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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. I did not know it had been released but did manage to email Kristoff and heard from him today. I have no idea what number mine will be but it will likely be over 200!
  2. I'd guess they will once the entire season is over, particularly since the next season may not be out until 2019. They'll want to monetize on it.
  3. Cool, thanks for posting these! Welcome aboard!
  4. I can't believe the season is almost over and that we don't know when season 2 will start! We know it is approved and they are working on it but there is no date set. I will be cancelling my CBS All Access while the show is not being aired, though.
  5. I found this my accident after watching a video on YouTube and researching about a baseball game for the Jaguar called Black Jag: Hyper Power League. This is quite the list of games: https://assemblergames.com/threads/unreleased-atari-jaguar-games.66356/
  6. I agree! I can hardly wait to next week.
  7. Where did you see that special? I think Lucas has that hidden in some sub-basement in hell!?
  8. Oh, I agree. Toyshop Trouble is the good kind of trouble!
  9. I've never seen one of those. Cool!
  10. Thank you. I won't know the inside yoke, I mean, joke but I'll give it a spin.
  11. Astro Fighter I know but I don't think I've heard of Chicago Basement. Is there a free ROM for it in AA? If so, I can check it out.
  12. I wonder if they could have adapted some of their own arcade titles in compilations as well. It would have been great to see the Star Wars games on the Jaguar.
  13. I finally watched it yesterday. Surprisingly, the theater was fairly empty. I did enjoy it but it felt a bit too long. Lots of twists on this one! It was, essentially, a passing of the baton to the new trio of heroes.
  14. That looks awesome! Will this version have the animation as you enter the rooms and exit? That is missing from all home versions, as far as I know. Is that doable on the 7800?
  15. Not yet. I don't go opening weekends anymore to movies. Plan to watch it this week.
  16. It has four stars on Metacritic. http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/star-trek-bridge-crew
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