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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Just in case, the RetroVGS.
  2. Probably just issues with the game contacts. The console is very sturdy. This stuff is not likely to hurt it. Try cleaning the carts.
  3. Oh, dust will creep into any space! The amazing thing is that the equipment still work!
  4. I never had one of these. I went from VHS to DVD. It's cool you got this for free. It does look like it is a huge unit!
  5. I've always enjoyed the game. I did not know of the bad reputation until recently and it made no sense to me.
  6. Well, and this is one of three systems that are being worked on as well. Having a solid team behind this one does help so we'll see how it goes.
  7. Another nice episode. DK Jr. is more complete than DK on the 7800 as it has all the arcade screens. Looking forward to the Mario Bros episode.
  8. Cool. It'll be nice seeing this on Atari consoles.
  9. Cool, I will be watching that video. Thanks for posting it!
  10. At the time, I didn't like it. Now, I think it is part of the history of the games. It's cool to see them.
  11. Cool, will be watching soon.
  12. I don't have a ColecoVision because I've been resisting getting one. This Project Prometheus may make me stop resisting.
  13. That's what I thought. I don't recall seeing these anywhere on sale.
  14. I've only played the 2600 and Intellivision versions and it is hard to choose. Both are fun to play but the Intellivision version looks better and has that added boss level that makes it really cool.
  15. Ah yes, Fix-It Felix has two versions available for the Genesis. I know one of the developers and his version is better as it has the intro and everything. There are even arcade machines that have been made of this game!
  16. I've never had a problem playing with the original controller for many of the games. It works just fine and the D-Pad performs as it should.
  17. That is excellent! I want to visit that at some point.
  18. Were they ever produced to begin with? I'd jump to get one of these.
  19. I received my copy today. I will be giving it a spin over the weekend.
  20. I'm looking forward to whatever they'll be able to make in two 15 minutes segments. This interview with Alec Peters may be of interest: https://youtu.be/HuNVuYeAmKs
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