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  1. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  2. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I've never done more than 1 at a time.  This should be interesting.  I'll do it like an assembly line.  Clean and wash is 1st step. 
  3. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Arenafoot in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  4. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  5. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in Must Own Intellivision Games?   
    Congrats on getting a new system to collect for.  INTV is great and a lot of fun.
    Space Battle is my favorite. 
    Demon Attack (all Imagic games belong here)
    Burgertime, as you mentioned.
    Any Atarisoft game (Pac Man especially)
    Shark! Shark!
    Lock N Chase
    Night Stalker
    (PS - I have Microsurgeon and Beauty & The Beast for trade)
  6. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    Rebuilding some 5200 sticks eh?   A noble cause.
  7. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Guess what Rick is up to today   
    I have the day off work and a space heater going in the garage. Greenween needs a new joystick  

  8. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Must Own Intellivision Games?   
    Congrats, by the way, on joining the brotherhood!   Intellivision is the best!

  9. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Arenafoot in Must Own Intellivision Games?   
    Congrats on getting a new system to collect for.  INTV is great and a lot of fun.
    Space Battle is my favorite. 
    Demon Attack (all Imagic games belong here)
    Burgertime, as you mentioned.
    Any Atarisoft game (Pac Man especially)
    Shark! Shark!
    Lock N Chase
    Night Stalker
    (PS - I have Microsurgeon and Beauty & The Beast for trade)
  10. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Must Own Intellivision Games?   
    Astrosmash, Star Strike, Advanced Dungeons&Dragons (both of them), Tower of Doom,  Thunder Castle, Utopia (if you have a 2nd player),  Venture and Ladybug are both nice ports.

  11. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    Are they all "original" games?  Or are there some emulated classics in there too?
    I like these kinds of systems myself.  Reminds me of the plug and plays that are good for some quick entertainment.
  12. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Must Own Intellivision Games?   
    Congrats on getting a new system to collect for.  INTV is great and a lot of fun.
    Space Battle is my favorite. 
    Demon Attack (all Imagic games belong here)
    Burgertime, as you mentioned.
    Any Atarisoft game (Pac Man especially)
    Shark! Shark!
    Lock N Chase
    Night Stalker
    (PS - I have Microsurgeon and Beauty & The Beast for trade)
  13. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    Are they all "original" games?  Or are there some emulated classics in there too?
    I like these kinds of systems myself.  Reminds me of the plug and plays that are good for some quick entertainment.
  14. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in NSG's Pop Culture Christmas Tree Ornaments   
    Star Trek ornaments.  They have really cool sounds too. 

  15. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    Are they all "original" games?  Or are there some emulated classics in there too?
    I like these kinds of systems myself.  Reminds me of the plug and plays that are good for some quick entertainment.
  16. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Unexpected Surprise   
    Very cool indeed!
  17. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Unexpected Surprise   
    My earliest 5200 memory is one of my friends getting one.  I'd go to his house, and we'd play RealSports Football.  It was a kick -- so many plays to choose from.  The controllers were a little different, but definitely Atari.
  18. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in My Arcade 220 in 1 handheld   
    I picked this up for my girlfriend's 8yo daughter. She is always trying my games and thought I would get her her own little system. To test the waters ya know? $20 at Walgreens didn't expect much. Wow was I wrong. It's not a bad little deal!! Screen is tiny but looks great, volume is ok, the games all work for the most part as they should and there are a good handful of titles though generic are very fun to jam on!!! I was shocked, might get one for myself just for fun!

  19. Like
    RickR reacted to Cousin Mike in Greetings from Cousin Mike in Wilmington, NC   
    yes, you can do that if you like, as long as i can hit you with a pillow when you do!!!
  20. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    I got to see it in IMax 4k 3D, the only 4k screen in New England!!!
    At first I was meh after seeing it but after I let it settle into my brain I liked it more and more.
    Loved the limited use of Vader!!! I feel if he was on screen any more it would have mad him feel cheap. 
    The work to bring Grand Moth was a little glitchy but it did not take me out of the experience!! I can't even imagine how hard that is to pull off! Loved seeing him again.
    First 2 thirds were slow but needed to set up the greatness!!!
    Over all I think it felt more like Star Wars than episode 7 did and I like it a little more than that one!!!!!
    Great fun flick!!!!
  21. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Atari Creep in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    No Ewoks, gungans, terrible child actors, or emphasis on CGI.  Episodes 1-3 are looking even worse than before -- I didn't think that would be possible. 
    Smart and believable story line.  I'll say it again, I loved it.
  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Rogue One - A Star Wars Story   
    Spoilers allowed.  Be warned
    I just saw the movie, and I absolutely LOVED it.  I'm dying to know what you all thought.
    I loved how they set up the story for "A New Hope".  I loved K2.  I loved the acting.  I loved the use of old footage (how the F did they do that with Tarkin?)  I loved that they had the nuts to end it the way they did.  Vader at the end...chills.  And the very end.....extra double chills.  WOW. 
    Disney can milk this cow for as long as they want...if they keep the quality this high, we are all in for years of treats.
  23. Like
    RickR reacted to Clint Thompson in The Atari Jaguar 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway   
    Heads up for the upcoming 2nd day:
    Good Luck, Yellow Knight!

  24. Like
    RickR reacted to MalakZero in Atari I/O Retro Junk Box 7: The Junk Box Awakens   
    The junk calls to me....I'm in

  25. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in Art of Atari review!   
    It's AMAZING!

    End of review.

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