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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. And it begins mwuhahahaha! Nice video, thanks for sharing! Nice pickups.
  2. This may be of interest to you, I just stumbled across this just now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vw-tkTG4Fk Published on Jan 7, 2017 In this video Bill demonstrates how to install Amiga OS4.1 Final Edition on a Windows PC using Amiga Forever 2016 Premium Edition emulation and the instructions in Krzysztof Radzikowski's book "Amiga OS4.1 Emulation" http://www.thegurumeditation.org Purchase Amiga OS4.1 Emulation Book Here: http://amiga.net.pl/index.php?lng=eng... Amiga On The Lake Store http://amigaonthelake.com AMICast Podcast http://amicast.ppa.pl
  3. I have not seen this, I was not in a position to back it so I am not entitled. I always find in general they just do not compare to the memories, history, experienced living through the entire AMIGA era, though I could never afford much I was a fanatic about reading and researching ever bit of info about Commodore, the AMIGA hardware and the entire process, the hopes, the dreams, the failures, the shattered dreams etc, I have yet to learn anything "new" from these types of films but that said always good to see a film focused on AMIGA as I was always annoyed at either the revisions version or complete lack of inclusion AMIGA had in 98% of any type of computing history articles or film. Hope to see it someday.
  4. Damn CONGRATULATIONS on getting them all restored! I have a single good controller because I bought it refurbished from BEST BUY but very cool you did this yourself!
  5. Perfect I am a bit of a neatness freak and I DO have sinus issues so Oscar will balance me out!
  6. Funny thing I had a demo for Bluff Titler I used to make titles to VHS way back in my AMIGA days. While I never really had a "fancy" setup good old Amiga 500 and composite out to VHS recorder to tile my home movies using Dpaint or Bluff Titler from a demo disk, good times.
  7. avant garde filming my specialty! Just need more shots of my riding a train and panning to a clock ticking on the wall..........
  8. I hear ya man! JUST FOR YOU I made this Either you will be convinced or terrified https://youtu.be/ElHAkbMXXfk
  9. I am not bright enough for the ADOBE products but I been very happy with the range of Cyberlink products. I typically use Cyberlink PowerDirector, for youtube video and the like I find it more than does the job as well it is pretty simple to figure out since I did it, for me it is the perfect balance of features and price and ease of use.
  10. For those with a Harmony cart or simply using emulators to get their 2600 gaming on ROMHUNTERS archive is an excellent presorted and organized archives. Seems for the New Year he has just released v12 of his awesome collection. Follow this link to Atarimania to download the archive! http://www.atarimania.com/rom_collection_archive_atari_2600_roms.html Here is the description from the site - Atari 2600 VCS ROM Collection Dear guest, Having been an avid Atari 2600 game player in the eighties, I was more than happy to discover that the games I used to play as a kid could be re-experienced on my PC by downloading the proper ROMs and playing them on an emulator. For me, it was like finding back little bits of childhood memories and the main reason to start "hunting" ROMs on the Internet. But while collecting, I noticed that many ROM sets on the net contained bugged .bin files (the so called "bad dumps") and that many ROMs carried incomplete names that often lacked the correct game information. In order to give these ROMs their proper names, I started studying the games they belonged to. That was the moment I entered the amazing world of the Atari 2600 and also the beginning of a new "hobby". I found out that, although there were only a little more than 500 different games made for the Atari 2600, almost all of these games were re-released many times, in many forms, under many different names and by many different companies, creating an incredible range of more than 10,000 different cartridge releases (of which more than 8,000 are now archived in our database). While working my way through fifteen years of VCS gaming history, discovering all kinds of strange and funny looking "pirates", never released prototype games, interesting background stories and fascinating label artwork, I gathered an enormous amount of information which I systematically tried to cram into these filenames. Now, after almost ten years of collecting and researching, the result of all this work can be downloaded below. I'm very proud to present you my personal Atari 2600 ROM collection here on Atarimania and I truly hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. Please don't let the long filenames scare you off. You'll get used to them and trust me: they form an excellent source of Atari 2600 game information, which can be very useful for any serious Atari game collector and fan. In short: if you're looking for an ordinary Atari 2600 ROM set, look elsewhere. It can be found almost everywhere on the Internet without too many problems. If you're looking for the most genuine and best documented Atari 2600 ROM collection in the world, then look no further: this is the place to be. Have fun. Rom Hunter
  11. Atari 2700 Remote Control Video Computer System - MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO AWESOME!
  12. Wife and I going out for a nice Dinner! - IF I DON'T GET BACK ON TIME TO SAY IT HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!

