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    sramirez2008 got a reaction from FlyerFever in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    A few more...

  2. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from MaximumRD in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I found a few at conventions and others on eBay. I just looked at eBay and can’t believe how much Sellers are asking for some of the ones I have. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224971945326?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=EcricTzISxO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vGa3hq3TSji&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Haha
    sramirez2008 reacted to DegasElite in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I can believe it. The video game items from the 1970s and '80s are worth their weight in gold.
  4. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from Justin in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I found a few at conventions and others on eBay. I just looked at eBay and can’t believe how much Sellers are asking for some of the ones I have. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224971945326?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=EcricTzISxO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vGa3hq3TSji&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from FlyerFever in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I have a collection of arcade sales flyers or salesman brochures. The collection is based on my favorite coin-op games. Don't know if any of you have some of these, but below a few. I'll post more as time permits. Asteroids was signed by Ed Logg, Battlezone was signed by Ed Rotberg and Defender was signed by Eugene Jarvis.

  6. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to socrates63 in PRGE 2023!   
    Great stack! It's amazing to see the things that John does with the 2600. All of these are technical marvels in addition to being great games. I ordered Avalanche and Champ Games Galaga as part of my AA last chance sale.
  7. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from MaximumRD in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I have a collection of arcade sales flyers or salesman brochures. The collection is based on my favorite coin-op games. Don't know if any of you have some of these, but below a few. I'll post more as time permits. Asteroids was signed by Ed Logg, Battlezone was signed by Ed Rotberg and Defender was signed by Eugene Jarvis.

  8. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from RickR in PRGE 2023!   
    Shout-out to Champ Games for standing up the Publishing side of their company.  I am not a completionist when it comes to my game collection. However I have made an exception or two, when it comes to homebrew.

  9. Thanks
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from Justin in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I have a collection of arcade sales flyers or salesman brochures. The collection is based on my favorite coin-op games. Don't know if any of you have some of these, but below a few. I'll post more as time permits. Asteroids was signed by Ed Logg, Battlezone was signed by Ed Rotberg and Defender was signed by Eugene Jarvis.

  10. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from DegasElite in Arcade Promotional Sales Flyers   
    I have a collection of arcade sales flyers or salesman brochures. The collection is based on my favorite coin-op games. Don't know if any of you have some of these, but below a few. I'll post more as time permits. Asteroids was signed by Ed Logg, Battlezone was signed by Ed Rotberg and Defender was signed by Eugene Jarvis.

  11. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to TrekMD in Recent Pickups -- (Non Gaming)   
    Got these two yesterday at Hallmark...

  12. Like
  13. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to TrekMD in Video games & Computer Print Ads from back in the day   
    This is my last batch of retro adverts...

  14. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to TrekMD in PRGE 2023!   
    Figured I'd post this other picture that's not in the album.  It's a new game that is being released for the Vectrex...

  15. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to TrekMD in Odynexus   
    I did!  This is such a cool looking game!
  16. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from Boris in Odynexus   
    I picked up a copy at the AtariAge booth last weekend at PRGE. Time permitting, I hope to play it this weekend. Anyone else pick up a copy?

  17. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from Justin in Odynexus   
    I picked up a copy at the AtariAge booth last weekend at PRGE. Time permitting, I hope to play it this weekend. Anyone else pick up a copy?

  18. Thanks
    sramirez2008 reacted to fultonbot in Lost Credit: The Secret Atari Heroes of GCC   
    Hey guys,

    The final version is here with about 5 mins of additional content and few little edits:

    Lost Credit (HD): The Secret Atari Heroes Of GCC (full version) - YouTube

    Also, the final credits list is posted here withe staff image and the face-map to all the people:

    GCC Credits (intotheverticalblank.com)


  19. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to Scott Stilphen in SOLD: Vectrex system + multicart + box + manual!   
    This is sold.
  20. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from socrates63 in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    @TrekMD Nice haul. I just ordered Sea Pup from their Etsy site. The Lynx USB Power Adapter is a great device. I use mine all the time.
  21. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from socrates63 in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Nice haul. Commando Raid is a great shooter and one of my favorites. I like River Raid 2. It’s quite different from the original and Space cavern is meh, but playable IMO. 
  22. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from Smell Dawg in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Nice haul. Commando Raid is a great shooter and one of my favorites. I like River Raid 2. It’s quite different from the original and Space cavern is meh, but playable IMO. 
  23. Like
    sramirez2008 reacted to Smell Dawg in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    An eclectic assortment showed up yesterday!  Never heard of "Commando Raid" or "Space Cavern" before.  And, laugh if you must, ha, I never knew there was a second "River Raid" title, either!

  24. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from socrates63 in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Love that M.U.L.E. box art! Love it!
  25. Like
    sramirez2008 got a reaction from Sabertooth in E.X.O. (Elite Xeno Operations)   
    I picked up a copy as well. I’m happy to see that Atari is continuing to add homebrew games to their mix.🙂
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