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Status Updates posted by Justin

  1. 🤔 Tasha Yar, in spirit, was a Bajoran freedom fighter

    1. Justin


      And Will Riker & Troi the Betazoid were clearly a reimagining of Will Decker & Ilia the Deltan

    2. RickR


      Data was Spock if Spock tried to be human instead of Vulcan.


    3. RickR


      I just read a fascinating set of books about Star Trek (The Fifty Year Mission / Marc Altman) with all kinds of juicy gossip and behind-the-scenes info.  Examples:  Bob Justman came up with and pushed for Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc Picard.  Gene Roddenberry HATED the idea but eventually gave in due to not finding his ideal.  He figured that Will Riker would take on that action/Kirk role, which is something you see a lot of in season 1. 

      Anyway, I highly recommend those two books.  I checked them out at the library.


  2. 🕹️ Terrific Tutorial on How To Clean & Repair Your Atari 5200 Joysticks: 


  3. 🥳 Thank you everybody for all the great birthday wishes!! 🎉

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. socrates63


      Happy birthday! 생일 축하해요!

    3. Marco1019
    4. HDN


      Happy birthday! All the restaurant staff will now come out and sing you a non-copyrighted birthday song.

  4. 🕹️ Thank you, Atari, for what you did today.

  5. 🖖 The 59th Rule of Acquisition: Free advice is seldom cheap

  6. 🙌 The 6:57 mark in this video is why I do what I can to promote the Atari experience: 


    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I think I get more rage at Atari games than I do modern games.  A lot of it has to do with the fact I've played these games before...I've played them for years...yet I still have trouble spots that I should know better by now.  Nope.  SPLAT!!  Game over.  That is what makes Atari so much fun to play and own.  It's also what will keep it going for many generations after us.

  7. 🤖 The Atari 7800 was made to play our favorite arcade games like Robotron: 2084. It can push a ton of sprites all over the screen with rarely any slowdown or flicker. It’s an overlooked treasure that’s capable of so much more than you might think. What are your favorite arcade games on home systems?large.1502184670_Robotron2014forAtari7800.jpg

    1. RickR


      When Pac-Man on the Atari 8-bit computers came out, it was really something special.  A game that you could proudly show off to your friends. 

      I think Colecovision Donkey Kong was also pretty special. 

    2. RickR


      And to think....I never even knew the 7800 EXISTED until the early 2000's!  What a shame. 

  8. 🕹️ There's a potential Donkey Kong kill screen coming up in this Squad Challenge: 


  9. 👽 There’s a lot of hate for E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, and yet so many of us have wonderful memories of growing up playing this game. Nothing has left its mark on the legacy of Atari quite like E.T. It may not be the top 2600 game, but it has a lot of heart. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RickR


      PS - I also think that "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a far bigger stinker (but still had fun with it),  


    3. Marco1019


      IIRC, there was a guide for Raiders of the Lost Ark in one of the classic video game magazines. That made it MUCH easier to play and complete, which likely led to its popularity at the time.

  10. 🤖 Thinking of Grant Imahara and his extended family tonight

    1. GRay Defender

      GRay Defender

      Yes, very tragic, and shows that live can be short and we are not promised tomorrow.

  11. 🤔 THOUGHT: The Atari XEGS was everything the Atari 5200 should've been: Atari 8-Bit Computer technology bundled in a console w/ lots of memory, detachable keyboard, & fully compatible w/ Atari computer games & joysticks!

    1. Justin


      👉 ALSO: I feel like if there had been a warehouse full of unsold 5200 games left over when Jack Tramiel got the company, the XEGS would've featured 5200 compatibility. 

    2. MaximumRD


      That would have been cool I think, always liked the wacky look of the XEGS, never did end up with one but I have a pretty nice 5200 collection. 

    3. Justin


      @MaximumRD I basically see two different tracks of Atari technology (up until Lynx). On one side you had the 2600 with all its games and peripherals which begat the 7800. On the other track was the 400/800 computer which spawned the Atari 5200, and later the Atari XE. It would have been nice for the XE to be the all-in-one 7800 Computer Keyboard fully compatible with the library of Atari 8-Bit Computer games and accessories. Instead they gave us an entirely new system to compete for shelf space against the 2600 and 7800, not to mention NES and Sega.

  12. 🍕 Today's the launch party! Join Club Evercade today: 


  13. 🕹️ Tonight we wrap up Cybermorph & tomorrow we begin our 2021 F-ZERO Christmas Challenge on SNES!

