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Everything posted by HDN

  1. Gotta pay a little more than the going rate for that one! The extra $13 or so dollars are worth it if you wanted to actually have a working game on your hands. If I ever want the complete 7800 library, this is the way to go, I guess! I'll have to try out the ROM sometime to see how I like the game.
  2. Psssshhhhhhh... Wait a minute. This was my first Plug and Play too! In a sense. I played this once at a car dealership a long, long time ago. We're going WAAYYY back now. My friend had this too. The Atari one was the first one I personally own--wait a second. No, not that either. I just got a flashback. It was this thing, though I never played it much. Whoops. I completely forgot about these things! Guess I was wrong.
  3. It's funny that you post this. This was actually my first Plug and Play! I got it from my cousin back in the early 2010's. I remember seeing this thing on store shelves in the Shopko toy department. This thing lasted a long time! What's more, I also decided to break my unit out like, last week! Unfortunately, the cord on it is all messed up. You have to hold it in a very specific manner in order to get a stable picture up on the screen. I was considering posting a thread on perhaps finding a way to fix that, as I have heard that this is a common problem with Plug and Play units in general. If I win, this unit would be a nice replacement while the other one becomes a nice shelf piece. Or I could fix it up and have two of them! Play one in each hand. My favorite Plug and Play, however, is the Intellivison Flashback. The Intellivison is a system that you need the original controller to play properly, and this unit does a very good job at bringing the INTV experience to the modern age. I do wish it came with all of the overlays, but whatever. The emulation is also not 100% accurate from what I have seen, but it seems to work alright. My main gripe with it, however, is that it doesn't have that awesome (-ly bad) song that plays throughout Intellivision Lives! "And now I'm bleeding from this incision. I really miss my Intellivision..." I know there's a Colecovision Flashback out there, and that's one I would LOVE to try sometime! It looks better than the INTV one, but I can't judge it as I haven't played it yet. Thanks, as always, for doing these giveaways, @nosweargamer. You are great at bringing people over to the site. I mean, you brought me over. That's either a bad thing or a good thing, depending how you look at it!
  4. We will have to ask @Justin and see, I guess.
  5. Is it alright if we play on arcade compilations? This game is on Taito Legends on XBOX.
  6. So that’s where Possible Mission is sold? Good to know for the future. Impossible Mission is a game I would have gotten had it actually worked. Possible Mission is the way to go in this case. How much was your cart? I think I will pick one up if they decide to produce another run of carts.
  7. Glad someone made this video. This is something people need to know. I have been a Rerez fan for many years.
  8. Happy Halloween! Hope you all are having a great and spooky day.

    1. socrates63


      You, too!

      And there's an added bonus to the night this year -- we gain an hour. Don't forget to "fall back."

      By the way, how do you do Status Update? Where do you go to do that?

    2. RickR


      @socrates63 -- to do a "status", I use the "create" link on the upper-right of the browser window for Atari.io.  "Create" then click "status". 

