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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. While I see your point, I guess the joystick was such a classic controller associated with the 2600 that it may have been strange to see a different controller for it. Nonetheless, I think it would have been cool to have a modified version of the Europad with just one fire button.
  2. That was a frozen egg hunt. Definitely crazy. I remember when I lived in PA that we had a major ice/snow storm well before Halloween! There were so many fallen trees that we had power outages for over a week. It was nuts.
  3. Finally got the A7800 MAME emulator running, so I'll be able to try the games you covered.
  4. I like this game but I'm so bad at it! LOL
  5. I agree with Scott. I have heard Todd say the same thing every time he speaks about it and I find it hard to swallow. Having the right colors would have gone a long way. Also having Pac-Man turn the right way would have been nice. That's why I like Nukey Shay's "upgrade" to the game and it is the version I usually play when I want to play Atari's Pac-Man.
  6. Ms. Pac-Man Atari 2600 Difficulty: Default High Score: 70,640 April 3, 2018
  7. Congrats to everyone. I wonder if I can beat that high score. I will have to give it a try.
  8. I have one and I love it because it is compact. I also like the fact that it ties the design language of the all the consoles (2600, 5200, and 7800).
  9. The Crash was due to many factors, as NSG has said. I think it would have been nice having a version of Pac-Man that was like this back then, though.
  10. Nothing, Willie? OK, let's see what Atari Creep gets out of it.
  11. That's a cool minicade!
  12. Indeed it is! I remember looking at the prototype for this at the Video Game Museum at the last CGE and wondering when would someone make these available. Those are hard to find. I have one, thankfully. Perhaps you can contact the seller and ask. After all, if they can 3D print these, they should be able to 3D print the 5200 version as well.
  13. I agree! Ordered one as soon as I saw these! Can't wait to get it so I can play T!ME Salvo and Robotron with the two joysticks!
  14. OK, I have taken stuff out and put stuff in and we're back to the USPS box. Here is the "junk" I took from the box...
  15. I wanted to share this in case anyone is interested. Etsy seller ItsAllGeek3D has made available 3D printed couplers for the Atari 7800 controllers so you can play games like Robtron 2084 and T!ME Salvo. You can order them here: Atari 7800 Controller Coupling W/ Mounting Holes. These are available in multiple colors if you want anything other than black.
  16. Just saw this: In theory, this new Atari console is going to be awesome.
  17. The box has arrived! Boy, did it explode! I'll have to sort through and see how I can make it USPS-friendly again! Looks to have some nice stuff in it.
  18. Details, details. Where are the details? Just calling it VCS doesn't tell me enough.
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