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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Our good friend @Arenafoot sent this my way on Facebook. Michael D. Salzman has several of his excellent "Unauthorized Atari 2600 Throw Back Zine's" for FREE (Kindle version) until Dec 1. Please spread the word and grab them if you want. They are very fun reads! https://www.patreon.com/posts/31912038
  2. Well said. I'm thankful for health and family and friends. My goal for the day is to finally get in on the Food Fight challenge, hope the turkey turns out nicely, and just try to relax. Thanks to everyone here for being here to read my gibberish!
  3. Looks like fun. I downloaded and gave it a "like". Gonna give it a try soon. Thanks for posting!
  4. One of my children brought me this game and told me it's a "must-play".  Anyone else a fan of this series?

    camera test 004.JPG

    1. StormSurge


      I’ve never played one. I thought it was Professor Layton at first. 😀

    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Hmm.  A CAPCOM game.  Those guys have been known to make some of the best "odd" games around.  It's not like CAPCOM to release something that is total crap.  Personally...I never knew about it.

    3. RickR


      I played the first "case" last night.  It's fun!  Such a unique game.  Feels very "Japanese". 

  5. Yes...but what I mean to say is that they've taken something that had value and made it value-less. Seems like an obvious class-action case, as doing something like that should require compensation to those impacted. It sure seems to be that being able to buy a physical copy implies long-term value.
  6. It kills any resale potential on your physical copy too. Dang. It sucks.
  7. Kind of. What I really mean is that the fact that you can move the reticule anywhere on screen makes it unrealistic and easy. My thought was to limit how far away from the player you could move the crosshair.
  8. I found these in the trash if you can believe it. I have no idea who they are, but it seemed so disrespectful to let them get thrown away. Not that some stranger putting them in his garage isn't disrespectful. I guess it's "less" disrespectful. They are super fragile and old. The art is done using chalk I think, so you can't touch them without ruining them. In any case, I like them, and I'll consider them "benevolent" haunted.
  9. I finally had time to hang those posters in my garage. Thanks so much @atarilbc. I had to move "haunted grandma and grandpa" to make room.
  10. Check this out...the Atari loot box at Target was on clearance, and I couldn't pass it up. It has an Asteroids string bag, a key chain, an arcade machine bottle opener, a set of pins in a cool box, and a set of stickers. The seal was broken, so I'm not sure if anything else is missing.
  11. I'm looking forward to your review. Depending on how many "AWESOME"'s it gets, I may have to get one too! I really like the Star Wars arcade machine you got recently. I'm keeping my eye out for that one, but haven't seen it yet at my local stores.
  12. A real pinball machine would be so cool. We've got a user here on the forums that collects/restores machines. The PRGE show usually has a huge collection of pinball machines to play for free, and that's usually where I spend a lot of time when I go to that show. As far as emulation goes, I really like the various "collections" you can get for the home consoles. I think I have several for PS2 that are really well done and fun.
  13. Just checked out from the library: "Silicon Valley Season 5". Yes, it's a little late But we don't have HBO.
  14. I've seen that too! Keep your eye out for @Willie!'s review, as I think he's likely to get one soon. For me, I don't have much interest in something like this. May as well just play on an emulator IMO. As much as I love video pinball, I have to admit it can't really capture the feeling of a real steel ball flying around the table.
  15. I think a screen upgrade is a must. Several of us here have the McWill screen upgrade, and it's totally worth it. The original screen has pretty bad refresh rate, so you see a lot of ghosting on action games. Games like "Pinball Jam" become so much easier to see if you get a screen upgrade. I think these days there are a couple of options for the type of screen you can use, but IMO, it's totally worth it. Search the forums for the word "McWill" and see what comes up. If you get a screen upgrade, you'll have the option of also adding a VGA out (or other type of output), but that one seems much less necessary to me. I think if you do YouTube reviews, it would be a nice to have. The other "must" in my opinion is the mult-cart that you get via a guy in Poland on the AtariAge forums. Every game on one cart for a very reasonable price. I still collect games for the Lynx, but they are not that easy to find.
  16. I usually wait for the library to get the dvd or blu-ray and just do that. In fact, I did that for The Expanse seasons 1-3and also Star trek discovery season 1. The issue is, you have to wait and avoid spoilers.
  17. I love the show, but don't have Amazon prime.
  18. A view of the GBA/DS/3DS console collection. And the sweet box I keep them in. The bottom two are my "go-to" machines. Does anyone else have trouble "seeing" the 3D effect on the 3DS? Maybe it's just me.
  19. Sir, you have no call to get snippy with me! I'm just doing my job here. Welcome!
  20. Improvement: 3173 That includes two completed bonuses of 500 and 700.
  21. Would you like fries with that?



    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      WOW!  Now that's cool.  

  22. 391 first try. I can do much better. There's two things I love about this game. The sound - Lovely crystal-like sounds. The fact that multiple bricks can go with each hit.
  23. Halloween report from sunny but cold Happy Valley, Oregon: My wife and I had 110 candies to hand out, and that lasted about an hour before we ran out. Our candy of choice this year was SpongeBob Krabby Patties, which were a big hit with the kids. They are little burgers where each individual item (bun, meat, cheese, pickles, etc) is a separate gummy candy. I "may" have sampled a few for myself. They are very tasty. Once that was done, we decided to watch a movie we'd never seen before. "Halloweentown", which is highly rated by Disney nerds and also has the benefit (for us) of being filmed in St. Helens, OR -- about 30 miles from us. The movie was made in 1998, and St Helens still does "Halloweentown" celebrations and decorations each year. Well, the movie was pretty so-so. Debbie Reynolds is always good, and the child actors were also very good. It's the story that's a real let-down here -- very predictable. I think this is a fine movie for little kids, but adults are going to get a little bored. All in all, a great night.
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