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Atari Creep

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Everything posted by Atari Creep

  1. *****Strong Language***** Do you have a half hour to kill and feel the need to listen to a filthy mouth kat from Boston talk about his life in gaming? Then this is the video for you!! Happy New Year everyone, here's to a fantastic 2017!!!!
  2. That Space Invaders is looking very tempting!!!!
  3. Oh yes! The Castle, how could I forget that!!!!
  4. Everyone already spoke of any title I would have but figure I would say congrats on your new journey.
  5. I love this stuff. Its like therapy.
  6. Agreed great question. The are all "original" games but you will recognize a lot of the game play. A title called Thunder Man is very much like Mega Man in style. I haven't gone through most of the games yet so I will update ya all. Maybe a video, maybe not. Haha
  7. Love this!!! What a great story. Thanks so much for sharing!
  8. I picked this up for my girlfriend's 8yo daughter. She is always trying my games and thought I would get her her own little system. To test the waters ya know? $20 at Walgreens didn't expect much. Wow was I wrong. It's not a bad little deal!! Screen is tiny but looks great, volume is ok, the games all work for the most part as they should and there are a good handful of titles though generic are very fun to jam on!!! I was shocked, might get one for myself just for fun!
  9. I got to see it in IMax 4k 3D, the only 4k screen in New England!!! At first I was meh after seeing it but after I let it settle into my brain I liked it more and more. Loved the limited use of Vader!!! I feel if he was on screen any more it would have mad him feel cheap. The work to bring Grand Moth was a little glitchy but it did not take me out of the experience!! I can't even imagine how hard that is to pull off! Loved seeing him again. First 2 thirds were slow but needed to set up the greatness!!! And last, VADER GOING ALL JASON VOORHEES WAS AMAZING! Over all I think it felt more like Star Wars than episode 7 did and I like it a little more than that one!!!!! Great fun flick!!!!
  10. Great stuff. I need to get my hands on that book dam it. Hahah Good job GervGirl!
  11. Not a good start but I will be back. Playing with a GameCube controller is hard! 14282 is the highest so far. You guys are beasts!
  12. Very Strong Language Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!! Little fireside read of Twas the Night Before Creep's-Mas
  13. After reading a few memories of receiving their consoles I quickly realized, I do not for the life of me remember how or when we got our VCS. Call it an Atari LACK of memory! I only know it was a Sears Tele-Games heavy 6'r and one day it was there, what day that was, how or why I couldn't tell ya!! HAHAH
  14. This is amazing on that so odd its not kind of deal!!!!!!!! I see a T Bucket body with this though. Or a Trike body!!!!! Can you picture a T bucked that looked like that with a big block and a PA system playing the Pac-Man siren as you fly down the street???
  15. I hit up the facebook page!!! Win or not glad to be following!!!!
  16. Just wanted to wish you all a very happy holidays tonight in the event I am not able to sneak in anymore this week. Regardless of what you may or may not celebrate I hope you and yours are doing well and enjoying this amazing time of the year. I feel very honored to have the IO team on my side, greatful to have met a group of kats such as yourselves. This is am amazing and welcoming community. Thank you for welcoming a filthy mouth hooligan like me to be part of this community!!! I know I am the better for it!!!
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