  9. I didn't know this until I was browsing AtariAge today, but K-Tel actually made some 2600 games of their own! Check it out: https://atariage.com/company_page.php?SystemID=2600&CompanyID=63
  10. Nice video, NSG! Lots of "giveaway fuel" in that! You picked up some nice things out of the box. I remember a few of those items from @RickR's Summer Blow-Out Sale. Check the screenshots on the box and manual of Space War, @nosweargamer. They're the worst fake screenshots I have ever seen in my life!
  11. Galaxian is always a lot of fun. Congrats on your pickup (from a long time ago). Here's the thing, and I'm not trying to offend anyone here, just stating my opinion: I don't like the MyArcade cabinets. I don't own any, and I don't in the future because of a couple of reasons. I'm a Basic Fun mini arcade collector. There seems to be a lot of companies making these nowadays. Anyways, here are my reasons. They use, to my knowledge, MyArcade uses unaltered NES ROMs on their games. I'm not saying basic fun is blameless here; they have done this in the past, but it seems like nowadays they are using versions closer to the arcade on their newer Wal-Mart exclusive dot-matrix games. The screen on the Basic Fun dot-matrix games looks much better than the screens on the MyArcade units. From videos I've seen on the internet comparing the two, I have seen that the Basic Fun screens have darker blacks and richer colors. The Basic Fun units are generally cheaper. I've noticed that the Basic Fun units are typically around $20 at most stores, and oftentimes less. By comparison, the MyArcade units generally run for about $30. This one is the biggest reason of all for my personal dislike of the MyArcade units. They're lazy. To be completely honest, I think the same of all the other Mini Arcades with the dot-matrix screens. I think they're just plain lazy. I know they're closer to the arcades this way, but I really, really enjoy the static screen LCD mini arcades that Basic Fun also makes. These seem more retro to me as it's more realistic for the 1980s. You wouldn't be able to get a full dot-matrix screen in an early 1980s handheld! Granted, you couldn't get the sound quality these LCD games have on a 1980s handheld either. Still, the LCD units are more realistic, unique, and fun to collect. I can just play the arcade or NES ROMs elsewhere, but this is something you need these machines for. I feel the MyArcades are even lazier than the typical Basic Fun units as they are just the plain NES ROMs. At least when Basic Fun used to do that, they changed the title screen. If you couldn't tell, I'm a sucker for retro handhelds. LCD, LED, VFD, don't matter to me! I think it's fascinating that people were able to turn arcade games into portables with little segmented displays. Oftentimes, these handhelds turn out to be pretty fun as well. It takes some pretty creative people to work around the limitations of these sorts ofm displays. In school notebooks and the like, I used to doodle little drawings of LCD games of my own creations. I'd think of a game (Metroid for example) and try to draw what the LCD matrix would look like had it existed. I still have all my old notebooks, so I might post some pictures in the future if anyone is interested. I try not to compare different versions of arcade games to their originals. I mean, it certainly helps, but when it comes to ports on old systems or handheld devices like these I try to look and see if they stand on their own as fun games. That's part of the reason why I love Atari 2600 Pac-Man and Donkey Kong so much. When I first saw these Basic Fun LCD games come out, I was both really hyped and somewhat disappointed. On one hand, THEY WERE BRINGING BACK THE LCD MINI ARCADES! Ever since I was like 6 or so and learned about the Coleco Mini Arcades through the internet (yeah I was a weird kid), I had yearned for one. They looked so awesome! I even asked my parents for one for Christmas or whatever it was, but they thought it was too much money for what it offered and they didn't think I would play it enough. Understandable, though I think I would have used one quite a bit. They were right about one thing: these things are outrageously expensive! I completely understand why my parents wouldn't let me get one. Maybe someday when I have a disposable income I'll get me the DK one, as I highly doubt Basic Fun will be making a version of that! I have played the Coleco versions of Frogger and Pac-Man in an antique mall before. Pac-Man isn't great, but at least it has a lot of different modes to try out. Frogger on the other hand is done very well. Obviously, I didn't pick them up there. Way too expensive, but when I look back on it they were going much cheaper than ones I've seen on eBay recently. This was a few years ago, and they might have increased in value since then. I probably wouldn't have picked them up today if I saw them, either. Do you know how many 2600, Game Boy, or NES games I could get instead? On the other hand, the games were black-and-white and looked pretty cheaply made. The selection was also not great. You had Space Invaders (which was very similar to a keychain version I already owned at the time) and Pac-Man. Since then, I've gotten both. Space Invaders is fine, but Pac-Man is without a doubt the worst version of Pac-Man I had ever played in my life. I might even blog about it someday. I know they released an updated version at Wal-Mart, which looks loads better. Get Ms. Pac-Man instead anyways. Also, don't get Tetris. Nothing wrong with that game on the surface, but it's way too easy and will straight up stop your game after you beat level 15. I didn't get one of the Mini Arcades until a few years later when I got Q*Bert. By that time, they were making them in color and with better joysticks. These versions of the games are most of the time very good and much cheaper than the Coleco units and other VFD games at the time. I'd recommend collecting them. I hope nobody is offended by my opinion of the MyArcade titles. If you enjoy them, go right ahead. They definetely have their pros against the Basic Fun machines as well. For instance, they're more tabletop-like. But this is just my opinion.
  12. I have the Super Game Boy. Both have pros and cons to the. I would say you need both!
  13. I won't be needing a GameCube for a while as I have my trusty Wii. I've been playing GC games on there since 2011. I would like to get a real Cube at some point exclusively for use with the Game Boy Player.
  14. Intellivision only had 125 games? I thought they would have more than that. I don't think I have ever mentioned this on the forums before, but I used to be really embarrassed by not having a 2600. A lot of my friends' parents had them rotting away in a basement. I always considered myself a massive retro video game fan, but I was always a little embarrassed that the oldest console I had was the NES. I always felt a little strange playing 2600 on Wii. Not like I showed it or anything. I'd just be like "Oh, that's cool," and stuff like that. When I got a little older I wasn't jealous anymore, but I just really wished I had one. There was this one rich kid in school who always bragged about the cool crap he had. He would also fake-complain like, "Oh, my internet sucks. I can't even get Wi-Fi in my gym!" That was a real thing he said, though I'm paraphrasing a bit. Anyway, one day he wanted a 2600 and his parents just got it for him. He said he played it once and that it sucked and he never touched it again, or something like that. UGH, did that kid bother me back in the day!
