prison sentence. And I reviled not having the adult abilities to do stuff. This didn't concern unrestricted toy shopping, theme-park trips or other external extravagances. I wanted to play real musical instruments and write real books. I could save odd-job money toward the former, and practice the latter on my mom's typewriter; but I wasn't skilled yet, and I was impatient to truly get started.
    Something that was possible, however, was to competently explore that limitless other place, finding and doing things previously consigned to my imagination. Tron alluringly blurred the line. I could even learn to create my own parts of that other place, if only I could get my hands on a computer.
    As I was already acclimating myself to a coexistence with other humans by adopting the crucial society-is-stupidly-funny mindset (I didn't know how to apply words like "absurdly amusing"), it was impactful to see just how easily alternate life could be created. My widening eyes watched Flynn and Alan actually communicating with the humanoid programs they'd "written," using secret messages such as "Request access to Clu program. Code 6 password to memory 0222." Outside the VCR, every spinning thing that I saw reminded me of the Master Control Program, and anything laid out in a grid fashion was an electronic, beautifully unambiguous expanse.
    When Flynn was sucked into the collective digital world and was able to interact with the walking, talking realizations of his own keyboard work, I was sucked in, myself. The main function of teachers seemed to be to detract my attention from the things with which I really loved to fill my brain. Their inapplicable blather might have prepared me to be a good drone, so it's fortunate that affordable home video games came along when they did.
    I believe that I initially played the Tron coin-op in the small game room at Uncle Cliff's, an Albuquerque amusement park. (The name has since been changed to Cliff's, but he's not fooling anyone. He's still my uncle!) When I play it now, it strikes me as a continually repeated quartet of largely derivative sub-games that rapidly rise in difficulty. It's blatantly designed to scarf up as much money as possible. In this sense, I suppose, it was technologically prophetic.
    My associations with the game are so positive that I occasionally play it anyway. I have a great time, notwithstanding any opinions I've formed since the '80s. This is perhaps the only arcade game from which I can't objectively detach my early affection, for the kid Chris was captivated. It was as close as I could get to literally playing a part in the movie, and I watched older players until I memorized their tactics and patterns. I became quite good myself, and still remember most of the maneuvers.
    In fact, if I'm out on one of my treasured nighttime walks and I get hit by a falling piano or something, I'll be in trouble when I try to recall my blood type. The poor paramedic will hear little more than, "High speed. Forward. Right. Left. Left. Left." He'll be all set if he ever gives up his work to drive a Light Cycle, though. I should know.

  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from MaximumRD in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    For the upcoming Wednesday Night Chat -- one of our topics will be Intellivsion.  Post your pictures of your collection!
    Here's mine.  In those three boxes, which I will crack open at some point before tomorrow......

  23. Like
    RickR reacted to Arenafoot in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    my Intv console (along with my Atari 2600 Jr.) are hidden away inside my bench in front of my HDTV.........
    and other pics are my boxed INTV games and overlays I bought (out) from GameOver Videogame stores in Houston.

  24. Like
    RickR reacted to AtariBrian in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    I will try to remember to be here tomorrow.  Intellivison in hand! 
  25. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Arenafoot in Post Your Pictures - Intellivsion Collections   
    For the upcoming Wednesday Night Chat -- one of our topics will be Intellivsion.  Post your pictures of your collection!
    Here's mine.  In those three boxes, which I will crack open at some point before tomorrow......

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