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  1. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in Spotted in the Feb 2017 issue of Automobile Magazine   
    A kid playing Atari 2600 Pole Position!
    It's an article about the newest technology in driving simulators. 

  2. Like
    RickR reacted to Doctor Octagon in WANTED: Feedback for K.C. Munchkin for Atari 7800!   
    I really like K.C. Munchkin and I think it's the best of the "Pac-Man clones" if you can call it that. I agree with what RickR said that it's "a nice twist on Pac-Man" because there's enough different about it to make it a different game, even though its still a maze game with a ball gobbling dots.
    Two memories stand out to me about K.C. Munchkin:
    1. I remember thinking K.C. Munchkin was the reason I wanted to get an Odyssey. It's the only reason I can remember. Guess that qualifies as a killer app.
    2. I remember playing K.C. Munchkin at J.C. Pennys and thinking the next version of Pac-Man would have to use some of these ideas of a changing maze, pellets that open and close things and so on.
    I've never played the 7800 version of K.C. Munchkin but PacManPlus does awesome work with everything. I can't think of anything he's made that's been a disappointment. K.C. Munchkin is on my list to pick up, It looks like a faithful port with some nice improvements and looks better than the Odyssey version in all the right ways. My gripe isn't with the game at all, it's that I wish more were being done with 7800 that could best the NES rather than the Odyssey. NES-quality games are needed on the 7800, but that's a different topic all together.
  3. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Doctor Octagon in New Years Day Food: Deep South Version   
    We make a dish called "Hoppin' John", which has ham, bacon, and black eyed peas covered. Need to add some greens it sounds like.
  4. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Best video editor software   
    It's come up in the forums before, but I found this ranking from a reputable source, and thought others might be interested. 
    Their highest recommendation is for "DaVinci Resolve Q", which I'd never heard of before. 
    Honestly, I think most people just use Windows Movie Maker. 
  5. Like
    RickR reacted to Sabertooth in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    I finally got out to see this last night. Overall, I found it very enjoyable and slot it fifth in order of Star Wars movies, after the original trilogy and Force Awakens but ahead of the prequel trilogy.
    Things that I liked:
    - The return to the aesthetic of '77. Particularly with the rebel alliance scenes. Love those helmets!
    - The portrayal of the alliance as somewhat fragile and bickering. This is exactly what an galactic political rebellion would look like.
    - Nods to the earlier movies that made sense: Mustafar, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma.
    - Saw Gerrera
    - Badass Vader
    Things that I thought were meh:
    - Jyn Erso's character development. Her turn from "out for herself criminal" to "I make impassioned speeches to the alliance leadership" was too fast to be believable.
    - Unnecessary nods to the earlier films: Leia Organa, Evazan & Baba
    - Deathtroopers. Really, Krennic gets his own elite guard? Why? Toyline.
    - CGI Tarkin. I think Tarkin was necessary for the story but feel that his presence would've been better handled as a hologram. As Rowsdower and others have mentioned, the technology has come a long way but it still doesn't work seamlessly with live actors.
    It was definitely a good movie and Disney has done a great job restoring the franchise.
  6. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    Spoilers allowed.  Be warned
    I just saw the movie, and I absolutely LOVED it.  I'm dying to know what you all thought.
    I loved how they set up the story for "A New Hope".  I loved K2.  I loved the acting.  I loved the use of old footage (how the F did they do that with Tarkin?)  I loved that they had the nuts to end it the way they did.  Vader at the end...chills.  And the very end.....extra double chills.  WOW. 
    Disney can milk this cow for as long as they want...if they keep the quality this high, we are all in for years of treats.
  7. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari Creep in Which 2600 model are you particularly fond of?   
    The Sears 6 switch models have one distinct advantage -- the difficulty switches have much better labeling.  "Novice/Expert" vis "a/b".  Much better if you ask me. 
  8. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in Squad Challenge - Centipede (Atari 7800)   
    Made the top 10!!!!      
  9. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Gaming Resolutions 2017   
    Sorry to hear about that hacked bank account!  What a headache that is.  Good luck in getting that resolved, my friend. 
    I'm going to keep my resolutions simple.  I want to find the time to play Resident Evil 4, which I'm told is one of the very best games.  On PS2.  And also to complete the various projects I have going in the garage (not easy, since it's cold out there).  Clean up, fix up, and sell what I don't use.  Once those are done, I'll come up with the next resolution.. 
  10. Like
    RickR got a reaction from atarifan95 in Best video editor software   
    It's come up in the forums before, but I found this ranking from a reputable source, and thought others might be interested. 
