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Everything posted by RickR

  1. We had to use our imaginations even on this incredible game :)
  2. I mean the opening and closing "ponds". You notice how some are blue (water) and some are black (tar?, oil?, ???)
  3. No worries at all here fellas. Posting of maps and guides is absolutely ok. We just respect those that choose not to partake is all. Have fun and try not to let the crocs get you. And those oil bogs...what the heck happened there? Pollution in the jungle.
  4. So who is that main villain? I recognize the two at the end but not the angry lady. She needs to chill.
  5. THIS is where a little patience allowed me to go much further. Tip for the crocodiles if going left is below, hidden for those that don't like spoilers.
  6. Junior rules. It's the same hardware inside in a smaller package. Same controllers. Real hardware is real hardware. My 7800 is used strictly for 7800 games. I just prefer the 2600 for its games. It just feels right.
  7. I'm on the same thought pattern as you. I haven't done the map or guides, but went with the two shortcuts I remember from my youth. I'm not sure I want to follow a guide, but it would be cool to finish the game I guess. In any case, I am happy that I went further than kid-me ever did, mostly by being patient and careful.
  8. 87,720. I guess it's like riding a bicycle. I made it the full 20 minutes going L. Playing on a composite mod 2600jr and Slik Stik
  9. I'm no expert. But I believe Mockduck did a comparison of the different versions in his reviews. If the same ROMS are available for download, please link them here. I'm sure others would appreciate it. I've been having fun with all three games.
  10. I think if they are replacing the original game, then using the same name is fine. (In other words, the old game won't be available for purchase anymore). If anything, maybe "Missile Command: Recharged Version 2"
  11. I'm not sure I have the patience for this one...memorizing maps and such. But I will try as soon as I get some time. No laughing at my score!
  12. Nice job @greenween! And you too @Atari 5200 Guy. This was a fun game to play, but it sure did make me appreciate the Intellivision version a lot more. The arcade rom seems impossible to get past level 4 or so!
  13. The disk-based version of Demon Attack has speech (but the cart version doesn't), and that is probably my favorite game. It works well with the SD card carts.
  14. Cool! Brewing Academy is another great option. I think my 2600 joystick adapter is from them.
  15. You are the Hercule Poirot of retro system diagnostics! Nice work and very enjoyable to read. Thank you.
  16. You are correct about the speech module. You have to modify it to have a passthrough for 5V. Fortunately, it's a very easy thing to do. If you are going to PRGE, you can buy what you need and get any questions answered personally from Greg of ArcadeShopper. He always has a booth full of TI goodies. https://www.arcadeshopper.com/wp/store/#!/32k-sidecar-memory-expansion-with-case/p/202969060 You could e-mail him and make sure he will have these at the show and that would save you on shipping :) My setup is for games only. I've got a stock TI 99/4A, a modded (by me) speech module, the 32k sidecar, and the older SD card cart (I don't remember the name) and also an adapter to use Atari joysticks.
  17. I think if you have a TI, the speech module, a set of joysticks, and Parsec....you can have a lot of fun. Alpiner is another good speech game. I may have an extra speech module around here. I will look. If yes, it will be for sale cheap. I had extra joysticks, and those sold quickly on the ebay. I'll look for more of those too. I'm very close to getting my TI collection down to 1 box. But that's been on hold for a while.
  18. What coming to these forums is like sometimes:
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