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The Angry Video Game Nerd plays Ninja Golf!


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Ninja Golf is one of my all-time favorites. Honestly the game itself is just okay, but its great premise makes it one of those stellar quirky titles that came out later in the 7800's life (along with Midnight Mutants) that added something unique to the 7800's character. The graphics were good and it was nice to have a side scrolling game on the 7800.

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Wait, wait... Ninjas... playing golf? Who came up with this idea? More importantly... why?


Let me guess, this is what the guys from Shinobi do in their spare time when they aren't beating folks up?

"I'd buy that for a dollar!" -Smash T.V.

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Ninja Golf is more quirky than fun. Its great in groups with non-Atari fans; their reactions are priceless. I broke this out at a retro-gaming party a few years back. I had five CRTs hooked up with different consoles but everyone wanted to play Ninja Golf. If you have a 7800, its definitely worth picking up. Play it with a game pad if you can.

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