    Their highest recommendation is for "DaVinci Resolve Q", which I'd never heard of before. 
    Honestly, I think most people just use Windows Movie Maker. 
  11. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in WANTED: Feedback for K.C. Munchkin for Atari 7800!   
    Memories of O2 KC Munchkin:  This game was totally fantastic back when it came out, and still great today.  It's a nice twist on Pac Man, with the moving dots.  Things can get pretty intense when the dots move so fast you can't just chase them down.  On the down side, I never understood why O2 games only gave you one life.  This game would have benefited by 3 lives and some bonuses.  One other thing is how excellent this game is in comparison to 2600 Pac Man.  No contest.  O2 wins for the first time with a complete knockout of Atari.
    The 7800 version:  I had a chance to play it at a game show.  It's good, but somehow misses the simple charm of the O2 version.  I couldn't put my finger on why.  It just didn't "feel" right.  The graphics are updated, which is fine.  It think it was mostly the controls, but maybe the joystick I was using wasn't 100% working.  I'd love to know what others think. 
  12. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Doctor Octagon in Best video editor software   
    It's come up in the forums before, but I found this ranking from a reputable source, and thought others might be interested. 
    Their highest recommendation is for "DaVinci Resolve Q", which I'd never heard of before. 
    Honestly, I think most people just use Windows Movie Maker. 
  13. Like
    RickR got a reaction from nosweargamer in Atari.IO Survival Football - 2016 Edition   
    We both lived through to week 17!!!!  Incredible.  Shall we call it a tie?
  14. Like
    RickR got a reaction from 1Littlebeast in RickR's Good Junk Shop   
    MY FEEDBACK                    EBAY FEEDBACK                    MY EBAY LIST
      My Store is Barter Friendly 
    I prefer trades, but items are for sale for very low prices too!
    Please message me for prices.
    Pictures of any items available upon request.
    All games are tested before shipment.
    ** Please contact me for list of games for trade, or see the "Trading Post" forum.  I was having trouble keeping this up-to-date. **
      ATARI 2600  
    ATARI 5200
     ATARI 8-bit 
    Magnavox Odyssey 2
    Sega Saturn
    Miscellaneous / Other Systems

        PAYPAL                         BARTER


  15. Like
    RickR reacted to MaximumRD in ROMHUNTERS v12 2600 ROM Compilation.   
    For those with a Harmony cart or simply using emulators to get their 2600 gaming on ROMHUNTERS archive is an excellent presorted and organized archives. Seems for the New Year he has just released v12 of his awesome collection. 
    Follow this link to Atarimania to download the archive! 
    Here is the description from the site - Atari 2600 VCS ROM Collection
    Dear guest,
    Having been an avid Atari 2600 game player in the eighties, I was more than happy to discover that the games I used to play as a kid could be re-experienced on my PC by downloading the proper ROMs and playing them on an emulator. For me, it was like finding back little bits of childhood memories and the main reason to start "hunting" ROMs on the Internet.
    But while collecting, I noticed that many ROM sets on the net contained bugged .bin files (the so called "bad dumps") and that many ROMs carried incomplete names that often lacked the correct game information.
    In order to give these ROMs their proper names, I started studying the games they belonged to. That was the moment I entered the amazing world of the Atari 2600 and also the beginning of a new "hobby".
    I found out that, although there were only a little more than 500 different games made for the Atari 2600, almost all of these games were re-released many times, in many forms, under many different names and by many different companies, creating an incredible range of more than 10,000 different cartridge releases (of which more than 8,000 are now archived in our database).
    While working my way through fifteen years of VCS gaming history, discovering all kinds of strange and funny looking "pirates", never released prototype games, interesting background stories and fascinating label artwork, I gathered an enormous amount of information which I systematically tried to cram into these filenames.
    Now, after almost ten years of collecting and researching, the result of all this work can be downloaded below. I'm very proud to present you my personal Atari 2600 ROM collection here on Atarimania and I truly hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
    Please don't let the long filenames scare you off. You'll get used to them and trust me: they form an excellent source of Atari 2600 game information, which can be very useful for any serious Atari game collector and fan.
    In short: if you're looking for an ordinary Atari 2600 ROM set, look elsewhere. It can be found almost everywhere on the Internet without too many problems. If you're looking for the most genuine and best documented Atari 2600 ROM collection in the world, then look no further: this is the place to be.
    Have fun.
    Rom Hunter
  16. Like
    RickR got a reaction from MaximumRD in Which 2600 model are you particularly fond of?   
