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Everything posted by HDN

  1. I'm almost done listening to this podcast :( I wish I started collecting Atari 7800 games five years ago. Ten year old me would have totally sent in some written feedback or audio submissions had I known about this podcast and collected 7800 games back then. Great podcast, @nosweargamer. I'm sad that it's over. Good news is that now that I have the podcast app on my phone I can listen to some other podcasts, like the 7800 homebrew, 2600, and 5200 podcasts.
  2. If I remember correctly there are some doors to all the different holidays and that Jack dude from the Halloween Land went into the Christmas Land and tried to hijack it? But in the end he realized that Christmas was good or something and saved the day. I think Santa Claus was held hostage by a mummy at some point? I will admit that the stop-motion animation is really well done, but some of the characters are just really grotesque and unappealing to me personally. But to each their own.
  3. No offense to any fans of the movie, but I just don't see the appeal of The Nightmare before Christmas.
  4. My two CRTs I'm using are very fuzzy and glowy, especially the one downstairs! I have a suggestion for you, @socrates63. Play some Atari 2600 in the dark! Nothing beats playing those games in the dark, especially the flashy and epileptic ones! Haunted House, Yar's Revenge, and Worm War I are three examples of games that will light up a dark room with lots of flashing colors! Unless you suffer from epilepsy, I recommend giving those games a try in the dark. Either way, the tamer ones still look fantastic in the dark!
  5. I caught the end of the stream and still need to watch the rest of it. But at the end I made a reference that went unnoticed! Gasp! The horror! So here you go, @nosweargamer. Now you can clean your desk of easily!
  6. @Atari Creep I actually just took the BB-8 out of a box of some of my old stuff in the basement today. However, there was also a rubber ball that seems to have melted all over the box. Maybe it was a chemical thing and the rubber of the squishy ball melted because it didn't like something else in that box. Anyways, now my BB-8 is full of sticky green slime! So I am cleaning it at the present. It probably still works. Thanks for reminding me about this really cool thing! I remember it being awesome and I can't wait to revisit it!
  7. @socrates63 nothing is disappointing! I mean, I’m the Atari Miniature Golf guy! This is unexpected and very nice of you! Thanks a lot!
  8. @MaliciousCarp you should mod the cartridge slot to make it easier to fit games in. You have to crack the ring around the cartridge slot or something. Maybe make a video on it.
  9. Immature? Perhaps. But I felt I needed to add the USPS tracking number into my contacts and change the name to "Postman Pat".

    1. socrates63


      You created a contact for a package tracking number? That might be a brilliant lifehack.

  10. Tempting, perhaps. But since I'm not sending this to anyone else, if I opened it it would just be like normal! I'm just kidding, though. I won't open it before I get the other thing. I can't thank you enough for your generosity, Young. I was really curious on what was sent. I did spend two hours of last night looking through recently sold eBay listings. I tried every keyword that I thought might be a package coming from Young, and nothing matched the city this package was from. In the end, my detective work just ended up being two hours wasted! I was up until around 2 AM. Part of the reason I've been really tired today. If I hide the package, I won't be tempted. I'll be distracted by those 7800 games, like Comman--I mean, a surprise! Hopefully I will be able to play them soon. I feel I'm pretty close to getting my stuff back. If not, Xenoph-- I mean, OTHER surprise game will be nice to look at. Plus, I think I know what I'm going to do with the duplicates, my first ever for a home console!
  11. @nosweargamer have you ever live streamed before?
  12. I wouldn’t do it until the bitter end of my 2600’s life, but thanks for the advice. I will have to look into that.
  13. This is amazing! This morning I was sent a tracking link by a certain cjherr from over at AtariAge. He had offered to send me some Atari 7800 cartridges that he no longer uses free of charge! I am so excited for them to arrive! I am incredibly thankful for his generosity. This is such a kind thing he's doing. I won't spoil what's in the box as I plan to make a lot unboxing video and post it here in this thread. Feel free to speculate however. Thank You, cjherr!!! Last night, I also got a message from @socrates63. My parents did say that him sending something from the retro junk box (and the 7800 games) was OK as long as I paid it forward. However, I did not expect a tracking number for a random eBay package. He told me not to open it until I got the junk box package from him.That's going to be really hard! I need a place to hide it where I can't be tempted to open it! I plan to open those in a video on a later date. Thank You, Young!!! Neither of you had to do this. This is so kind of you both! I have no idea when I will be able to, but at some point in the future I need to make it up to you guys! And I also need to find a way to pay the kindness forward to somebody else!
  14. I'd have to consider that a downgrade! To be honest, I like Major Havoc 1000x better than the PS4 or PS5. Personally a die-hard Nintendo fan. But to each their own. Thank you for sharing this information with us!
  15. You can't mince onions. You gotta have big chunks. You want to be able to bite into the different layers. That's the only right way to chop onions, kids.