    1. RickR


      I've had so much fun with Cybermorph!  Now that I have real hardware, it's been a blast.  That moment I figured out it's more of an exploration game is the moment I really appreciated how great the game is.  I'll try to give it one more run this afternoon after work.

      And F-Zero is a blast!  I can already hear the theme music in my mind.  Looking forward to this.


    2. Justin


      It's so great to hear that @RickR! Contrary to the popular perception that's out there, the Jaguar has a few gems! Cybermorph is a misunderstood game in some ways. People like to compare both Cybermorph and Trevor McFur to Star Fox because of the polygon ships and the cat theming, but it's not a good comparison. Cybermorph was the first 3-D exploration game I ever experienced, and it just blew me away. My whole family enjoyed it. I saw it as 3-D Pac-Man with the yellow diamond shaped pods as the Pac-Man pellets. 

      Looking forward to seeing you in Mute City tomorrow!

    3. Gianna
  14. 😎 Too big?


    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      The one on the left: Check out my new smartwatch!  It plays games, too!  LOL.  Only in a time when bigger was suppose to mean better.  To their defense, the bigger units seem to outlast modern electronics these days.

  15. 🤔 TV connections and Control Pads for 2-Players would’ve stepped up the Lynx’s style to a true game system! And Atari would’ve had a true home console to fight in the 16-Bit wars!

    I have this theory that most handheld gaming wasn’t done walking around with a portable in your pocket.

    I think the best handheld gaming was done at home, lying on the floor with snacks and a movie playing on the tv in the background on a cozy Saturday afternoon. Or on long car rides during summer road trips, chilling out in the back seat with a drink, and holding it comfortably in your lap. So how much did “pocket size” really matter?

    Lynx and Switch share a similar take on portable gaming, the idea of a full-blown game system portable enough to stuff into your bag and take with you anywhere. 

    GameBoy came out at about the same time as Lynx, but they had two different ideas of what a portable game system should be. GameBoy became popular using the WalkMan approach of being tiny, simple, and sorta inexpensive. Lynx couldn’t fit into your pocket as easily, but offered more in terms of graphics and a full-color screen.



  16. 🐦 Twitter users: I highly recommend atarilbc's terrific new account @RetroSabertooth 

    1. Justin


      📲 @SabertoothRetro on Instagram too 

    2. Sabertooth


      @Justin - thanks for spreading the word!

  17. 👋 Update: Summer is wrapping up and we're headed into the Fall season! I hope everybody enjoyed our Summer Events this year, including the Pole Position II Grand Prix, Howard Scott Warshaw Day, and Pizza Party Weekend! We'll have some fun stuff coming up for the Fall and Winter too. I've been very busy w/ professional life and haven't been posting much. Hurricane Dorian is approaching and that will have my full attention for the next few days. I'm safe and everything is going well! I just posted the new Squad Challenge, we're getting ready for Fall by playing Ghouls 'N Ghosts on Sega Genesis. It's hard as nails, enjoy!

    1. RickR


      I hope all turns out ok for you with Dorian, Justin.  Looks pretty horrendous.  The storm is heading north now. 


  18. 🖖 V’ger created the Borg. Inadvertently to fulfill its quest for its creator, who knows. That’s my personal canon.

    1. RickR


      Maybe V'Ger created Nomad too.

    2. Justin


      Ilia was assimilated in a sense, although she no longer "continued to function as a carbon unit" and was replaced entirely by a mechanical being. You can see the root of the idea. V'ger assimilated everything in its path.

    3. RickR


      Yeah, but somewhere between Ilia and The Borg, their cable management got really bad.



  19. 🤖 Video Pinball Squad Challenge ENDS TONIGHT! Be there!

    1. socrates63
    2. HDN


      I don’t think I’ll be able to play any more, sadly. It’s been pretty hectic here.

  20. 🏓 VIDEO PINBALL Squad Challenge is LIVE! Happy New Year! 🍾 


  21. 😂 Waiting for YT influencers to begin referring to the new Frasier show “as part of the Cheers multiverse”

  22. 🍄 Wario was a real jerk

    1. HDN


      Hmmmm... I seem to remember you posting this in, like, August.

    2. Justin
  23. 🎬 Watching CINEMA PARADISO (1988)

  24. 🕹️ We're a champion of original Atari games because we genuinely like these games. We love these games for what they are the way we love Drive-In B-movies

  25. 🌎 We’re all citizens of Atari I/O

    1. DegasElite


      Indeed. Enjoying every minute of it, too. :O)

    2. RickR


      Welcome to the Hotel Atari.io


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