    The Sears 6 switch models have one distinct advantage -- the difficulty switches have much better labeling.  "Novice/Expert" vis "a/b".  Much better if you ask me. 
  17. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Gaming Resolutions 2017   
    Wow!  Great resolutions.  
    There are a few things I would like to try to accomplish for 2017.
    Import/Pick Up a Famicom with Salamander and Gradius II. Finish restoring the N64 I recently acquired (remove scratches, get memory expansion, replace cover) Get more games for the N64 (currently have only one game) Pick-Up A Wii Get some games for Wii Renovate my game room area by replacing/upgrading some shelves and other storage products Thanks to my wife, members here at Atari.IO, and a few others, my collection of Atari games has grown larger than I had imagined.  I still plan to keep getting Atari games for a while in 2017 but there are a few consoles I would like to pick up like a Famicom and SuperNES/SuperFC.  I have a couple of systems in my collection I am wanting to remove from my collection for the simple fact that I never use them with the Tandy/Memorex VIS being one of them.  Cool to look at but I'd rather use the space for something I will use often.  I don't need set-top boxes that I have no reason to play.  
    This year I plan to concentrate on consoles I don't have and what I do have working on games for them when they have just one or two games.  I get games to play them so if they are new you can expect me to open them.
  18. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Which 2600 model are you particularly fond of?   
    The Sears 6 switch models have one distinct advantage -- the difficulty switches have much better labeling.  "Novice/Expert" vis "a/b".  Much better if you ask me. 
  19. Like
    RickR got a reaction from The Professor in Gaming Resolutions 2017   
    Sorry to hear about that hacked bank account!  What a headache that is.  Good luck in getting that resolved, my friend. 
    I'm going to keep my resolutions simple.  I want to find the time to play Resident Evil 4, which I'm told is one of the very best games.  On PS2.  And also to complete the various projects I have going in the garage (not easy, since it's cold out there).  Clean up, fix up, and sell what I don't use.  Once those are done, I'll come up with the next resolution.. 
  20. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari Creep in Gaming Resolutions 2017   
    Sorry to hear about that hacked bank account!  What a headache that is.  Good luck in getting that resolved, my friend. 
    I'm going to keep my resolutions simple.  I want to find the time to play Resident Evil 4, which I'm told is one of the very best games.  On PS2.  And also to complete the various projects I have going in the garage (not easy, since it's cold out there).  Clean up, fix up, and sell what I don't use.  Once those are done, I'll come up with the next resolution.. 
  21. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Centipede (Atari 7800)   
    Congratulations dauber!
    GREAT SHOWING GUYS! Congratulations on your win dauber! Dauber won with 107,167 points and was the only player to break the 100,000 point mark! RickR placed 2nd with a score of 81,829! We had a lot of Members join in and all of you showed a great game. It was awesome to have everybody join in!! I encourage dauber to post his winning Centipede high score on the Scoreboard! Way to go guys!
     We invite all future Squad Challenge winners to share their winning scores on the Scoreboard and keep the game going!   
    1       dauber                   107,167
    2       RickR                       81,829
    3       RadioPoultry           43,304
    4       nosweargamer        40,582
    5       greenween               34,162
    6       atarilbc                     29,763
    7       Arenafoot                 22,376
    8       BTBfilms76              22,090
    9       Dan Iacovelli            16,283
    10     Atari Creep               14,282
  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Gaming Resolutions 2017   
    Sorry to hear about that hacked bank account!  What a headache that is.  Good luck in getting that resolved, my friend. 
    I'm going to keep my resolutions simple.  I want to find the time to play Resident Evil 4, which I'm told is one of the very best games.  On PS2.  And also to complete the various projects I have going in the garage (not easy, since it's cold out there).  Clean up, fix up, and sell what I don't use.  Once those are done, I'll come up with the next resolution.. 
  23. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in Which 2600 model are you particularly fond of?   
    My order:
    Vader.  I have one that's composite modded.  Which makes it double favorite. Gemini.  It's small and has the best RF signal. Jr.  Small makes it better. Light sixer.  It's all about the easy to use difficulty switches.  Heavy is overrated.  4 port woody - this is the one I had growing up. Heavy.   
    As for Sears models...I love em.  Cool looking silver highlights and fancy "burled" wood grain. 
  24. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Which 2600 model are you particularly fond of?   
    The Sears 6 switch models have one distinct advantage -- the difficulty switches have much better labeling.  "Novice/Expert" vis "a/b".  Much better if you ask me. 
  25. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in New Years Day Food: Deep South Version   
    I found a really good cornbread recipe and tried it just last night....no butter.  Was simple and fantastic. 
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