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  1. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Storm's Giveaway - THE PICKS!   
    chas10e chooses:
    Atari 2600 "Pigs in Space" & NES "Bomberman"
  2. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from StormSurge in Storm's Giveaway - THE PICKS!   
    chas10e chooses:
    Atari 2600 "Pigs in Space" & NES "Bomberman"
  3. Haha
    chas10e reacted to StormSurge in Storm's Giveaway - DRAFT RESULTS   
    Coming in at pick number 4....
    Running list...
    12. BlackCatz40
    11. Willie!
    10. greenween
    9. Control Issues
    8. GRay Defender
    7. Mr Toon
    6. Atari Creep
    5. nosweargamer
    4. chas10e
  4. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    awe I thought I atleast tied @RadioPoultry but needed to post it anyways

  5. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from StormSurge in Storm's Stuff Giveaway 2 - Electric Boogaloo   
    yeah I guess I'll get in on the draft , couple little what-nots here & there I see, I might have a couple things on your want-list and will check out the extra life thing to see what that's all about.
    I have that light switch thing for my living room and it's pretty cool
  6. Haha
    chas10e reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Ralph Baer honored with New Hampshire statue   
    Right before my birthday.  That's pretty cool!
  7. Like
    chas10e reacted to Control Issues in Ralph Baer honored with New Hampshire statue   
    I think they have a brown box signed by him at the National Videogame Museum in Frisco, Tx.  Got a pic of it, I think...  will have to check when I get home.
  8. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Atari Creep in Ralph Baer honored with New Hampshire statue   
    cool, when is this gonna happen do you know ?
  9. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Atari Creep in Ralph Baer honored with New Hampshire statue   
    On Friday, a sculpture will be unveiled in Arms Park featuring Baer seated on a bench holding his Brown Box.
    looks like it would be May 10, 2019 ... I won't be able to make it :(
  10. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from StormSurge in Ralph Baer honored with New Hampshire statue   
    On Friday, a sculpture will be unveiled in Arms Park featuring Baer seated on a bench holding his Brown Box.
    looks like it would be May 10, 2019 ... I won't be able to make it :(
  11. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    taken down the "3-fer" robot at least once , got one hit on him another time but I don't think you get any points until he's destroyed

  12. Haha
    chas10e reacted to RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    Hope I wasn't sounding too negative... I am enjoying the game, I'm just not used to the controllers and how they function. I tried the two-controller method and it worked pretty well at first, but my controllers aren't in the best condition, and  i eventually found the odds that my guy would move and shoot erratically increased a lot. I went back to using one controller for this score.

  13. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    After posting the last score I continued to get a feel of the advanced levels of robots.
    Thanks @nosweargamer for the tip on the benefits of 2 controllers.
    Another question , getting poisoned by a bat or a spider ISN'T considered a death is it ? The manual says  just a temporary illness

  14. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    taken down the "3-fer" robot at least once , got one hit on him another time but I don't think you get any points until he's destroyed

  15. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    After posting the last score I continued to get a feel of the advanced levels of robots.
    Thanks @nosweargamer for the tip on the benefits of 2 controllers.
    Another question , getting poisoned by a bat or a spider ISN'T considered a death is it ? The manual says  just a temporary illness

  16. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    So much drama in this squad challenge !!!

    I was able to pin down the lady robot in the killing-zone a couple times. controller error took me out.
    I'm using real hardware, single controller. don't know how to hang on to 2 controllers and seems the layout is the same for both controllers

  17. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Night Stalker (Intellivision)   
    The lady robot spawned on me for the first time and I wasn't expecting it.

  18. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in Sears Arcade II controller issue   
    How about modifying an extension cable to accept the nubs ? https://console5.com/store/atari-sega-commodore-6-1-8m-joystick-controller-extension-cable-cord.html
  19. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from RickR in Sears Arcade II controller issue   
    How about modifying an extension cable to accept the nubs ? https://console5.com/store/atari-sega-commodore-6-1-8m-joystick-controller-extension-cable-cord.html
  20. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Atari Creep in The Atari Creep   
    There was a dedicated  Bosconian at Funspot NH until they updated the mini-golf & family area. I imagine it is safely stored away and will ask about it the next opportunity I have to visit up there.
    The Namco Museum Plug-in-play ("yellow & purple thing) is limited by a 4-way joystick
    The Homebrew is pretty awesome. @RickR snagged one for me when it was first releaced
  21. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Justin in The Atari Creep   
    There was a dedicated  Bosconian at Funspot NH until they updated the mini-golf & family area. I imagine it is safely stored away and will ask about it the next opportunity I have to visit up there.
    The Namco Museum Plug-in-play ("yellow & purple thing) is limited by a 4-way joystick
    The Homebrew is pretty awesome. @RickR snagged one for me when it was first releaced
  22. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from RickR in The Atari Creep   
    There was a dedicated  Bosconian at Funspot NH until they updated the mini-golf & family area. I imagine it is safely stored away and will ask about it the next opportunity I have to visit up there.
    The Namco Museum Plug-in-play ("yellow & purple thing) is limited by a 4-way joystick
    The Homebrew is pretty awesome. @RickR snagged one for me when it was first releaced
  23. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Centipede (Atari 5200)   
    Well I did give it a bit of a go but, 1, my scores were so abysmal I never snapped a pic. Barley cleared the first screen. Then I found myself busy with other projects that the time slipped away without my notice.
    Congrats to @kamakazi20012 & runner up @RickR a big thanks to @Justin for these squad challenges for the opportunity for me to discover why I hate this game. and to@Atari Creep you's be welcome to come by & play it at my place if you ever head up North a bit. mebbe give me some pointers :)
  24. Sad
    chas10e got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Centipede (Atari 5200)   
    Well I did give it a bit of a go but, 1, my scores were so abysmal I never snapped a pic. Barley cleared the first screen. Then I found myself busy with other projects that the time slipped away without my notice.
    Congrats to @kamakazi20012 & runner up @RickR a big thanks to @Justin for these squad challenges for the opportunity for me to discover why I hate this game. and to@Atari Creep you's be welcome to come by & play it at my place if you ever head up North a bit. mebbe give me some pointers :)
  25. Like
    chas10e got a reaction from jmjustin6 in My duplicate 2600 games   
    I snagged that "51 Blackjack" I *~coughs~* needed ... I'll have to go through my dupes & see if you need anything
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