  16. Don't worry. You were just playing the Activision version. Once Imagic went under, Activision bought out their catalog. They probably changed the font on the score to better match the rest of their 2600 games.
  17. @Atari Creep I laughed out loud HARD when I heard "that MF has to die!" Absolutely zero offense taken, man. Plus, it's OK if you want to mention me by HDN on your channel. It's three letters, not like it's my full name and social security number. I'm happy to report that I have been playing Demon Attack today. It was running really slow, but I did really enjoy it. I might take you up on that offer later! I will have to try out some of the other Imagic games that I never used to like before, like Atlantis and Dragon Fire. And @RickR, thanks for the tip. I will try to work out Stella later tonight. Edit: @socrates63 I'm posting this here as I'm out of daily posts at the moment. General Computer Corporation. They made a lot of the early 7800 games like Xevious, Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, and Food Fight to name a few. They also made the 7800 itself and hacked Pac-Man to make Crazy Otto, which later became the arcade version of Ms. Pac-Man.
  18. @RickR more luck with that one as Windows recognizes the files, but an error message pops up when I run them. I think it might be Windows 7+. Is there a way to download an older version? I have also found that odd, but I've always felt the whole demons in video games thing was just really weird. I mean, think about it: you have Demons Attack (of course), Demons to Diamonds, Breakdown! Blockout! on Odyssey 2 has "electronic demons", and I just know there are a few more I can't think of at the moment. Why not monsters or something? I'm not offended by the use of demons or anything, I just find it curious that so many games have these weirdo non-demons in them. They don't act like demons, just typical aliens or monsters or something that you'd see in a Space Invaders clone. They don't possess your ship or anything. They're just little alien dudes or something along those lines. They aren't nice alien dudes, but they aren't demons. The weird thing is that all these games from different companies had this same perception of demons as like its own material creature or something. Then again, Demons to Diamonds or Demon Attack are much better names than "Aliens to Diamonds" or "Monster Attack". If I had to guess, they called them demons because it just sounds so much cooler and more menacing. Speaking of demons, The Exorcist would have made an excellent 2600 shooter.
  19. Speaking of new iPhones, my Otter Box case for my new phone arrived! Now I can use it (dad wouldn't let me use without the "phone insurance")! I've checked out some new apps like the YouTube studio app and now I can manage my old YouTube channel again! I also checked out the podcast app. I could only listen to the 7800 Game by Game Podcast before as @nosweargamer actually uploaded the episodes to YouTube! I haven't listened to the podcast in a while (because of my phone and that I'm trying to not make it go too quickly) but I think I will tonight. I'm not a phone person, but this is pretty cool. I might even have to try out that new "Among Us" game just to see what all the fuss is about. Whenever I try to make my parents laugh, all I get is a few seconds of silence and one of them will quietly say something along the lines of "I wish you were funny like I am".
  20. I kind of hate eBay. Two reasons: Getting ripped off and people not sending their crap Stupid auction bots that always bid higher at literally the last second. As a matter of fact, I was totally opposed to buying things off of the internet until I discovered this place. Plus, this way is much more personal and meaningful. If I got Food Fight from eBay, I would think "Yay, Food Fight". But since I got it from someone here that I knew and talked to before and afterwards it means much more to me personally to buy it from here. Sure, you can communicate with eBay sellers, but you're not going to stay in touch afterwards.
  21. "Knowledge share". I do that unknowingly sometimes. Yesterday I randomly went into a rant about how Food Fight doesn't show you your score after you Game Over, which later evolved into the 7800 High Score cart, Jack Tramiel's Atari buyout, the NES, and a few other things. I don't know how long I talked for, but it wasn't short. Poor dad!
  22. Thanks @RickR. I tried downloading a few versions, but Windows didn't recognize any of the file types. Or maybe I'm just not doing it right.
  23. Early January when there were no cases: 0:00-0:08 Late January and February when the first few people contracted COVID-19: 0:09-0:14 March through October when everyone was getting COVID-19 and other natural disasters occurred: 0:15-0:54 November of 2020 when the world explodes: 0:55-0:57 December of 2020: 0:58-1:19
  24. Played a little Demon Attack today after not playing it in years. I used the same crappy online emulator site that I played Crystal Castles on. It runs the games at half-speed on a good day, and oftentimes they play even slower. I mean, I know my computer's old, but it's not that old. The 2600 only has 128 bytes of RAM for crying out loud! Anyways, I got a score of 4,700-something on the A difficulty. Since it's so slow (and I'm lazy) I'm not posting a picture as it shouldn't count. It's like I'm playing in slow-motion. It's a pretty fun game, though I think I still prefer Phoenix. Great game nonetheless, and I can see why you're all so excited that it's our newest Squad Challenge. I will have to try it again when I get my Wii back; I'd like to see how it actually plays. The Wii can actually emulate systems pretty well, especially the NES, Master System, and 2600. It runs the Genesis and Super Nintendo games fine, but I personally don't have a good controller for those games. Have you ever played Super Mario World with a GameCube controller? Total garbage. You have to hold your fingers like a crab claw in order to run and jump properly. Genesis is OK on the Wii Mote unless you have to use the A button (which is mapped to the A button on there). I don't have a classic controller, and I'm OK with these games not controlling that great as we have a pretty substantial SNES library and I can use the AtGames Genesis to play Mean Bean Machine and Columns III. Don't even try running N64 games on the Wii. Total garbage. So yeah, I enjoy Demon Attack. I liked it as a young kid, but for the past few years it was kind of "eh". I only played it a handful of times since 2014, maybe even less than 10. So I need to ask you all something: Does the spaceship sprite remind anyone else of the Yar or is that just me?
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