  15. Nope, I have not. It looks wonderfully bizarre, and I'll need to try it sometime. Unfortunately, the going rate is way too high. I'm not paying $86 for it! To be honest, I'm more interested in the golf part rather than the ninjas. Not a big fan of beat em ups, but I can enjoy them. This reminds me a lot of Kung Fu (master) on NES, a game I really enjoy. But for now, for the money, I'll stick with NES Golf. I do plan to get it someday as I'd like to have the complete library at some point.
  16. Get one. Please. If you get one before I get rid of them, I could send you a couple games. I'm currently trying to find a home for them. I don't want to sell them as they were very kindly sent to me for free by @cjherr. I'd like to pay them forward to someone who'd play them someday, not sure when. My dad and I are trying to work out a deal. I'd like to do some work or something to earn the money to be able to ship them. My only condition for anyone who wants them: they have to pay it forward to someone else when they are able to. Cjherr was nice enough to send me these games, and I'd like to send some for free as well at some point. My end goal here is to get a chain of good deeds going, all to different people. It is a shame that the NES had to destroy it. The 7800 is a great system (and arguably better than the NES), but it didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. There are actually two that I'm aware of. The first is a port of the arcade game, which can be found on Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits volume one. It works quite well and is the one I was referring to. Basically, you know how the Virtual Boy controller has two D-Pads on it? The controls remind me of that. Basically, you use the four C-buttons as a D-Pad. The C-buttons shoot, and the D-pad moves. It works well, but I prefer the sticks of the 7800 version. Maybe it's just because the 7800 version is easier. When I play the 7800 version, I flip-flop the sticks. I use the right joystick to move and the left to fire. I think it's the opposite of the arcade version, but I don't know. The second "port" is actually a 3D remake, Robotron 64. It looks like it plays basically the exact same as the arcade version, but it has 3D models and plays at an angle. I don't see the point. Reminds me of those arcade game remakes you'd see on Jaguar, but with a bit more polish this time. I don't have this game in my collection, but I have the former. Don't quote me on any of this! I'm no Robotron enthusiast! I'm just talking about what I remember from the past.
  17. Anyone who has a Tamagotchi handheld is welcome to participate! The Game Boy game doesn't count for the tournament as it isn't in real-time, but if you'd like to play it, you are more than welcome to post your creature's life here. Goal of the contest: Last Tamagotchi standing wins! What you win: Absolutely nothing. Rules of the contest: You must post the date and approximate time when your Tamagotchi creature hatched out of its egg This contest doesn't take into account how you raise your virtual pet. Happiness, discipline, and evolutionary form are not taken into consideration. Only the length of the lifespan of your Tamagotchi counts towards the high score, but how you raise your Tamagotchi can affect that in the long-term. You need to give your Tamagotchi a name! You don't name them in the game, so make your own one up and post it here in the I/O along with status updates on your creature! You can join at any time. The contest has no real ending. Consider it battling for the "high score", or longest time alive. You must play the game on one of the LCD handhelds. Any generation of LCD game will do Whenever a notable event happens, such as your Tamagotchi evolves or dies, you must post a picture and include a date in said post. You don't need to post a picture when it hatches as they all look the same at the beginning. Semi-frequently update us with status updates, such as weight and age. You don't need to post constantly, only every day or every other day. Just keep me up to date. Don't need to take a picture of this; just type it. These status updates don't affect the contest, but help legitimize your entry. When the Tamagotchi inevitably dies, post a picture, date, and how old your creature was when it parished. After your first Tamagotchi dies, you may make another attempt if you wish. You can join at any time! The contest never ends! Meet Stupid Child. He was born at about 8:35 this morning. At the time of writing this, he is still but a mere child weighing 5 ounces with no discipline. My Tamagotchi unit is a modern reproduction unit of the first generation that was released back in the late 1990's. Yes, you can still buy these in stores today! Since this is a reproduction of the first gen, it is different than some of the other units. The foods are different, the evolutionary forms are different, the game you play to raise happiness is different, etc. I'm not sure if they included genders in later versions, but mine doesn't have them. Enjoy the contest and may the best caretaker win! Remember, you can enter at any time! Edit: The thing evolved. Current High Score: Stupid Child & @HDN 1 in-game year
  18. I finally found (and checked) my record catalog. Nothing. Then again, the only records cataloged are the ones I have put away. I might just be missing one of the ones I have out.
  19. Wow, I never knew! Thanks for bringing K-Tel to my attention. It’s nice to see compilations of the original recordings instead of crappy covers. Too many albums are like that. I will have to check through my other records and see if I have any more. I have some more stored away, and thankfully catalogued. I will check tomorrow.
  20. Thanks again @nosweargamer for bringing more folks over to the site. Your giveaways are always a fun time, even if you don't win. I hope to host one myself someday. You can always tell if you have a @RickR game by the custom label! My copy of Galaxian is also a limited edition RickR release. I don't know how many were made! Maybe I should sell it on eBay for an outrageous price because of its "rarity".
  21. Someone please analyze this for me. I spent 35 minutes on the last one and I don’t feel like spending 35 more.
  22. @Atari 5200 Guy yup. I was right, I did have one laying around from K-Tel. Not sure if I have any more as I am posting this right after I found it. Here it is, from 1972. And here is the track list. It has quite a few songs for a single disk. Some pretty good songs on here. I don’t think I have ever played this one. I’ll give it a spin right after I post this.
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