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Posts posted by atarifan95

  1. I still love VHS. I never actually thought they looked bad unless they were recorded in EP mode (which few were). Also, I'd rather trust another person to hold a VHS tape than I would a DVD. If a VHS breaks, you can usually repair it. Snapped tape? Tape it back together with some of that clear tape that everybody has lying around? One second long wrinkled section that the payer won't go past? Cut it out with scissors and tape the ends together. There will be a brief skip, but nothing terrible. Smashed shell? Take it apart and put it in a different shell. With DVD, a single scratch can kill the entire movie.

    Also (and I know this isn't technically an issue with DVD, as even some VHS editions of movies have had this problem in the past, but it seems to have become more prevalant over the years), usually the VHS versions represent truer versions of the films they contain. Many "remasters" of certain movies have botched the films. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking Star Wars, but many other movies have gotten it as well. Botched color grading, botched textures, over-saturation, etc. You name it, it's probably happened. Disney's Cinderella got it especially bad, and remains unfixed to this day (there are comparison pics online). In cases like this, the best way to get the film in it's original unbotched form is on a VHS tape.

    In short, I love VHS tapes. I have tons of them, I still watch them, and most of the ones I watched hundreds of times when I was a kid still play perfectly and look great. If I had to complain, I'd say that it's hard to find one in it's original aspect ratio (though this only applies to films made after widescreen became a thing. Most movies before then are in VHS aspect ratio by default).

  2. The 2600 is from before my time, so I didn't play that version of the game until I was older. My mom, however, did grow up during that time, and she used to visit a friend that had the 2600, and her favorite games were Space Invaders, Frogger (Parker Brothers version), and Pac-Man. Up until I was buying different video games, for the PS2 and stuff, my mom had rarely (if ever) seen the arcade version of Pac-Man, let alone played it. What Pac-Man was (and still is) for her was the 2600 version, because that's all she had played. In fact, humorously, it had the bit of the opposite effect from a lot of the others when she saw me playing the arcade version. She said, "This isn't Pac-Man! It's supposed to go (proceeds to imitate 2600 Pac-Man sounds)." Long story short, if you look at the 2600 Pac-Man as a completely different game, I think it's pretty fun. Personally, I think they probably should have changed the characters in the game and called it something else (similar to Ladybug and Mousetrap being similar games with different characters), and I'd rather play "A Better Pac-Man" or "Pac-Man 8K" than I would this game, but I still find myself booting up this game every once in awhile and playing it, and it is still the version of Pac-Man that my mom prefers to play. Not to change anybody's opinion on here, I just wanted to give my perspective of the game because of what I've come to learn about it over the years.

  3. I have to admit, I'm not the biggest fan of Halloween (I'm more of a Christmas person), but I do still love dresssing up and occasionally pulling a few scare pranks on people. My work buddies were telling me to dress up like Eminem because I listen to Eminem all the time. I'm not really sure how I can "dress up" like Eminem, but it's an interesting idea.

    I managed to finally get The Grinch's Halloween and Carrie 2013 on DVD, and I will definitely be watching those tomorrow night along with some other horror-themed stuff because I love those two movies.

    My house, although located in town, is in a quieter area and is unlikely to get any trick or treaters knocking on the door. But it works for me anyway because I'm not sure I even have any candy to give them.

    All in all, not really my favorite day of the year, but it usually works out anyway.

  4. This should be cool. I'll list the ones I'm working/planning on.


    (Links included to videos for those who might want to watch me play/complete the games)


    Games I beat last year


    Games I'm working on beating this year


    Games I plan to play/beat later this year

    • Spider-Man 2000 What-if Mode
    • Spider-Man: Enter Electro
    • Spider-Man: Enter Electro What-if Mode
    • Tigger's Hunny Hunt
  5. A nice mishmash of good movies, even if I haven't seen all of them yet. I think it would be cool for people to make lists of their favorite Christmas movies. I'll try to do that as soon as possible. In the meantime, there was this video I made a few weeks ago showing my Christmas movie collection (which needs a video update now, but this will do for now).


    Edit: Okay, let's see if I can remember all my favorite Christmas movies.


