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  1. Like
    RickR got a reaction from MaximumRD in eBay Finds   
    I bought this lot for the top 2 (which I don't have)
    The bottom 3 are available for sale/trade if anyone needs them. 

  2. Like
    RickR reacted to nosweargamer in NSG's Ye Olde Video Game Shoppe!   

  3. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in Must Own Intellivision Games?   
    Congrats on getting a new system to collect for.  INTV is great and a lot of fun.
    Space Battle is my favorite. 
    Demon Attack (all Imagic games belong here)
    Burgertime, as you mentioned.
    Any Atarisoft game (Pac Man especially)
    Shark! Shark!
    Lock N Chase
    Night Stalker
    (PS - I have Microsurgeon and Beauty & The Beast for trade)
  4. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in The worst system to code for...   
    Same with Sony and the PS1. One of the main reasons they crushed the Saturn.
  5. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I've seen three different region markings on my controllers on the bottom shell.  One is USA, one is Mexico, and another one is unmarked.  I have those three-dot fire buttons as well but those don't seem to perform well with any revision flex circuit I have...and I have at least three which I am using a white Rev. 9 flex now.  I've went so far as to take apart the POTs and clean the wafer inside to remove residue.  On some I've found where the brush has dug a groove.  
    If you can find them, and they feel comfortable, I would recommend the fire buttons that appear more red and mushy.  Those are the ones I seem to have the best response with.  And I have not done the foil trick on mine.  I don't know if I have the large dot fire buttons or not.  I've never noticed.  I'll have to look.  I really need to get brand new POTs for my controllers.  All of them.  And cords too.  Mine are getting brittle.  
    Can't wait to see how these turn out, RickR!  Definitely keep us posted.
  6. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I've seen 3 revisions now of the fire buttons...one small dot, three small dots, and one large dot.  Given the info you just provided, I'll bet they go in that order. 
  7. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    Thank you guys, but I have no need to pull the handle off.  The boot and all other parts are in perfect condition on all 4 of these.  It is my belief they just need a really good cleaning and the foil dots.  The flex circuits all look really good, although I do have two brand new ones in reserve.  Once the glue dries, I'll put them back together and test. 
    A couple of these have different side buttons...they have three tiny dots on the back instead of one big one (per button).  I wonder which design is newer (and potentially better)? 
  8. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    Well that just ain't right.  I'll be testing these out tomorrow after they are rebuilt. 
  9. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Arenafoot in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    Well that just ain't right.  I'll be testing these out tomorrow after they are rebuilt. 
  10. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  11. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    Well that just ain't right.  I'll be testing these out tomorrow after they are rebuilt. 
  12. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I've never done more than 1 at a time.  This should be interesting.  I'll do it like an assembly line.  Clean and wash is 1st step. 
  13. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Arenafoot in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  14. Like
    RickR reacted to StormSurge in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    Add me to the list of those who loved it as well.
    Aside from Vader's wrath at the end, I LOVED seeing Red Leader & Gold Leader. That blew me away.
    So was finally seeing Vader's castle after seeing Ralph McQuarrie's design for it for years.
  15. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    Spoilers allowed.  Be warned
    I just saw the movie, and I absolutely LOVED it.  I'm dying to know what you all thought.
    I loved how they set up the story for "A New Hope".  I loved K2.  I loved the acting.  I loved the use of old footage (how the F did they do that with Tarkin?)  I loved that they had the nuts to end it the way they did.  Vader at the end...chills.  And the very end.....extra double chills.  WOW. 
    Disney can milk this cow for as long as they want...if they keep the quality this high, we are all in for years of treats.
  16. Like
    RickR reacted to Sabertooth in Squad Challenge - Centipede (Atari 7800)   
    Here's a slightly improved score: 29,763.

  17. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  18. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari Creep in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I've never done more than 1 at a time.  This should be interesting.  I'll do it like an assembly line.  Clean and wash is 1st step. 
  19. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  20. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    Agreed great question. The are all "original" games but you will recognize a lot of the game play. A title called Thunder Man is very much like Mega Man in style. I haven't gone through most of the games yet so I will update ya all. Maybe a video, maybe not. Haha
  21. Like
    RickR reacted to chas10e in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I'm going to guess the large single was the latest revision 'cause of the stock# is same as the 3-dot version but with the additional "L" ... it would seem when they were re-engennerring the things they probably discovered it wasn't a main point of failure but worth a try
    it would be interesting to hear about the things these guys tried til they got to the rev.9 flex circuit 
  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from jmjustin6 in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    I've been thinking about buying one of these:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/252322799153?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
    It is an NES clone with built in games, but no SD card slot.  Reviews are OK.  Only $15.
  23. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari Creep in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  24. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    Well that just ain't right.  I'll be testing these out tomorrow after they are rebuilt. 
  25. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    Are they all "original" games?  Or are there some emulated classics in there too?
    I like these kinds of systems myself.  Reminds me of the plug and plays that are good for some quick entertainment.
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