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Atari 5200 Guy

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Status Replies posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. Sorry I haven't been around. Chrome keeps spitting that scam/spam/phishing warning at me. I know 'other browsers' don't have this issue, but I don't trust Firefox after the cert revoking issue a few months back and Edge is.... Edge. 

  2. RIP Kenny.  Thank you for the music.

  3. I've been doing 6502 programming on the Atari 8-bit computers since Mac/65 on the 80s. Today its Eclipse/WUDSN/Mads and emulators on linux.

    In the later 80s and 90s I was doing computer animation, desktop publishing, and video production on Amigas. Some programming, too, but by then I was working full time, so recreational programming was cut down quite a bit.

    I have a full time job managing a group of programmers working on financial processing systems written in C and running on linux. Chances are if you've used a gift card I've made it a happy experience for you. (If it wasn't I can refer you to some competitors :-) )

    When I have time I work on random graphics project and games, or port things from other platforms to the Atari 8-bit computers. Various tutorials from Oldskoolcoder and GRay Defender have been my past porting victims.



    (No, I've never been on Jeopardy!)

  4. 🤯 How did WB own Atari, DC comics & Looney Tunes, & not see that games can be cartoons & characters

  5. 🤣 Spin Doctors jokes will always be funny 

  6. 😎Doing lot's of backup, optimizations and updates on all my computers being at home so much, ok I do that stuff regularly anyways but now even more so!💻🖥⌨🖱

  7. I feel like Atari I/O is entering its Junior year. A 3rd Phase. Strapping down and getting serious about having fun after a long lazy summer.

  8. My wife messaged me, went to one store  NO TOILET PAPER, going to another now., there was nothing said by health officials to hoard toilet paper, people are retarded and the stores, shame on them for not limiting per person! You would think it is the %!#$&ing apocalypse. I live in the Okanagan Valley here in B.C. Canada and checking stats for confirmed cases here in B.C. : British Columbia - 46 confirmed cases including: Four individuals who have recovered, as indicated by the resolution of symptoms, followed by two successive negative test results 24 hours apart. One individual who has died. 2,008 individuals and 2,803 samples tested as of March 6, 2020. That is for our entire province, I do not think anymore than 1 case confirmed here in the Okanagan Valley where we reside.


    Me right now. 


  9. What system do you want to see next in High Score Squad?

  10. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  11. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  12. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  13. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  14. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  15. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  16. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  17. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

  18. An Atari-themed hotel is planned for Las Vegas, officials recently announced. 😜

    Is that where the AtariVCS backer money is being redirected? 
    Fox News - CHECK
    Via "Globalnewswhire" - CHECK
    Rendered mock up images - CHECK
    Oh sure that'll happen........😜🙄😆😆😆😆😆😆


  19. An Atari-themed hotel is planned for Las Vegas, officials recently announced. 😜

    Is that where the AtariVCS backer money is being redirected? 
    Fox News - CHECK
    Via "Globalnewswhire" - CHECK
    Rendered mock up images - CHECK
    Oh sure that'll happen........😜🙄😆😆😆😆😆😆


  20. An Atari-themed hotel is planned for Las Vegas, officials recently announced. 😜

    Is that where the AtariVCS backer money is being redirected? 
    Fox News - CHECK
    Via "Globalnewswhire" - CHECK
    Rendered mock up images - CHECK
    Oh sure that'll happen........😜🙄😆😆😆😆😆😆


  21. Atari 8-bit Missile Command with a Trak-ball (in analog trak-ball mode) is truly awesome. 

    trackball 001.JPG

  22. One of my children brought me this game and told me it's a "must-play".  Anyone else a fan of this series?

    camera test 004.JPG

  23. This may be my most boring birthday ever.

  24. Would you like fries with that?



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