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Atari 5200 Guy

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Posts posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. Ok.  I have to share this because you don’t see these this old look this good here in the states. Ready for this?


    ‘98 Mustang with under 2,000 miles. How is that even possible?  I’m not usually a Ford person.  I don’t have anything against them other than the two I owned crapped on me no matter what I did to care for them.  But I’d own this.  This is one nice pony.


  2. 7 hours ago, RickR said:

    These cars are awesome and don't get me started.  Once you start looking into the micro vans and trucks, your imagination will go wild.  Example:  Delica vans.  Stout yet tiny and AWD, these things are really cool for off roading.  Parts and enhancements are readily available too.



    The main issue for me with a lot of these Japanese origin cars is the right-hand drive.  I think it would be really hard to live with. 


    Not really. A guy who delivered my mail when I lived in Arkansas imported a Subaru wagon.  I asked him and he said it wasn’t really that difficult.  

    And too late on getting you started.  That thing reminds me of Stompers.

  3. Most people’s dream cars are Lambos and Ferrari.  This is mine:


    Mom and I are huge Nissan fans. The car in the picture is of course a Skyline.  And if I know my Mother she would have loved one like me.  It has her written all over it.  That particular Skyline is the one I start with in the Gran Turismo games when I can find them.  They’re fast even when stock.  Beautiful cars.

  4. IMG_1958.png.099f387f6dd36486fd2c47f2cf0a6656.png

    May Contain Yugos 

    Originally started in another forum, I’m continuing here the vehicles I find for sale in Japan that I find interesting.  I encourage others to jump in.  And it doesn’t have to be a Japanese car.  Post your favorites!

  5. 15 hours ago, - Ω - said:

    Okay, camping can have issues, like not being able to find a spot, loud people, crowds, etc.  While this can eliminate those issues, it seems like it would be a pain to inflate/setup, launch and use.


    Umm…no and no and no a thousand times no.  There are these long things called “snakes.”  Say it with me…S N A K E S.  They slither into everything.  I don’t care how calm the water is…there’s no guarantee it will stay that way.  It’s nature.  Nature always does the unexpected.  I love camping and fishing but I’ll keep my happy butt on dry land or on a fishing 🚤 boat.  

  6. 13 hours ago, Cryptocoffee13 said:

    Good info. I do have a duplicate copy of Robotron, may hand on to it just because I love that game, and using two controllers with it is fun. I looked into trading it at a local retro place that sells Atari games, but they don't have any 7800 games, and I was offered $1 so, they sell for around $10-$20 loose so kept it. 

    By trading I was meaning trading with other members here or elsewhere.  Like trade a game for a game?  No money involved other than shipping?  Something like that.

  7. 44 minutes ago, RickR said:

    PS - Asteroids is a MUST on 7800.

    I highly agree with this 100%!!  

    Check out the For Sale section in these forums.  I believe Video 61 has a lot of boxed 7800 games for sale there.  The boxes might be a bit rough but are well worth it.  That’s where all of my 7800 games have come from, loose and boxed.

    Personally, Xevious, Dig Dug, Joust, Centipede are great choices.  Give Jinks a try if you find it and Crossbow plays best on the 7800.  Also, the 7800 has the better Ballblazer port than all other Atari consoles.  It is missing the intro those have but it offers demonstrations and is a lot smoother.  The sound is the same as the 5200/A8 Ballblazers so you won’t miss anything there.

    i will put it this way to make it simple…if you see an Atari 7800 game in the wild, even if you do have it, grab it!  You can use duplicate titles for trades.  Don’t pass up any titles you find if you can afford them.  

  8. On 11/29/2023 at 7:39 PM, RickR said:

    Yes, I have zero intention of using those floppy drives.  This machine holds a special secret.  Its internals are a Commodore 64.  Commodore was trying desperately to hold on to the educational market they once dominated with the PET, but Apple had taken from them, by releasing this C64 in the guise of a PET.  It didn't work, of course.  But these machines are exceedingly rare.  Since it is just a C64 inside, broken parts should be easy to find (fingers crossed).  Most likely culprits in my mind are a bad power supply or possibly dust causing short circuits. 

    Anyway, I already have a C64 SD card solution that will work great if I can get this thing working. 

    It is an absolute treasure.  I feel so lucky to have found it. 

    My high school had PET computers and that is how I got my start all those years ago.  This machine is pure nostalgia for me and I love it even if it can't be fixed.

    The CBM Pets are where I learned how to program in BASIC. They were not the C64 models though.  I was in first grade so I am very understanding in the nostalgia with these.  Then I got a Timex Sinclair 1000 for Christmas one year and traded it off for an Atari 800 because we could not get the Timex to save or load any programs.  The 800 served me well but I rarely played games on it.  That is what my 5200 was for.

  9. On 12/7/2023 at 9:21 AM, Smell Dawg said:

    The intended goal of these final weeks of 2023 was to lay off the game purchasing and focus the budget on Christmas.  I've failed that commitment 😆.
    Received a great box from @Video 61!  Totally skipped out on the 7800 lineup in its heyday, so this should be interesting.


    Very nice!  Tower Toppler is loads of fun.  It’s a very nice starter set to the 7800.

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