    Scrooge (Seymour Hicks)

    A Christmas Carol (George C Scott)

    A Christmas Carol (Alastair Simm)

    A Christmas Carol (Jim Carrey)

    Muppet Christmas Carol

    Miracle on 34th Street (original)

    The Grinch (Boris Karloff)

    The Grinch (Jim Carrey)

    Rankin Bass' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

    Rankin Bass' Frosty the Snowman

    Rankin Bass' Frosty's Winter Wonderland

    Charlie Brown Christmas

    Night Before Christmas (Castle Films)

    Raymond Briggs' The Snowman

    VeggieTales' The Toy That Saved Christmas

    Jingle All the Way

    Christmas Comes But Once a Year

    A Christmas... (Not sure what the rest of the title is. It's a Russian short film, and the title narration in the dub is cut off by static noises)

    Disney's Annie

    The Polar Express

    The Santa Clause


    That's all I can remember for now.


  6. I love the Karate Kid movies. I used to watch them all the time when I was younger. I might check out this show sometime.


    Also it looks the bad boy of Karate Mr. Mike Barnes from KK part 3 is going to be in season 2!!!!

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's kept ambiguous enough that it still works in the continuity of my fanedit from awhile back. I made it so that the events of the third film happen before the events of the second film, and it was hard work because I had to remove contradictory information, and now that this show is out (which I had no way of knowing it would exist back when I made my fanedit), I have to worry about continuity issues again. Haha. Oh well, maybe I can fanedit the show someday too.
  7. Oh, wow. Somehow, I never saw any of the "Brutus" episodes, so I didn't know any of this. In school, I remember a day when there were a couple of guys talking about Popeye, and how "the best episodes are the ones where he takes down Brutus." I said, "Who's Brutus?" And they said, "He's the big strong guy who is always trying to beat Popeye." My response was, "Actually,his name is Bluto, not Brutus." And that turned into quite an argument. I assumed, as usual, that I was correct and they were wrong (I was more educated in television than they were, so I just assumed they had a faulty memory). Now that I've seen this video I realize that we were both right the entire time, and now I feel stupid. I wish I could remember who those guys were so that I could apologize to them.

  8. I remember when one of my younger brother downloaded some random ROMS, and I decided to look thought the folder to see what was there. I clicked some game I had never heard of called "Custer's Revenge." After a minute, I realized what I was looking at, and I shut it off. That was not a pleasant experience. You should have seen the look on my face.


    No, I won't be collecting games like this. I'm a Christian, and I think those kinds of games are disgusting. If I ever buy a box of games and find those games in it, they're going straight into the trash.

  9. I never had Laserdisc. I watched VHS tapes as a kid, and I think I actually still prefer than over DVDs. We had things happen to our VHS tapes all the time. The tape would tear, the VCR would eat it up, or we would step on the VHS and break it. But Dad would fix them. If the tape was wrinkled so badly in one area that it wouldn't play past that point, all Dad had to do was use scissors to cut the small portion out, tape the two ends back together with scotch tape, and the tape played fine again. There would be slight static when it got to that point, and about two seconds of film would be skipped over, but my brothers and I didn't care. If the VHS tape got stepped on, Dad would just put the tape into a different casing. We still have VHS tapes that are almost twenty years old, that have been repaired many times, and most of them still play just fine.


    DVD on the other hand? You get a single scratch on one, and it will probably never play again. And when you have little kids in the family, it's going to get a scratch on it.


    If we had Laserdisc growing up, they probably wouldn't have lasted very long. I knew about Laserdisc since at least the seventh grade, and I knew that it was a predecessor to DVD, but I didn't know what a Laserdisc looked like. Then, a couple years ago, we went to a pawn shop, and they had this big box of VHS tapes (we bought about thirty of them), and a stack of Laserdiscs (which we didn't buy). I noticed how big the boxes were for Laserdiscs, and I asked the guy at the counter, "We're Laserdiscs really this big?" He said they were, and he actually took one out of the box for my family to see, and then he hooked up a Laserdisc player to a TV that he had in the corner of the room, and played "The Mask" on it. That was pretty cool.


    Kind of an interesting historical piece of video hardware, but I can see why they didn't last very long. I can guarantee that we would have had a lot of those break had we used them way back then.

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