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Everything posted by RickR

  1. From a certain point of view...
  2. Does anyone here have the Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket version? My question is whether these small systems do the cartridge updates. Since I only have the orig Evercade handheld, I don't get any updates. Boy would I love to get auto fire for some of these arcade games.
  3. Here is some great information about use of an SD card from Facebook user "Mark McCabe" in the "Atari Gamestation Pro" group. Using an SD Card in the GameStation Pro From what I have read, the SD Micro card should be formatted to exFAT according to most users, some say FAT32 will work too I know for certain exFAT does work.. Top level folder should be named "Games" (the first letter must be a Capitol G or it won't work). If you have Firmware version V1.30 (or higher) Gamestation will support subfolders, if you have the original V1.20 it will not. in V1.30 and above. pressing the Home and Start button at the same time allows you switch to the SD card games menu, while pressing Home returns you to the internal games menu. If you have the original V1.20 you need to cycle power and go through the normal startup menu method. Suggested replacements for the OEM joysticks are the XBox1 or XBox PRO controllers. Supported ROM Files .a26 - Atari 2600 Should play pretty much all # ** .a52 - Atari 5200 May not play many of them # .a78 - Atari 7800 Should play all ,gb - Game Boy (Black and White) .gba - Game Boy Advanced .gbc - Game Boy Color .bin - Sega Genesis just rename any .md files to .bin (they are the same) .sms - Sega Master System only with firmware 1.30 or higher .nes - NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) .sfc - Super Nintendo only with firmware 1.30 or higher*** MAME - Circa 2000 Arcade ROMS seem to work best Leave them in zipped format on the SD card. Archive.org has a selection of them. One youtuber recommends the 0.139 archive. .pce - TurboGraphic16 PC engine games only with firmware 1.30 or higher*** Notes: ** In V1.30 they added paddle support to the 2600 SD card games. Make a subfolder named "Atari 2600 Paddle" and put the 2600 games that require the paddle functionality into that folder and the paddles will work. Notes: *** These games have issues with the controller due to button mapping. Hopefully in the next update they will allow users to remap their controllers to support these games better. Notes: # Many of these games when downloaded are in name.bin format as that is what some emulators expect. You can rename these, Foe example you can rename an atari 2600 name.bin file to name.a26 and it will work in the GameStation Pro just fine.
  4. Edition #3 for March is now out: http://allthingscolecovision.com/
  5. This is funny, but I'll be honest with you. I haven't driven a car with a manual transmission in probably 30 years. My first new car was a 1990 Honda with a 5 speed, and I don't think I've touched one since. I have a feeler out for a 79 Celica that has a manual, and I don't want to embarrass myself when I go test drive it. 🙂
  6. Sunsoft Collection 2 for Evercade includes Ufouria: The Saga, Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, Blaster Master: Enemy Below, Pri Pri Primitive Princess!, Daze Before Christmas, Aero the Acro-Bat 2 and Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors - all on one physical cartridge! Sunsoft Collection 2 is available from April 2024. Find out more here: https://evercade.co.uk/cartridges/sunsoft-collection-2/
  7. C'mon, not to go all nerd on you, but sounds like that couldn't be heard in space. 🙂
  8. This looks like a wonderful trip! Have fun and be safe. I agree with @TrekMD that the pics also make me hungry.
  9. Thanks very much! It is easy enough to put an STL file into a CAD program and add the proper cutouts. The main issue I see is finding a 3D printer that can print something so large. Not to buy, but to use as a service. I will check it out.
  10. Great info, thank you. Do you happen to know of any reseller of 7800 cases (old stock or 3d printed)? I've got a 7800 in a very broken case. I was thinking of switching the power connector to a normal barrel plug, doing the uav mod, and homing it in a new case.
  11. This one has a Kay-Bee price sticker on it. Orig price: $159.99. Clearance priced: $19.99
  12. Who remembers the short-lived ActionMax? My set is incomplete, and I've got it listed for sale locally for cheap.
  13. I've been playing Moon Patrol too! Great game. My memory told me this was an Atari arcade game, but boy was I wrong. I remember playing this one at the bowling alley across the street from my high school my freshman year. That parallax scrolling!
  14. PS - I think I like using the classic controller a lot more for this one. With only one button needed, it seems like a no-brainer.
  15. I'm just getting the hang of this. What a unique game! 4310. I'll keep playing. Right now, I'm having trouble seeing those "bombs" that look a lot like power ups.
  16. Posting this one for everyone to enjoy, but mostly @Justin
  17. And I think we missed this one, a "behind the scenes" in making these videos.
  18. RickR

    Movie Cart

    This video is by @CrossBow, and I think there are threads over on AtariAge for 5200 videos.
  19. RickR

    Movie Cart

    It absolutely can...there are FMV videos available for 5200.
  20. I highly recommend Mint Mobile. It is $15 per month for 5GB data, unlimited text/talk. But you have to pay for the year up front.
  21. Facebook marketplace works fine IMO. Just specify in your ad that you accept cash payments only. "Block" anyone who offers you anything you don't really want to deal with. That way they won't bother you again. I also like Craigslist a lot. Ebay works too if you are willing to ship. The fees are high, but you can sell things for a much higher price here. So it ends up working in our favor IMO.
  22. RickR

    Movie Cart

    Incredible. Also incredible is that price point of $25. I've added myself to the waitlist.
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