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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. They screwed up with the launchg of the 7800 and what was originally planned for the system never happened. Had they done things as planned, Nintendo may have had a harder time taking over as they did. They also failed to properly handle the Lynx and the Jaguar. The Lynx was superior to what was out there at the time for handhelds and yet it did not do well in the market. Very unfortunate because it was and still is one excellent gaming system. As for the Jaguar, another missed opportunity.
  2. I don't even go to McDonalds but those do look cool.
  3. Here is in feedback on this game: Here we have a game that takes the classic formula from Breakout and updates it for the 7800. If you're expecting an Arkanoid clone, then you need to look elsewhere because that's not what Bob created with Crazy Brix. In this game you control a Deflector with either a joystick or a paddle controller (though I recommend the latter) to smash bricks (or, are they brix) that are organized in various patterns, a number of which play tribute to other Atari classics. Don't be surprised when you see a Tank from Combat or an Alien from Space Invaders, among others. To add to gameplay, the walls are not always smooth and straight as they are on Breakout or even Arkanoid. These irregular walls make the balls move in rather interesting ways that really add an unpredictability to things and keeps the game interesting. Visually the game does have bright colors and the animation of the brix as they are smashed is nicely done. They don't just vanish when the ball hits them but, rather, are slowly broken down until they disappear. Given the limited number of paddle titles for the 7800 (if you discount the 2600 titles you can play on the system), this certainly is a game to have to enjoy with friends or by yourself. Truly another Bob classic for the 7800. So go crazy and smash some brix!
  4. That will keep you distrated but you need noise cancelling headphones or earphones.
  5. Nice. I have a collection of movies myself. It's cool watching movies on the system.
  6. Really cool! I think the cartridges are more rare than the consoles themselves.
  7. I tried this at PRGE! Really looking forward to the final release!
  8. That is great news! Best of luck! Change is always a bit scary but this looks like a good change!
  9. TrekMD


    It certainly is a fun game! Enjoy!
  10. Cool. Will be listening to this tomorrow on my drive to/from work.
  11. OMG! A boxed 5200! Dang!
  12. That is awesome! The stores in my area never have this stuff! I'm jealous!
  13. Ah, good to see you know about it. Yes, it is pricey but I think it'll be worth the money.
  14. Thanks! I may have found a flashcart that will work better for me. It accepts an SD card which is, honestly, far more preferrable. It's called the Ultimate Atari Cart.
  15. Hey guys, I recently got an Atari XEGS and I want to get the AtariMax cart for it. This doesn't seem to be a flashcart but a cart to program other memory carts. Am I right? Can the carts be reprogrammed as many times as one may want to? Any advise would be welcome. Thanks!
  16. Hi Kid A, welcome back and see you soon!
  17. For the price, this doesn't seem to be a bad deal. It's also not the first rip off of the PSP design. I've seen similar units sold in Amazon that are pretty much identical in looks to the PSP.
  18. I think they just hard an article in Forbes about that: https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2017/04/16/cancelling-the-production-of-the-nes-classic-edition-to-protect-the-nintendo-switch-makes-no-sense/#43d601964c84
  19. That's weird. I wouldn't expect having difficulty taking out the carts unless there was an issue with the mechanism in the carts but, from what you say, that's not it either.
  20. They purposely created scarcity, which is ridiculous.
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