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Everything posted by RickR

  1. That sounds like a good plan. For myself, I use a magnifier, but I'm finding as I age, it really exacerbates the shaking of my hands. I have gotten into the habit of explaining what I want done and letting my 20-something child do it for me :)
  2. Soldering that 4050 surface mount would be a challenge for me. You'll have to share any tips you have for something like that.
  3. I just finished this one (it took me about an hour total). FUN! The level of challenge here for the puzzles and fighting is just right IMO. I am looking forward to the full game being released.
  4. I think I'll try this next.
  5. 56.41. I don't think I can do any better, as the only thing I ran into this time was birds.
  6. I know we all try to get the top spot, but it's always been the Atari.io tradition to have fun with it. Share tips. Get better. We can't all be #1, but we can certainly have a lot of fun. I hope no one is ever discouraged from participating just because they don't think they can beat the top score! @Mockduck, your videos are a blessing to me (being a new VCS owner). Very enjoyable and educational.
  7. atari 800xl 004.JPG

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      That game is addictive!  Got it on disk although I downloaded it.

    2. RickR


      I have it on 5200 as well (it can be loaded via the Atarimax SD cart). 


  8. Here is my review in visual form: I am going to use the spoiler tag for my thoughts to prevent anyone that hasn't watched the show yet from seeing them in the "New Activity" list of the forums. Overall, I'm giving this season a grade of C. Not enough meat for a nitpicky nerd like me and very little satisfaction in all the plot threads they created. I'm sorry for being so negative, but I've got to be honest.
  9. I keep meaning to make labels for mine.
  10. 3,735 I'm using a dual stick gamepad. This game is super difficult, and at first I hated it. However, after some practice, I got the hang of the movement and shooting and got better. It's fun, but still really difficult. I'll check out what it costs on VCS, but I may just hold out to buy the NEXT challenge game. I'm not sure I'll come back to this one. I know you guys don't like the red ring power up, but I noticed it destroys the yellow eggs. I say not bad.
  11. Where are you located? Maybe someone here lives in the same area and can make you an offer.
  12. OH! And those SNES "Super Star Wars" games are also most excellent.
  13. 2600 ESB was also my first. I think my favorite one, though, is the PC version of "Knights of the Old Republic" and also "Dark Forces"....oooh, and I also loved "X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter".
  14. Can that thing run Solitaire at 60fps?
  15. I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but I want to make sure everyone is aware of the "Weird Nashville" youtube channel. They do some really great TOS model videos. For example:
  16. I'm totally with you on this. I keep a TOS Enterprise model right above my monitor, and I never tire of looking at it. The TOS Klingon Battlecruiser is pretty sweet too.
  17. I think they kind of boxed themselves into a corner with the USS Discovery, which was originally set before TOS. They made that ship way too advanced looking, so the flagship Enterprise had to look more advanced. Like I said, I'm just really glad they didn't go with the hot-rod wild Kelvin version.
  18. I'm just happy the Enterprise doesn't have the "turkey drumstick" look of the Kelvin-timeline Enterprise. :) My goal with this show is to watch no spoilers, no teasers and just go in blind and hopefully enjoy it. We know from Discovery Season 2 that Anson Mount as Captain Pike is excellent. I'm really excited to watch.
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