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Everything posted by RickR

  1. RickR

    3D Images

    Are you kidding? I wear these things to be fashionable! I lied. I have a pair that I use when emulating the Virtual Boy. But it doesn't work quite right yet. I don't think my LCD TV does the colors just right and I need to adjust it somehow. These 3D images are pretty fun! Thanks for posting.
  2. Well folks...I just sold my first item using the new seller requirements, and I'm extremely unhappy. Why? Fees are way up. Books for example. The fees were 12% before. 14.35% now. Without paypal, there are no more shipping discounts. I have no idea when the money will show up in my bank account. Paypal was immediate. They keep telling us this is going to save on fees. But I beg to differ. A $14 book sale resulted in $3.57 in fees. Why bother? I'd love to hear others' experience as they start selling under the new system. Me personally? I'm probably done for a while selling on ebay. What a shame.
  3. Cool, thanks! No rush. I have a conversion board that allows one to use Genesis or 2600 controllers on the 5200 coming from Greece. I imagine that will take some time to arrive. Once it does, I'll get the 5200 out and we can talk more.
  4. You MUST. This game is so much better with that skeleton bastard chastising you.
  5. My favorite 5200 game is Berzerk. Second place is Realsports Baseball. I haven't had an opportunity to try many homebrews for 5200. The only one I own is "Tempest", which is excellent. You let me know if there are any free homebrews out there I should add to my 5200 multi-cart.
  6. The Yars' comic book is the best of the lot (and I don't think it was Atari Force). They used it to give us the backstory of the game. Well done. And it's also the first time Atari gave named credit to the game developer.
  7. I left a little off the table on my "comic book" general info above. I feel like modern comic books are kind of a rip-off. The artwork and storylines can be really good. But the main issue I have is how little story you get in each issue. In the old days, you'd get several different stories in the same comic book. But in the modern comics, you get about 1/10 of one story arc in each issue. What I've found to be really helpful is to find the compilation books of a given series. That way, you get all of the storyline at once, and save a few bucks too. In fact, our library has a lot of them. We tend to try to find the books we want at a local bookseller and do it that way.
  8. That Namco Collection review is well done. But isn't it weird that they chose NES/SNES/Genesis ports instead of the arcade versions? For example, the "Namco Museum" games on DS/PS2/XBOX all do the arcade games. On the other hand, those non-US games make it pretty cool. Maybe they should make a "Non-USA Console Games Collection" instead.
  9. There are two distinct "series" of Atari Force. There's the ones that came within those games you mention. And there's the real official DC release (don't quote me here, but I think they made about 12 issues). IMO: both are pretty bad. On the one hand, I give Atari credit for trying to create something unique and different. On the other, it's just so bland...what was the point? Ideally, they would have created a series that fleshes out some of their game story lines. And that may have led to some new game ideas. As for comic books themselves....my suggestion is to find an expert that can guide you to the good stuff. My older son is a huge fan of the X-Men series. And then there's also some graphic novels to consider. And Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" series is fantastic. For DC, I like a lot of the Batman stuff but not much else.
  10. I remember buying Fight Night for the Atari 8-bit computer and being so disappointed. I was expecting something more arcadey like "Punch-Out". But the game was terrible. Difficult to control and not fun. It boggles the mind why they chose this game to port to the 7800. The least they could have done is make the controls more responsive. Karateka was awesome on the 8-bit computers. But they screwed the controls on the 7800 port. You'll fight the controls the whole game, and it's frustrating to make progress at all. This is a game in which they should have simplified things. In both cases, I don't think the games should count as "tough to beat". Bad controls should not count. I think a game like "Joust" should be on the "tough" list because it really does play and feel like an arcade game. You'll be lucky to play for more than 10 minutes.
  11. This will be great! I'll bring my O2 downstairs for this one.
  12. I think I should play some "ice" based games today! 

    snow and ice 007.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Justin


      I recommend Ice Climber! :nintendo_mario_freezie:

    3. HDN


      Or Frostbite!

    4. RickR


      I shoveled our driveway last night so we could get the car out.  And today, my wife and I shoveled an elderly neighbor's sidewalk/driveway.  My noodle arms are so tired, I may not play video games for a week.


  13. I agree. This is the type of game that the 7800 was made for. Tons of colorful objects flying around with no flicker or slow down. It's TOUGH. When that pterodactyl comes out, you better clear up the level fast! I had fun, but didn't spend enough time with this one.
  14. Looks great. I really dig that "Battlestar Galactica" theme music.
  15. 86,700! It was total luck, but I killed the pterodactyl this time.
  16. 36,550. Real hardware. Concerto cart. Retrogameboyz gamepad.
  17. Eh, eh, eh. Don't be praising them too soon. Their dabbling in a CD accessory for the SNES resulted in Sony creating the PlayStation. But you're on point for sure. Think of poor Sega trying to support Genesis, 32X, Sega CD, Game Gear, AND Saturn all at once.
  18. My opinion: That Atari 2600 is the greatest pre-crash system. It sold the most consoles by far. It broke so much ground. It essentially defined an industry. The Colecovision gets my special attention for "Technically best" pre-crash system. I believe the CV had the most potential to be the Atari killer. That system was capable of so much, all of it unrealized due to the crash. Heck, the NES architecture is essentially a souped-up CV. It is my belief that the CV could do anything the NES could. The greatest "what-if" of the pre-crash era is: what if Coleco had never green-lighted the idea of the Adam computer? All their resources were depleted by Adam. Would they have survived the crash? With a few killer games for CV, I think yes.
  19. I've been selling stuff...slowly.

    Next on the docket will be a very rare "Interact" computer with a bunch of tapes and paperwork. 


    interact computer 004.JPG

    interact computer 008.JPG

    interact computer 010.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nosweargamer
    3. HDN


      Interesting piece of tech there. Never heard of it either.

    4. socrates63


      Never seen this one before. 16K with a built-in tape drive! Neat stuff.

  20. From one old fart to another...maybe you should name your channel "Old Fart Gamer". In any case, I'm subscribed, and keep on posting.
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