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Posts posted by Starbuck66

  1. I've had Zaxby's and loved it! I never had the opportunity to try RC, but if I'm near one at some point I'll definitely give it a try.


    We are just starting to get Chick-Fil-a in Michigan; I think restaurants are set to open early next year. There was one across from our hotel in Fairfax when my family and I were doing DC for our vacation a couple years back, and we ate there for dinner the first night, and had it for breakfast 3-4 times during our trip. So I'm a little excited :-)

  2. Ringing the bell; I got a Turbo last Christmas with a Turbo Everdrive, and I've been having a blast with it! I still don't have a CD drive for it, but maybe I'll get one at some point.


    I got to play a Turbo at the console arcade next to my house in 1990. I remember playing Bonk, Galaga 90, and Blazing Lasers. None of my friends or family owned the system, so this was the only way I got to experience it. I always wanted one when I was a kid, but unfortunately it wasn't in the budget. Having one and playing it now has been a great experience!

  3. It's really fun, but can be expensive.

    This statement summarizes why I don't play Magic anymore. I got into it in high school with Revised, quit for a while, got back into it again during the Invasion block, some of Odyssey, quit, played some of Mirrodin, all of Kamigawa block, and quit again. I have a ton of cards and all my decks still, but I haven't gotten back into it because it's so damned expensive, plus I would have to learn all of the new mechanics, my decks would all be obsolete, etc. I did release tournaments during Invasion and Kamigawa, and while they were fun and most players were cool, there were always jerks to deal with too.


    I even played online for a while during Mirrodin, and while I enjoyed the games, I didn't like spending money on digital cards. It was nowhere near as satisfying as purchasing and collecting physical cards.


    So while I'd love to get back into it, I just can't bring myself to sink the money into it that I would need to be competitive. It's a hell of a game, and the fact that it's been around so strongly for so long is a testament to that.

  4. I have retropie on a pi 1, and use it for arcade game emulation, for which it works very nicely. I also tried 2600 games, and they work great.


    I have not tried SNES or NES....but if you have time, I can try sometime later this week. We can compare notes.

    Thanks Rick, sounds like a plan! I haven't tried MAME stuff on it yet, so I'll give that a try and let you know how it goes.

  5. Try ginger pills for that motion sickness. Just discovered this myself and had a trouble free flight to SC. Hoping for the same on the way back.

    Thanks for the tip; unfortunately they don't seem to do the trick for me. I did take Bonine an hour or so before my flight, and that usually does the trick, but we hit some wicked turbulence on the way up, and it just wasn't cutting it. I took another Bonine and that settled me down, but I was very tired after that.


    Luckily I didn't need the bag of shame, but my stomach was just a mess.


    I used to take Dramamine, but I hate being drowsy for so long after we land, so I started taking Bonine instead. Apparently if you take two Bonine within a short span of each other, it's no longer non drowsy :-)


    Hope the ginger works on the way back as well and enjoy your trip!

  6. I watched this and thoroughly enjoyed it! It was interesting to see the type of deals he could swing when buying in bulk. I also think this movie shows dealing with people face to face helps when dickering on price, especially if you find people who are in the business because they love video games, not because they are in it for the money.


    I think the main guy from the movie was a guest on the 2 Dudes and a NES podcast as well, the Zelda II episode I believe? Worth listening to if you haven't already.

  7. If you couldn't tell from my name, HUGE BSG fan, and I'm in the both camp.


    To be honest, I wasn't pleased when I heard some of the characters were going to be gender swapped in the new one (especially Starbuck), but the pilot looked so good, I had to watch it. After seeing Starbuck punch out Colonel Tigh, I loved new Starbuck just as much as old Starbuck.


    I still watch the old show from time to time. It's campy as hell at some points, and I still chuckle when I see the same reused space battle shots over and over, but it's definitely more family friendly than the new one which is a big plus for me.

  8. My last flight to Disney in Florida back in August, my wife, daughter and I all took our 3DS's on the trip. We played some Mario Kart 7 using my daughter's cartridge and download play while we were at the airport. Had a blast! Got airsick on the plane though, so no 3DS for me during the flight :-(


    I have a DS multicart, so it varies what I play and when, but it makes my 3DS the system of choice for me when I travel.


    I also have a PSP, and if I'm really into a particular PSP game at the moment or want emulation, I use it instead.

  9. Hoping someone here can share some insights on this, as I put up a post over on AtariAge 4 days ago and have yet to receive even a single reply.


    I have a Pi 1 that I'm running Retropie on, but it seems like the majority of the games I try on the SNES and NES have serious sound issues. The sound is slow and choppy. I also get some gameplay lag in SMB 3 and SMW.


    I didn't know if this is a horsepower issue? I had heard of minor issues using the Pi 1 for emulation, but nothing this bad. My other thought is that I need to tweak some settings in Retroarch?

  10. I love Adventure, and it's must play for me every time I fire up my 7800, my Flashback, or Atari's Greatest Hits on my DS. Can't get enough of this game!


    My daughter always calls the hero "Mr Dot," and says that he's Link's grandfather. I kind of suggested the premise of the game being similar to Zelda to get her to try the game out, and now she's as hooked as I am on it :-)


    Thanks to all who posted links to hacks and variations as well; I'll definitely check those out!

  11. Wow!

    Thanks SB! I have at least another hundred 2600 games, so that should mean a lot more reviews in the future (although I do want to cover more from other systems as well). Anywho, tell your daughter I said hello! I have 2 girls myself (and a boy and another girl on the way).

    Congrats on the additions on the way! I'll also be sure to pass your hello along :-)


    We were both glad to see 2600 Ghostbusters get some love in your review; it's been a must play Halloween game for us for a few years now. We're both dressing up as Ghostbusters for Halloween this year (she's dressed like the girls from the remake, I'm dressed like the guys from the original), so we've been playing all the Ghostbusters games, good and bad. I have to say I enjoy the Atari one more than the NES one; it's easier to forgive gameplay shortcomings on the Atari than the NES. It's definitely a game I wish I had a heavy or light sixer for though... Having to fumble with the difficulty switch on the 7800 is a bit of a pain.

  12. Hi Phil, I just want to say my daughter and I love your reviews! It's great to see someone on YouTube so devoted to reviewing titles on the 2600. I'm also thankful for the "no swear" part of your mission; it's great to be able to watch your reviews with my daughter without worrying about foul language or adult innuendo. CGR does a good job showing the Atari lots of love, but his scope is so wide it can be a while between Atari game reviews. Other retro YouTube channels just tend to ignore or rag on the Atari. So thanks, and I look forward to future reviews!

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