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Current Desktop - Note: Typically I refuse to run any type of customizing app instead sticking with built in Windows options but I have to say, as shown here, TranslucentTB which you can find free in the Windows Store makes the Taskbar transparent along with options I left displayed in taskbar for personal tweaking to taste 😉

Screenshot 2022-03-03 050207.png

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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On 2/14/2022 at 5:06 PM, TrekMD said:

Do you guys know which ship that's supposed to be?  😉

The only proper Ambassador Class starship design. Absolutely gorgeous. Lines perfectly halfway between the Excelsior Class and the Galaxy Class.


On 2/14/2022 at 5:29 PM, RickR said:

"Yesterday's Enterprise" was such a classic.  It felt like the moment that TNG finally turned the corner into greatness. 

I think it was either Rick Berman or Ronald D. Moore who was quoted as saying that they wish they'd saved "Yesterday's Enterprise" to be the story for "Star Trek: Generations" - retaining the Tasha War & Guinan angle, and diving deeper into the story. Instead of the Enterprise-C coming through the rift, it would be the Enterprise-A and the original crew, bringing the casts of the original show and TNG face to face in an epic film. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the crew of the Enterprise-A would be sent back through the rift to their likely demise, but would die with honor defending the Klingon ship from Roman attack, leading to peace between the Federation and Klingon Empire. It would've been a much bigger film and a far more meaningful death than Kirk dying on that bridge.

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That was the intent by Andrew Probert.  Creating a ship that was the "middle ground" between both designs. 

And that story about the first TNG movie is something I had heard about before.  I wonder how true it is.

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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2 minutes ago, TrekMD said:

That was the intent by Andrew Probert.  Creating a ship that was the "middle ground" between both designs. 

And that story about the first TNG movie is something I had heard about before.  I wonder how true it is.

Read this set of books to learn more:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28220993-the-fifty-year-mission

They absolutely struggled with a story that would give both crews equal time, and I think everyone involved agrees they failed. 

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Building the Time Machine
Published: Mar 16, 2015




Edited by MaximumRD

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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This one is kind of weird, but I think it's great. 

It's a piece by artist Tommy Kha that was installed in the Memphis airport (they were looking for pieces by local artists).  It got a huge negative response that they ended up pulling it down "temporarily".  For me, this is art in it's purest sense.  We can all interpret it differently.  Anyway, I put it in my random wallpaper rotation, and I smile every time it comes up. 

Tommy Kha Memphis Elvis.jpg

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Tonight's desktop - Love this image, Miyajima Gate (3840×2160) https://hdwallpaperslive.wordpress.com/2019/02/10/miyajima-gate-3840x2160/

Screenshot 2022-05-09 205513.png

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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🤔😎  PopOS! is hands down my favorite operating system for my 2011 Macook Pro.

SO with that here is my current wallpaper on it. 


I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Today's Desktop, currently on the DELL LAPTOP because it is too hot and I don't want to fire up the main Desktop rig. 😎

Screenshot 2022-07-19 163625.png




I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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😬My Windows VISTA in 2010 . Don't get me wrong, I love my wallpaper but my shortcuts YIKES😝and yes, I know it's nothing compared to some users but I can't stand too many these days. I definitely gravitated to a much cleaner looking desktop which show here to compare.

1 - hCAVd.jpg



Screenshot 2022-10-30 164250.png

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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@MaximumRD I have to ask, where are you finding/getting all of these? Many of them are ones I wouldn't mind having in some random rotation on my system but I never seem able to find any that I really like. I've been using an old Bing space related theme that carried over from my older win10 install that still works when I upgraded to win11. But yeah some of those are easily ones I'd like and you have so many of them.

Are they just random from some URL that it grabs from daily or are these pics you actually have stored away somewhere in your computers?



See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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