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RetroGameBoyz Atari 5200 joystick

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That joystick is so calling me!  I would be able to retire the "rats nest", (y-adapter, original controller and separate joystick) for this all-in-one beauty.

For a guy thinking about "downsizing", it doesn't get much better.  I wonder if my scores would improve?  Hmmm, an idea for a future video?

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I think you've attained the level of knowledge that most 5200 users have come to:  there is no perfect solution for this console. 

If you aren't comfortable with multiple sticks (for various types of games) or the rats nest you have with your analog PC stick, the best bet is to get a really nice original stick and use that.  Something with the Best Electronics gold contacts and full refurbishment. 

Personally, I think you've got something good going with the rats nest solution you have.  Maybe the answer is to come up with a box that houses most of the wiring so it looks neater. 


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One very nice feature on the RetroBoyz 5200 controller is that you can use the horizontal trimmer as a paddle controller for games that were orignally designed for paddle control. I modded mine with a 7800 controller knob and use it exclusively on Superbreakout and Kaboom!.

RetroBoyz Atari 5200 controller.jpg


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1 hour ago, RickR said:

If you aren't comfortable with multiple sticks (for various types of games) or the rats nest you have with your analog PC stick, the best bet is to get a really nice original stick and use that.  Something with the Best Electronics gold contacts and full refurbishment.

Yes, I have a rebuilt original controller with the gold contacts, it works fine, but it's not self centering and the fire buttons are also hard on my arthritic thumbs.  Using that stick is actually quite painful after about 10 minutes.

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A few years ago, early in my atari 5200 adventure, I discovered that there were 2 different rubber boot designs. The 1st has a low profile, level with the controller shell and  a 2nd that is raised ~ 1/2" higher. The higher boot seemed to center better for me so I ordered from Best Electronics 2 brand new 1/2" high rubber boots, gold buttons and new flex circuits and put the rebuilt controllers in my Space Dungeon coupler. It works wonderfully with Space Dungeon and Robotron 2084 much better than digital.. As Rick said, you need different controller for different games with the 5200. Some play much better with analog control like Dreadnuaght Factor, Star Wars: The Arcade Game or Choplifter!. Others like Pac-Man require digital control. I have The Wico 5200 Command Controll and the 2 rebuilt CX52 controllers for games that play better with analog control and the RetroBoyz and IKONSGR Genesis/Master Sytem adapter for games that play better with digital control.WIN_20211019_15_40_04_Pro.jpg.63ad280b18c9c563c7e5bfec1b2dd6df.jpgWIN_20211019_15_39_29_Pro.jpg.7d80f6f8e99cbcac4125893e621f3871.jpgWIN_20211019_15_39_29_Pro.jpg.7d80f6f8e99cbcac4125893e621f3871.jpg



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On 10/18/2021 at 7:32 PM, RickR said:

Worth every cent.  I have a couple of retrogameboyz controllers (for 2600 and 7800) and they are beyond excellent. 
Check out Edladdin controllers too.  He doesn't do 5200 yet though....it's coming. 

Well, I decided not to wait on something someone else may do in the future as I've been the victim of vaporware too many times over the decades, so I decided to go with the here and now unit.  I value your advice in these matters @RickR, so...


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Some games that really only work with the analog controller would be Galaxian, (Although the paddle trimmer on the Retrogameboys controller will do this), Star Raiders, The Last Starfighter, Blaster, Pole Position... I'm sure there are more I'm just not thinking of right now.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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