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Squad Challenge - Balloon Fight (NES)


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I'm giving myself a bit of extra "nerd cred" for my new score since I pulled this off while live streaming on Instagram for our first livestream show "Atari Beachhouse" Friday Nights at 12 Midnight EST / 9pm EST on our Instagram @atarigames


Still not much to brag about. I haven't developed a genius strategy for this game but I love playing it just for fun, never the less.


High Score: 121,700



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You guys are killing it!I just finished my first game with 105,850. This is my first game with a retroUSB wireless NES/AVS controller. I'll post a photo after a few more tries.


I'd love to hear about your experiences with the NES/AVS wireless controller too!

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:pole_position_blimp_big: Congratulations nosweargamer!



INCREDIBLE SCORES, GUYS!!! Congrats on your win NSG! Balloon Fight is a personal favorite of mine as far as the NES goes. I've been waiting a long time to post the Balloon Fight High Score Challenge, hoping it would be included on the Mini NES (it was!) and hoping there would be enough of them on store shelves for everybody (there wasn't!) After waiting long enough it was time to make this Squad Challenge happen, especially in remembrance of the game's creator, Satoru Iwata. It was great to have so many of you participate! Nosweargamer won with an impressive 606,750 points! Starbuck66 placed 2nd with a score of 465,550! I hope this has been fun for everybody and was as much fun for you as it was for me. I'd like to encourage NSG to post his winning Balloon Fight high score on the Scoreboard! Way to go everyone!


:commodore_joystick: We invite Squad Challenge winners to share their winning scores on the Scoreboard and keep the game going!   :commodore_joystick:  







1       nosweargamer          606,750


2       Starbuck66                465,550


3       KidA                           321,600


4       btbfilms76                 205,500


5       kamakazi20012         165,750


6       Justin                         121,700

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