    1. Cousin Mike

      Cousin Mike

      hey man thank you for wishing me and all a happy new year< i hope you have one to man, i hope you and Melissa have a great dinner, talk to you soon.

    2. Justin


      Have a great New Years Eve celebration MaximumRD! :)

    3. Doctor Octagon
  13. A similar topic posted on AA I thought was worth sharing. Well, some I have never had or likely WILL have so going by what I have in order of preference - 4 Switch Woody / VADER MODEL (Love Woodgrain but there is something about that black model) / Sears Video Arcade II. For models I do not have well of course Original Heavy Sixer followed by the Sears Heavy than 4 Switch. It is funny because I distinctly recall back in the day if you had a SEARS version as opposed to a Atari Labelled model you were an outcast of sorts Today I LOVE the SEARS variants of Atari and Intellivision consoles! BONUS - IF I DON'T GET BACK ON TIME TO SAY IT HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!
  14. I get what you are saying and agree of course better to go the free route and "obtain" what is required THAT SAID THOUGH the Amiga Forever package is a great way to introduce oneself especially for those unsure or unfamiliar with emulation all legal as well (for those that care of such things). To be fair in this case Cloanto have been supporting and improving Amiga Forever since 1997 as well so that is a pretty fair track record. The package is pretty tight, well supported and Cloanto have even helped me out personally as well it has a great GUI / INTERFACE and because of all this even someone like me who has a lot of experience with emulation I chose to support Cloanto. For every other platform I go the freeware route, it's just that good.
  15. The are expensive because people tend to hold on to them as they are getting rarer and harder to find as well they did not have the market penetration in USA / CANADA or outside the UK where they are much more common. If you simply would like to try some of the more popular AMIGA games you might consider an emulation package like Cloanto's AMIGA FOREVER, now before anyone starts with "BAH WHY PAY FOR EMULATION???" it is true one can get UAE emulator for free as well as "obtain" the kickstart ROM files (think of it as the required BIOS for AMIGA) and of course download various romsets of games etc, figure the configuration blah blah blah BUT THEN AGAIN if one knows nothing or very little of these things then one can do worse than buying an officially licensed ready to go plug n play package to experience various versions of the operating systems as well as different applications and of course a good sampling of games and demos. If that is of interest check out HERE : https://www.amigaforever.com/ IF YOU ARE DEAD SET ON REAL HARDWARE well I would suggest the most common Amiga 500. This is the most basic model and compatible with many games THAT SAID it is not the most expandable thus you would be relying on original (or copied) games on Floppy Disk media which may not be the most reliable even if you DO track some down. An AMIGA 1200 was the next most popular machine and probably the most expandable with modern storage options, floppy disc emulators and other add-ons which would make the storage, handling and loading of games much more reliable and convenient. Now I do not actually have real AMIGA hardware of any type having to resort to emulation myself for several years now but this is what I know from following the scene. Anyone else of course is welcome to add any suggestions or knowledge from their own personal experience.
  16. Thanks for sharing and WOW I am impressed with your results. Great patience and care rewarded!
  17. Merry Christmas ! Don't really "do" Christmas so much these days but here I am at 13 years old receiving Coleco Galaxian and Pac Man! If you have any Classic Christmas photos (if they include classic computing or gaming all the better !) FEEL FREE TO SHARE AS WELL! Rob aka MaximumRD
  18. What a great story, thanks for sharing, I love hearing stuff like this! When kids have an open mind and not prejudiced or influenced by others on what is cool or fun and they try these things I am not surprised they enjoy it. It is almost like it is coming around full circle back to the basics and playing for the fun of it.
  19. 2016 refusing to go out quietly! MID AIR EMERGENCY Carrie Fisher hospitalized following ‘massive heart attack’

    1. Rowsdower70


      No, no, no, no. Praying for her.

  20. Heya MIKE Any friend of Justin can only be a great addition to our community!
  21. Happy Holidays guys, hope you are having a good one. Sadly my wife and I are pretty sick, got some flu bug going around

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      There's been something going around here and my wife and I caught part of it. I wish you and your wife well.

    2. Rowsdower70


      Hope you and the Mrs. heal soon Rob!

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