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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. Yep, very true. It seems that's the Nintendo consoles that you see the most of at all these events. Followed by Xbox and PlayStation games for the original systems. While you do see Atari and Intellivision systems and games, they are just a fraction of the games and systems represented.
  2. Really cool! Congrats to the participants!
  3. Awesome! Will be ordering shortly.
  4. I think the most 7800 I saw was at PRGE in 2016 because the guys from GCC were there and talked all the stuff that was planned for the console when it was meant to be launched. The console would have been a game changer at the time if things had gone that way. I do agree that the Atari Age booth is probably where you see most of the 7800 action and that's because of the consoles there to play.
  5. Cool. Wait until you get to the very end!
  6. Well, whether frying or bug, it is quite useful!
  7. Does the double fire on Space Invaders count? You do that by powering up while holding reset.
  8. I finsihed watching it. The pace is slow but things to get more interesting and the story progresses and the final moments leave you wondering what is coming next. Dr. Smith is evil. No question. Despite the slow pace, I did like it.
  9. Talk about going full circle! I remember when I first saw the SuperCharger years ago and I knew I had to have it. It is a great piece of hardware for the 2600 and I really enjoyed the games on it. The Frogger version for it is still one of my favorites to play. It wasn't until last year, though, that I managed to finish my collection. I was missing Party Mix and Sword of Saros and I finally got them.
  10. It seems he is doing to events. I wonder if I'll see him at FreePlay Florida this year. Perhaps by then, "the truth" about it all will be out.
  11. I think I may have heard the thing about Atari not wanting black backgrounds from more than one programmer but that didn't mean it was impossible to do. Besides, was it really going to take more space to use a black background with a blue maze (even if the maze looked nothing like the arcade)?
  12. I should probably do the same thing for the one near my house. It has, at least, been there the 26 years I've lived in Miami.
  13. Give it a chance. That's how various of these Netflix shows start.
  14. It was there when I sealed the box also. I thought it was cool to see it, though, with the price sticker.
  15. I just started to watch it. Only the first episode so far. I'm really starting to hate this flashback-style storytelling that has become the thing nowadays. Why can't they just tell a linear story? I'm not going to judge the show just yet. I need to watch more.
  16. They did a superb job with the Voltron reboot, so I have high hopes for this show.
  17. I just got back from watching this and I really enjoyed. I have not read the book (I bought it on Google Play to read) so I can't compare right now but, if the book is better, I know I'm in for a treat. It was great seeing the 2600 in there and even a ColecoVision!
  18. Cool. So, it has gone full circle. Here is the stuff I put in...
  19. I haven't seen this yet. Plan on going this weekend.
  20. I'm sure companies will figure out some other way of accomplishing the same result. I do hate seeing these stupid stickers, though.
  21. Me three! As long as I'm able to do it, I will keep on doing it. I'm 50 but, so far, my eyes are not giving me trouble and my reflexes are still good.
  22. Not a lot of titles there but they are good ones.
  23. The picture shows exactly what I was referring to, a unified style for all the Atari consoles.
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