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Everything posted by RickR

  1. So it's just a bare cartridge port? Nothing but a thin black strip in which you can see the pins? Can you show us a picture? Sounds like a close examination should show that some of the pins (probably on the ends for the 7800 carts) are pushed together or have come out of their slots. You should be able to use a small straight screwdriver to separate (or bend back) the offender once you find it.
  2. Is it tight going in, or just pulling out? OMG, please no sexual jokes on this post please. If it's just on the pulling out...I'd suspect the little flap inside the cart port. You can try removing the cart port cover from the motherboard and simply remove the flap (and then put the cover back on).
  3. Sounds like a gamble. You'll have to use your senses to determine how honest this person is. Are they simply too busy and just want to be rid of these things? Will they let you plug them in before buying? The fact that the others sold is a good sign. That could mean another collector checked them out and thought they were OK or at least repairable. Good luck!
  4. THAT WAS MY ORIGINAL PONG MACHINE!!! It is totally awesome...but worth about $20 tops.
  5. I always start very gentle and then move up. So I start with just plain soapy water and a soft toothbrush. If that doesn't do the trick, baking soda/water is the next step. And finally, a mix of water and "Barkeeper's Friend". Always with a soft toothbrush.
  6. You too Lost Dragon. Really nice collection.
  7. Really nice collection there TrekMD
  8. I have a plane trip planned next month, and I'm taking the PSP to watch movies and play games
  9. Don't be jelly...you guys are welcome to play if you ever are in the neighborhood.
  10. Here's my small collection so far. It's mostly movies, which I'm enjoying immensely for some odd reason. It all started when we lost power for several hours during a wind storm last week. I have a few games, but I'm waiting for a memory card to arrive from China before I really get into those, but they look/sound great to me. Seems like a really good system to collect for right now. Systems and games are both plentiful and pretty inexpensive.
  11. (Let's see if Arenafoot notices that Portland Breakers pin)
  12. He did! Thanks for suggesting it. And huge thank you to Willie for sending this cartridge my way. Willie is the best. My console works great! The controllers on this thing look a lot like Intellivision controllers, but they're much easier to use for me. The little joystick is a nice feature, and the side buttons are much larger and easier to press.
  13. WOW. Very good read. Thanks so much for posting a link, and great work in putting that all together. You deserve several more: Wow...wow....wow!
  14. Arcadia 2001 in the box, and a PSP movie.
  15. And wait...there's more: I loaded about a dozen SMD files for Genesis and they ALL work fine except for Double Dragon. I also loaded a few SNES ROMS, and guess what? They work too! SNES is a little bit choppy. But still....very cool.
  16. Really cool (literally). What part numbers did you use on the replacement converters? It may be an interesting thing to do on a 2600 as the 7805 there is usually the first thing that breaks.
  17. A special update just for Greenween. I tried the Genesis emulation. SMD = Sega Mega Drive (duh). So it should work. I put 2 SMD files on the unit. Altered Beast worked great. Double Dragon did not work. So with that limited sample, I'd say it's going to be hit and miss. Still, Altered Beast worked perfectly for my standards. It's possible my SMD file for Double Dragon is just bad. I'll try more as time permits. I say for $26, the NES, GBA, and Genesis capabilities of this item are a great bargain -- even if there are some games that end up not working. Also of note is that the screen is really bright and nice.
  18. I've never tried the SMS version of Altered Beast. Now I'd really like to. Seems like it would be an easy cart to find...but I've never seen one.
  19. The NES emulation is flawless to my untrained eye. I'm too busy with work, but will try the Genesis as soon as I have a spare 30 minutes.
  20. Me! (RickR raises his hand enthusiastically) Lode Runner was a great game, and they made it for many of the old classic systems. Perhaps a system-by-system comparison of the game is in order....
  21. I haven't tried yet. Sorry. I'll get to it soon though.
  22. That Pac Man handheld is cool! I don't think I've ever seen one like that. Really cool find.
  23. I just got a new (1993) Yamaha Laserdisk player and 10 new (to me) movies. The player needs some new belts, but is otherwise OK.
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