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Atari Creep

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Everything posted by Atari Creep

  1. Looked at a house this weekend and they had an Atari Flashback hooked up to a CRT in the basement/ Right where my stuff is going to go if they take our offer!!!!! But as many Atari fans that are out there I do not think it can still compete with the Nintendorks and their wants and needs. HAHA Flashbacks sell but I think it mainly sells to folks that pick it up for the goof of playing Atari again and is short lived. Or get it for their kids to check it out, and sometimes they stay hooked up and sometimes they get put in the closet. But we need to start bothering Hyperkin to hook us old kats up with a clone system of our own. Pre Nintendo 8bit stuff. 8 Bit computer, VCS, 7800 and so on and so on!!!! Would be nice to see but I am not holding my breath!!!!!!
  2. Or better our own RetroN. 2600/7800, coleco and into Intelivision.
  3. I do not normally get excited about Hyperkin products but this got my attention. Its basically a power base converter that will also take GG carts. From the facebook post it looks like we have to wait until CES 2017 for more. I'm excited anyway. Haha
  4. I have never been a fan of how the Jr looks but this is sexy!!!!!
  5. Strong Language!!!!! Hey guys!!!! Here is an idea I came up with and thought it would make for a fun video!!!!!
  6. Amazing story and great job keeping it alive! My hero!
  7. Its insane! What have I gotten myself into? Hahaha
  8. Allow me to be the first to thank you for saving the life of the greatest dedicated consoles of all time.
  9. Ya, what the hell were they thin------- Excuse me, ***hides toy behind back*** Ok, where was I? Oh ya WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!!!!!
  10. ****I do not think I used any strong language this time!!!!!!!! I don't normally do reviews but wanted to do something a little different for my first upload of 2017. Happy New Year IO family and I hope you enjoy!!!
  11. -This will be my set up depending on mood, (aka do I want to fight with the bedroom TV and hook this up). -Or I will use my Wii running Wii2600, an port of Stella Atari 2600/VCS emulator, GameCube Wavebird controller.
  12. My number 1 VCS/2600 will always be the Sears Tele-Games Heavy 6'r, because that was my first console. It's funny you say that about the Sears models because mine would always get weird looks and I remember feeling like somehow I had less of a console after going to all my friends that had light 6'r or 4 switch models. Their consoles looked sleek and modern where mine looked bulky and in a way like I was given a cheap alternative. Over time I felt different. I thought mine was much better built and solid (and it was). Mine was an American product. Last, mine had a look of class. And after all id did the EXACT same thing as all the others. Mine was just the odd ball of the bunch. Maybe because I am the only one I knew that had the Sears version at the time!!!! My first love!!!!! If this is not what you call sexy, I don't what is.
  13. I played guitar in a Christian Thrash Metal band YEARS ago. It was fun. My father who was a minister was so happy that I moved from regular metal to bible based music even if he didn't like the style!!!!
  14. Amazing stuff and can't wait to see what you come up with. My gaming resolution for 2017 is to take my YouTube channel a bit more serious. Maybe stop using my cell for everything and start editing on a simple lap top with a simple editor. Create more often and on a schedule. Build up and work on the Milieu Macabre part of my pages. As far as collecting: Focus on 2600/7800 carts Find a Tele-Games Heavy 6'r Find a 7800 console Build up a Coleco library Find a Tele-Games Super Video Arcade and build on that library. Mainly because its a sexy unit! My checking account got hacked over the holiday weekend (showing -32K) and they are working on it, but once that is clear I am going hog wild looking for 2600/7800 carts. Well within reason anyway!!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
  15. Justin, Thank you for all your LOVE. Every word was 100% true and heart felt, I can never thank you and this community enough!!!! WOW!!! Thank you so much Dragon!!! Means the world to me!
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