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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. The magazine is doing a Kickstarter right now to go into its second year: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ryanburger/old-school-gamer-the-second-year-bigger-and-better?mc_cid=2e47fd7e66&mc_eid=29d558a5c7
  2. Most of those look in nice condition. I'm jealous!
  3. This is very well done! Definitely worth playing and it deserves a cart release.
  4. Mine doesn't see much use either but mine has the sleeve signed by all the Blue Sky Rangers.
  5. Cool, just watched the video fo the game and it looks fun.
  6. Mine may be in the mailbox, for all I know. I am in New Jersey right now on business. I return home tonight, so I will find out. I've actually submitted an article to them about the Supercharger and I know they liked it but I'm not sure when it will be published.
  7. I doubt I'll be able to get you feedback in time but I'll send something about these in the next episode.
  8. Cool. Listening to it. Heard my name mentioned so you must be about to read my "brief" feedback.
  9. Well, I am not breaking any records with this one. I'm using emulation right now to play and it is not the best way with just a keyboard. Here goes...
  10. Dang, I'm late! That is Front Line.
  11. They will replace the joysticks, though. They've redesigned them so you just contact them and they help you out.
  12. Yes, I know. I've already downloaded to files to update the system. I'll use it without the updates and then with to make a comparison. The updates address the limitation of titles displayed when using an SD card and a few other issues. Despite the problems I've read about, one good thing is that if something is related to software, it can be fixed by the community. As for the hardware, I've seen all sorts of negative comments about the joystick. I will try it out but I'm likely going to need a replacement.
  13. I'd love to see a homebrew version of Phoenix for the 7800!
  14. It arrived but I'm in SuperCon this weekend, so I won't be testing it until next week most likely.
  15. The GameCube one I noticed the second I saw it. The FedEx took me a while, though. LOL
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