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Atari Creep

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Everything posted by Atari Creep

  1. Thanks a ton guys!!!!! Ya chas10e I thought about doing that but it never came naturally o me in THIS game. Other shooters will spew a hail storm of rounds where this one is slower that way, to me anyway. I love smashing the button the rapid fire as fast as I can.
  2. 18790 The best I got, for now!!!!!!! STRONG LANGUAGE!
  3. I have played a few ports but Atari 2600 gets my vote. Guess it is because I played that one more and have many fond memories of playing that game on the 2600!
  4. No I personally have not but my ears are up and at attention!!!!
  5. You guys are ANIMALS!!!! I can't break 20K. Posting a video of my latest efforts latter today!!!!
  6. In color palate I can see that but they are completely different animals all together. I had a chance to grab a Pico with a bunch of stuff for it for around $20 this past summer but passed. Missed opportunity.
  7. I was just about to post about this!!!!!!! Day late and a dollar shy I guess. I know I should have learned my lesson with other kickstarters but I am somewhat interested in following this one!!!!!!!!
  8. Sorry I have been absent lately!!!!! Lots going on over here. Hope all is doing amazing!

    1. DCG


      Great to have you back Atari Creep!

    2. greenween


      Always great to see you around Atari Creep!

  9. Wish I could take credit for all that tape, I like being a pain in the ass!!!! HAHAHA Nice picks yo!
  10. OH MAN!!!! I remember playing this one. Fun fact: If memory serves, this game was in the original Dawn of the Dead!!!!!!
  11. A little something silly I put together. Not gaming related but thought I would share!
  12. Slated for the fall'ish. However there are conflicting reports from all over. Some are saying it will be somewhat kid friendly where others are reporting it will be uber violent!!!!!! I am getting a bit more excited for it personally.
  13. OMG yes I love this flick!!! It was hated a great deal and looked at as a failure. Not in my book!!!!!!!!! Amazing stuff all around!
  14. Any thoughts? Not sure if I am excited or not. https://media.netflix.com/en/only-on-netflix/122622
  15. Sorry to be late on this one, just haven't been on the computer much the past week.. I vote for Space Combat. It just screams to me with everything I find amazing!!!!!!!
  16. Welcome. Good folks and good times here. Just don't let any of these Kats neer your Doritos. My only advice!!!!!!!
  17. Fun with cameras. AHHHHHHHHHH! 1987 was an amazing year for movies, unrelated I know but wanted to note that!!!!!!
  18. Amazing stuff!!!! The sticks and that Spider Fighter is the tops in my book! Subbed!
  19. Nope. HAHAH Sorry but a friend set it all up for me! I know nothing about anything he had to do in order to get it to work.
  20. Oh, I'm using Wii7800 emulator on my Wii and a Wavebird controller. I have the cart but no 7800 to play it at this time.
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